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Trump to announce decision on global climate pact soon


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Watching Trump live, the US has a chimpanzee as president, I'm not 100% on climate change but he's an idiot. Merkel already told him BMW employ more people in the US than Germany, it's the biggest factory. Watch the world retreat from the US now, he's just promoted self interest in all the countries in the world after it was getting better. Yes America is going to have a level playing field now, nothing same as the rest of the world. I've worked in coal power stations, the cleanest in the world in Germany - clean coal doesn't exist. <deleted>, I wish Carl Sagan was still alive. No they laugh at you Trump, you just pissed in your chips and you can't see it and maybe you just lost the conservatives the election in the UK. Watch as the people in the US lose jobs because people worldwide boycott US goods, if Elon Musk stays he will have no respect because of what he believes in and the money he spends on research in the US. The US has been the biggest polluter the world has seen ever. I'm typing this live listening to him, I think nato is finished and i think he's destroyed all the good things the US has done for the world, he's drawn a line in the sand and watch the world fall apart from countries like Saudi & Israel withdraw.

Edited by sandrabbit
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18 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

But just what if Trump is right ? I would venture there is a possibility that natural phenomena such as undersea and above ground volcanoes spewing rivers of molten lava are adding more to global warming than our paltry contribution, pouring billions of thermal calories into our oceans 24 hours of every day, unstoppable and seemingly unnoticed by the politicians. And this is not even taking into account the daily contribution of good old sunshine ! 

What if lightning bolts fly out of my arse? 

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Detroit, no one except the US wants your cars chump. As much as I love so many US friends I want Yellowstone to go off so then you can concentrate on the US.

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It looks like Elon Musk won't be showing up at the White House.


However, Trump says he's going to attempt to re-negotiate "the deal". He said "The Paris Accord is very unfair at the highest level to the United States." He cites how China and India would be given advantages. "Under this agreement we'd be putting great wealth under lock and key ... it would be a massive redistribution of United States wealth to other countries." "I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris." "Our withdrawal represents a re-assertion of American sovereignty."




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Totally disgusted by trump's decision and speech which was surely packed full of lies, as usual. 

Did anyone notice the sleazeball blame game on the democrats though?

He's selling a CON MAN style fantasy that he is open to renegotiating the deal, but that would be between the USA and the other nations in the deal.

He actually pre-blamed the democrats for not cooperating with him in his obviously fake interest in renegotiating the deal.

How low does he go? In trumpese -- Everyone is saying we've never seen that low before. 

Edited by Jingthing
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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Totally disgusted by trump's decision and speech which was surely packed full of lies, as usual. 

Did anyone notice the sleazeball blame game on the democrats though?

He has this fantasy that he is open to renegotiating the deal, but that's between the USA and the other nations in the deal.

He actually pre-blamed the democrats for not cooperating with him in his obviously fake effort to renegotiate the deal.

How low does he go? In trumpese -- Everyone is saying we've never seen that low before. 

Sen James Inhofe talking rubbish on cbnc, love him the poor dear ...


just one thing, there is no clean coal power no matter what anyone says and the US is way behind the technology in exhaust gas scrubbing. the amount of energy needed for mining lime etc and transporting it to the station to remove CO & CO2 plus some of the liquid chemicals to remove other things. everyone needs to google coal power station exhaust gas scrubbing technology to see how much energy it takes and it also depends where in the world you are with regards to sulphur content mainly but other minerals as well and probably the biggest thing - radiation.

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19 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                               Trump, in his profound ignorance, IS PULLING THE US OUT OF the climate accord.

Among other things, it's proof of how little his perfect daughter can influence him.  Instead, Trump chooses to pull into his turtle shell, and side with anti-science corporate ding dongs.


                     Trump's asinine decision will have big repercussions, not least the further declining of the US's influence.  As for jobs:  MORE jobs get created with clean alternative energy policies than with fossil fuels. China, India, Europe, and Australia will be at the vanguard of creating new jobs via alternative energy, and the US will be left behind with its boots stuck in black oil mud.

Well that's Bangkok sunk for sure - better get those lifeboats ready.

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