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Nonthaburi official arrested for alleged sex with minor


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32 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Well done spotting that, eyes are be soar from reading today's epic posts

Ha ha must be sore as well. Yes lot's of epic posts today! Getting rsi of the thumb cos lap top has comitted hari kari so on my phone...have a great weekend!

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It's funny to see these debates about what paedophilea is and what it is not.  It's always the same people in the debates: The highly indoctrinated western thinkers versus the enlightened realists.   


This news article is about someone breaking the law, nothing more. The proper Thai punishment will follow. :smile:

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It's getting weirder by the day. Now people are even impersonating pedophiles.

Not to be pedantic but paedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children and probably wouldn't want to have sex with 16 or 17 year old girls or boys (who are minors too btw).
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1 hour ago, Catkiwi said:

No, but he is a pedo-file and probably de-filed 1 or more innocent youg girls and should have a serious criminal file...Off with his tiny dangley bits!!!!

You don't seem to be familiar with the use of irony and the Thai Defamation laws and how they are used here. Btw in your home country are you not " innocent until proven guilty"?

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6 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Sorry, but you are so wrong. A pedophile is described as a person who has sexual action with a child generally prepubescent, I believe that the age is considered as 12 years old.I dont remember in this topic any of the girls being aged as under 12. These men are guilty of sex with a girl under the legal age of the country concerned. All you people who know nothing about this subject, always yell "pedophile" when i was 16/17 i was having sex with girls of 15 up.Does that make me a Pedo? What about the guy, say 22, who goes to a club and and picks up a girl who tells him she is 19. Takes her home, and the next day the mother is banging on his door shouting that she only 15. Guy goes to court, girl turns up in School uniform, no make up. There are now cases where the sensible judge, in this day and age tells the parents to bring the girl to court, in the clothes she wore that night.You want to be very careful, yelling "pedo" when you are not in full possession of the true facts. There is a vast difference between Pedophilia, and under age sex. Neither are palatable, but they are vastly different.



Ignorance of the fact is no defence under the law. Girls considered under the legal age to consent to sex are not described as jailbait for no reasons. Pickup and have sex with a girl under the legal age, you will still be sent to prison. So buyer beware.


You are correct about the definition of what is a paedophile. Here is an extract from wikipedia:


Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent (early adolescent) children (especially those showing Tanner stages 2-3 of development), typically ages 11–14. Hebephilia differs from paedophilia,which is the strong, persistent sexual interest in prepubescent children.It also differs from ephebophilia, the strong, persistent sexual interest in later adolescents, typically ages 15–19.

Hebephilia is approximate in its age range because the onset and completion of puberty vary. Partly because of this, some definitions of chronophilias (sexual preference for a specific physiological appearance related to age) show overlap between pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia; for example, the DSM-5 extends the prepubescent age to 13,the ICD-10 includes early pubertal age in its definition of paedophilia,and some definitions of ephebophilia include adolescents aged 14 to late adolescents. On average, girls begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11; boys at age 11 or 12,and it is argued that separating sexual attraction to prepubescent children from sexual attraction to early-to-mid or late pubescents is clinically relevant.


It`s all rather technical and complicated, but still usually paedophilia is used to describe the sickness of sexual attractions to under age girls and simplifies these matters. So really, you are just splitting hairs, because a child rapist is just that, a child rapist, no matter in which category you prefer to place them.




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12 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

There are now cases where the sensible judge, in this day and age tells the parents to bring the girl to court, in the clothes she wore that night.

Inadmissible. Case dismissed.

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13 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

No, a person over the age of consent who has sex with an underage girl is guilty of underage sex. A person who has sex with a prepubescent child  is a pedophile. A man who stands outside junior schools playing grounds harbouring sexual intention is a pedophile. A man who watches high school girls playing net ball,with the same intentions  is a man who has a predilection for young girls, but is not necessarily a pedophile.Pedophilia can also be extended to very young girls who are prepubescent or are mentally unable to consent to the sexual activity either forced upon them or that they joined in, seemingly willingly, because they were unable to understand the act that they were participating in.

As for me having kids!. i was the single parent to my daughter for 13 years,Having no help at all. I am fully aware of the dangers of peculiar men, watching from outside the wire fence.

Your comment about "if you see a 15 year old girl and find yourself getting aroused,then you have a problem" is complete balderdash, some 15 year old's can be very grown up for their ages and full aware of the effect they can have on older men.Have you ever stood out side the entrance to a secondary school and seen the 14/18 year olds coming out of the gates with their hastily administered make up and having mad 'adjustments' to their uniform? I dont know what planet you live on, but you are making accusations in entirely the wrong direction.

reminds me of the first "Trainspotting" where Renton wakes up to find  last nights shag is  this  mornings  schoolgirl


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15 hours ago, rkidlad said:

But a 15 year old being sold to adults for sex, that's paedophilia.

No it isn't..........................

I dont want to get off subject---try to lessen the offence of these people --- or be a grammar policeman.



"paedophilia is to refer to the sexual preference for prepubescent children"  That usually means under the age of 10--11......https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia




Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, 15-16


**Edit--I see I am writing the same stuff that has already been printed-----That's how slow at typing I am....



Edited by oxo1947
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7 hours ago, cyberfarang said:



Ignorance of the fact is no defence under the law. Girls considered under the legal age to consent to sex are not described as jailbait for no reasons. Pickup and have sex with a girl under the legal age, you will still be sent to prison. So buyer beware.


You are correct about the definition of what is a paedophile. Here is an extract from wikipedia:


Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent (early adolescent) children (especially those showing Tanner stages 2-3 of development), typically ages 11–14. Hebephilia differs from paedophilia,which is the strong, persistent sexual interest in prepubescent children.It also differs from ephebophilia, the strong, persistent sexual interest in later adolescents, typically ages 15–19.

Hebephilia is approximate in its age range because the onset and completion of puberty vary. Partly because of this, some definitions of chronophilias (sexual preference for a specific physiological appearance related to age) show overlap between pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia; for example, the DSM-5 extends the prepubescent age to 13,the ICD-10 includes early pubertal age in its definition of paedophilia,and some definitions of ephebophilia include adolescents aged 14 to late adolescents. On average, girls begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11; boys at age 11 or 12,and it is argued that separating sexual attraction to prepubescent children from sexual attraction to early-to-mid or late pubescents is clinically relevant.


It`s all rather technical and complicated, but still usually paedophilia is used to describe the sickness of sexual attractions to under age girls and simplifies these matters. So really, you are just splitting hairs, because a child rapist is just that, a child rapist, no matter in which category you prefer to place them.




Whilst i would agree that a girl under the age of consent is known as Jail bait, but by using that rational, you admit that girls of today's modern age put themselves at risk by trying to emulate their elders. There are plenty of daughters , with the 'modern day attitude parents' who are getting into night clubs and other places that could be called undesirable, for one of such a young age.Also there are also many young men that carry drugs, such as Rohypnol (excuse spelling) and now days  Scapelomine, that makes their intentions even more easy to carry out.The 'E' drug is also a prime example of this. There are many 15 year old's, who, when dressed and made up can easily pass for much older.

 ignorance of the law is, i will admit, is no excuse,. however, the sentence of goal for a male teenager, who has sex with an underage girl, is now considered less of a crime than it was.Where, maybe, in the 50's/60's was usually a goal term was given, now, probation, Community service, is given in place of the 6/2 prison term that was common.Of course rape is an offense that is a 7 year stretch, but even more hard to prove than ever. It also has to be beyond doubt that the male involved was knowledgeable of the girls age.

If you ask me how i know this, it is because ,my mother was is social services for many years, i London, and some of the cases were where teen age daughters could not be controlled by their parents.And i can assure you that many of the "victims" whose mother's cried rape were seriously investigated, and the school uniform and pale face was becoming a hackneyed excuse. Smart arse solicitors were able to show photographs of the beloved daughter in full dress.My mother had to attend a home in Hackney, with the poloce, where a mother had reported her daughter missing, after 5 days no less. The gap in time was to allow the mother was able to recover from her drug, induced state, that her boyfriend had, so lovingly administered to her.The officer removed, with the mother's full permission, holiday snaps, to try and recognise the girl, if seen.My mother, at first, had trouble trying to differentiate between mother and daughter. The picture was one of the mother, boyfriend, and daughter on a night out in Blackpool. She couldn't tell, at first, due to the fact, that mother and daughter had the exact same dresses and high heeled shoes on.

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8 hours ago, cyberfarang said:



Ignorance of the fact is no defence under the law. Girls considered under the legal age to consent to sex are not described as jailbait for no reasons. Pickup and have sex with a girl under the legal age, you will still be sent to prison. So buyer beware.


You are correct about the definition of what is a paedophile. Here is an extract from wikipedia:


Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent (early adolescent) children (especially those showing Tanner stages 2-3 of development), typically ages 11–14. Hebephilia differs from paedophilia,which is the strong, persistent sexual interest in prepubescent children.It also differs from ephebophilia, the strong, persistent sexual interest in later adolescents, typically ages 15–19.

Hebephilia is approximate in its age range because the onset and completion of puberty vary. Partly because of this, some definitions of chronophilias (sexual preference for a specific physiological appearance related to age) show overlap between pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia; for example, the DSM-5 extends the prepubescent age to 13,the ICD-10 includes early pubertal age in its definition of paedophilia,and some definitions of ephebophilia include adolescents aged 14 to late adolescents. On average, girls begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11; boys at age 11 or 12,and it is argued that separating sexual attraction to prepubescent children from sexual attraction to early-to-mid or late pubescents is clinically relevant.


It`s all rather technical and complicated, but still usually paedophilia is used to describe the sickness of sexual attractions to under age girls and simplifies these matters. So really, you are just splitting hairs, because a child rapist is just that, a child rapist, no matter in which category you prefer to place them.




Look, i had a long drawn out war of words last night with a poster about this. This has gone from a poster accusing these men of being Pedophiles, to 15 year old sirens and their part in young men's prison sentences. My argument was, is, and will stay, that these men are not being accused of pedophilia, they are  being accused of under age sex. My answer to it, is, that there is a vast difference, even in Thailand.

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20 minutes ago, Tarteso said:

Probably, It's just the tip of Iceberg.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Quite so, and its going to turn out to be a bloody big ice burg. These sorts of 'secret crimes' have been going on for decades, if not longer. Why do you think that older, Thai men have predilection for younger wives. There is normally a 15/20 year difference in Thai marriages.Then as both parties age, then the, wealthy, and powerful, find younger 'mia nois' This country is not too far out of the old ways. The fact that they now have cars, instead of oxen drawn carts, mobile telephones, and electrical appliances, does not make them part of the evolved world. The powerful people still live in the world of warlord's,slaves, and complete rule.The fact that they dress in western clothing, does not change, old world thinking or standards.The fact that drugs are easily available to keep the populace subdued, subjugated and apathetic to their plight is easy to see.But the one thing, i can never work out, they allow these people to have guns. There are shootings every day now, maybe this is a way of them decreasing the surplus population.

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11 hours ago, hanuman2543 said:

You don't seem to be familiar with the use of irony and the Thai Defamation laws and how they are used here. Btw in your home country are you not " innocent until proven guilty"?

Lighten up! You are obviously not familiar with a bit of a play on words and feigning of outrage. Too well disguised I guess.....don't be presumptuous that this is not my home country Btw.

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1 hour ago, oxo1947 said:

No it isn't..........................

I dont want to get off subject---try to lessen the offence of these people --- or be a grammar policeman.



"paedophilia is to refer to the sexual preference for prepubescent children"  That usually means under the age of 10--11......https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia




Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, 15-16


**Edit--I see I am writing the same stuff that has already been printed-----That's how slow at typing I am....



It worries me very much that members want to argue over the nuances of what makes a paeodopile. 


Normal grown men shouldn't be salavating over 15 year olds. It's very simple. If you wanna argue over the semantics of what makes a 'pedo' then go nuts. It's just that there's this very real and worrying underlining question; why? By saying a grown man who has sex with a 15 year old is not a paedophile achieves what? Justification? 

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6 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Normal grown men shouldn't be salavating over 15 year olds.

I dont know any normal men who are salivating over any 15 year old----to suggest that pointing  out  to you that you have the completely wrong wording when you are using words that relate to 10 year old children means therefore that we are lusting after 15 year old ---that's quite low rkidlad

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7 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

I dont know any normal men who are salivating over any 15 year old----to suggest that pointing  out  to you that you have the completely wrong wording when you are using words that relate to 10 year old children means therefore that we are lusting after 15 year old ---that's quite low rkidlad


8 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

I dont know any normal men who are salivating over any 15 year old----to suggest that pointing  out  to you that you have the completely wrong wording when you are using words that relate to 10 year old children means therefore that we are lusting after 15 year old ---that's quite low rkidlad



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      Please let me tell you about what has happened to my family in the last month or so.

      My wife and I are the guardians of a 14 year old girl, a relative of my wife's whose father died and mother did a runner. We have brought her up since she was 6 months old She regards us as her 'parents' and addresses her as such.

      She is attending the local high school.

      Unfortunately she became infatuated with a local man. He is 29 years old (over twice her age) and seduced my daughter and took her back to his village. Incidentally he is as poor as a church mouse,  He has no real job and lives in a hovel.

      It took my wife some time to locate them. I'm in a wheelchair and so couldn't really assist. My wife demanded she come home and informed this guy that he was breaking the law and would go to the police. He begged my wife not to and offered her 30K baht compensation. My wife accepted this and he managed tt raise the money from his mother.

     Despite this the temptation to  carry on was too strong, the attraction of a 14 year old (she looks about 12) overcame his moral sense (if he had any in the first place).

    He lured her away from home again and they fled to Bangkok.I don't know where they lived (probably in some slum hovel or a building site shack), he didn't give her any money, made her switch off her mobile so she couldn't contact home.

    I wanted my wife to go to the police but typical poor Thai she was very reluctant.

    A couple of days ago she returned. She hated Bangkok, was afraid of the place. What 14 year old child from Issan wouldn't be.

    I insisted my wife go to the Police, reluctantly she did so and the bloke was arrested in his village and locked in the police cells.

   He tried to buy his way out of it by paying 60K baht. I told my missus 'I will not accept one satang from him'. The police of course wanted this course of action (a) they would take a cut of the money (b) they wouldn't have he trouble of having to prepare a docket of case for the prosecutor.

   I was adamant, I wanted no money from a man who deliberately seduced a child against the express wishes of her parents

  He is at present languishing in gaol awaiting trial'

   I know this post has been somewhat off-topic (perhaps should have been in Family and Children) but it is likely to get more views on here.

  A warning therefore to parents of young girls, the predators are out there..

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30 minutes ago, Toknarok said:

      Please let me tell you about what has happened to my family in the last month or so.

      My wife and I are the guardians of a 14 year old girl, a relative of my wife's whose father died and mother did a runner. We have brought her up since she was 6 months old She regards us as her 'parents' and addresses her as such.

      She is attending the local high school.

      Unfortunately she became infatuated with a local man. He is 29 years old (over twice her age) and seduced my daughter and took her back to his village. Incidentally he is as poor as a church mouse,  He has no real job and lives in a hovel.

      It took my wife some time to locate them. I'm in a wheelchair and so couldn't really assist. My wife demanded she come home and informed this guy that he was breaking the law and would go to the police. He begged my wife not to and offered her 30K baht compensation. My wife accepted this and he managed tt raise the money from his mother.

     Despite this the temptation to  carry on was too strong, the attraction of a 14 year old (she looks about 12) overcame his moral sense (if he had any in the first place).

    He lured her away from home again and they fled to Bangkok.I don't know where they lived (probably in some slum hovel or a building site shack), he didn't give her any money, made her switch off her mobile so she couldn't contact home.

    I wanted my wife to go to the police but typical poor Thai she was very reluctant.

    A couple of days ago she returned. She hated Bangkok, was afraid of the place. What 14 year old child from Issan wouldn't be.

    I insisted my wife go to the Police, reluctantly she did so and the bloke was arrested in his village and locked in the police cells.

   He tried to buy his way out of it by paying 60K baht. I told my missus 'I will not accept one satang from him'. The police of course wanted this course of action (a) they would take a cut of the money (b) they wouldn't have he trouble of having to prepare a docket of case for the prosecutor.

   I was adamant, I wanted no money from a man who deliberately seduced a child against the express wishes of her parents

  He is at present languishing in gaol awaiting trial'

   I know this post has been somewhat off-topic (perhaps should have been in Family and Children) but it is likely to get more views on here.

  A warning therefore to parents of young girls, the predators are out there..


3 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Look, i had a long drawn out war of words last night with a poster about this. This has gone from a poster accusing these men of being Pedophiles, to 15 year old sirens and their part in young men's prison sentences. My argument was, is, and will stay, that these men are not being accused of pedophilia, they are  being accused of under age sex. My answer to it, is, that there is a vast difference, even in Thailand.



3 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

No it isn't..........................

I dont want to get off subject---try to lessen the offence of these people --- or be a grammar policeman.



"paedophilia is to refer to the sexual preference for prepubescent children"  That usually means under the age of 10--11......https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia




Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, 15-16


**Edit--I see I am writing the same stuff that has already been printed-----That's how slow at typing I am....



I think the best analogy here to help you understand would be;


You live with your recently turned 10 year-old daughter. She's a normal happy and healthy girl who's receiving a great upbringing. But....you have a new neighbour who'll only be living next door to you for one year and then he's gone. A single man in his late 20s who's just been released from prison for having sex with a minor. The minor was 15. Now, you despise the actions of your new neighbour, but of course you are not worried about his conduct towards your 10 year old daughter because 'clearly' this man isn't a paedophile. Just a perv who will be gone by the time your daughter's 11. 


You can tell your wife "Don't worry, dear. As dispicable as this man is, he's no threat to our daughter. He's not a peaodopile, he's a ephebophile. Wikipedia said so"


You'd be cool with this, right? 
















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      Please let me tell you about what has happened to my family in the last month or so.
      My wife and I are the guardians of a 14 year old girl, a relative of my wife's whose father died and mother did a runner. We have brought her up since she was 6 months old She regards us as her 'parents' and addresses her as such.
      She is attending the local high school.
      Unfortunately she became infatuated with a local man. He is 29 years old (over twice her age) and seduced my daughter and took her back to his village. Incidentally he is as poor as a church mouse,  He has no real job and lives in a hovel.
      It took my wife some time to locate them. I'm in a wheelchair and so couldn't really assist. My wife demanded she come home and informed this guy that he was breaking the law and would go to the police. He begged my wife not to and offered her 30K baht compensation. My wife accepted this and he managed tt raise the money from his mother.
     Despite this the temptation to  carry on was too strong, the attraction of a 14 year old (she looks about 12) overcame his moral sense (if he had any in the first place).
    He lured her away from home again and they fled to Bangkok.I don't know where they lived (probably in some slum hovel or a building site shack), he didn't give her any money, made her switch off her mobile so she couldn't contact home.
    I wanted my wife to go to the police but typical poor Thai she was very reluctant.
    A couple of days ago she returned. She hated Bangkok, was afraid of the place. What 14 year old child from Issan wouldn't be.
    I insisted my wife go to the Police, reluctantly she did so and the bloke was arrested in his village and locked in the police cells.
   He tried to buy his way out of it by paying 60K baht. I told my missus 'I will not accept one satang from him'. The police of course wanted this course of action (a) they would take a cut of the money (B) they wouldn't have he trouble of having to prepare a docket of case for the prosecutor.
   I was adamant, I wanted no money from a man who deliberately seduced a child against the express wishes of her parents
  He is at present languishing in gaol awaiting trial'
   I know this post has been somewhat off-topic (perhaps should have been in Family and Children) but it is likely to get more views on here.
  A warning therefore to parents of young girls, the predators are out there..

You're dead right mate, soon as you accept money then you are no more than a pimp, IMHO.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:




I think the best analogy here to help you understand would be;


You live with your recently turned 10 year-old daughter. She's a normal happy and healthy girl who's receiving a great upbringing. But....you have a new neighbour who'll only be living next door to you for one year and then he's gone. A single man in his late 20s who's just been released from prison for having sex with a minor. The minor was 15. Now, you despise the actions of your new neighbour, but of course you are not worried about his conduct towards your 10 year old daughter because 'clearly' this man isn't a paedophile. Just a perv who will be gone by the time your daughter's 11. 


You can tell your wife "Don't worry, dear. As dispicable as this man is, he's no threat to our daughter. He's not a peaodopile, he's a ephebophile. Wikipedia said so"


You'd be cool with this, right? 



The only thing your analogy proves is that you have very little understanding of paedophilia. The guy convicted of having sex with a 15yo is highly unlikely to be interested in a 10-11yo. as would a convicted paedophile who had molested a 5 yo. The mental abnormality is usually quite age range specific, one of the things that convinced me the claims against Michael Jackson were very likely to be  true - all his alleged victims were "home alone'" type.

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3 minutes ago, halloween said:

The only thing your analogy proves is that you have very little understanding of paedophilia. The guy convicted of having sex with a 15yo is highly unlikely to be interested in a 10-11yo. as would a convicted paedophile who had molested a 5 yo. The mental abnormality is usually quite age range specific, one of the things that convinced me the claims against Michael Jackson were very likely to be  true - all his alleged victims were "home alone'" type.

Okay, so in this scenario, you wouldn't be worried about your daughter, right? 

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Just now, rkidlad said:

Okay, so in this scenario, you wouldn't be worried about your daughter, right? 

I'm always worried about my daughters, twins, so I had to buy a double-barrel shotgun. The person you nominated is NOT a major reason for concern for a girl in the 10-11yo age group. You are like a guy with cows spending all your time watching a fox when there are wolves in the woods.

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7 minutes ago, halloween said:

I'm always worried about my daughters, twins, so I had to buy a double-barrel shotgun. The person you nominated is NOT a major reason for concern for a girl in the 10-11yo age group. You are like a guy with cows spending all your time watching a fox when there are wolves in the woods.

I'm not asking about your worries in general. I'm asking would you be worried about this man in this very particular scenario. If you think that because this man had sex with a 15 year-old that he wouldn't be interested in a 10 year-old, I can assume he wouldn't worry you. I just need a simple yes or no. 


Once you've answered you can get back to pettifogging. 

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1 minute ago, rkidlad said:

I'm not asking about your worries in general. I'm asking would you be worried about this man in this very particular scenario. If you think that because this man had sex with a 15 year-old that they wouldn't be interested in a 10 year-old, I can assume he wouldn't worry you. I just need a simple yes or no. 


Once you've answered you can get back to pettitogging. 

Is English your second language? I answered your question quite clearly, even emphasised the negative, he is NOT a major cause of concern.

If you had daughters you would know that with a son you have one cock to worry about, with daughters you worry about every cock in town.

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Just now, halloween said:

Is English your second language? I answered your question quite clearly, even emphasised the negative, he is NOT a major cause of concern.

If you had daughters you would know that with a son you have one cock to worry about, with daughters you worry about every cock in town.

Just give me a yes or no answer, then. I don't want an indirect answer. 


"Yes, I'd be worried"


"No, I wouldn't be worried"


Very very simple. I just need one answer, that's all.


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