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Trump takes sides in Arab rift, suggests support for isolation of Qatar


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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Apart from the pointless conspiracy theory bit - F-15, while a fine aircraft, is not currently top end US military hardware. Now if the object of your post was the F-35, there's be some element of truth to the premise, even if not exactly as you describe.

No conspiracy theories. The Variant The Qatari's bought is a 4th generation fighter, the variant under construction now is 5th Generation (that's as far as we are right now). What the Qatari's bought is indeed a 'top end' bit of kit, the same as the Kuwaitis taking the new F18 Super Hornet. Nothing to do with the F35. Whether you have an F35 or a F16 is irrelevant, if the OEM or Government for any reason decide to 'turn them off' then they can. Same with your Tetra radios or anything else bought from the US.


Are you aware of the congressional law that requires anything exported from the US containing electronics/computers/defence equipment/radios/weapons systems/software etc etc etc to have a back door access? EVERYTHING purchased has back door remote access. It's true, and many governments who are on the 'fringes' or at the back half of the queue in being considered an ally now choose to buy anything but US and Israeli if they can help it, it is safer. Some countries already who bought F16's are now being refused upgrades or spares - Nice customer service! So if you buy US they have you over a barrel, just don't go out of favour.

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16 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

No conspiracy theories. The Variant The Qatari's bought is a 4th generation fighter, the variant under construction now is 5th Generation (that's as far as we are right now). What the Qatari's bought is indeed a 'top end' bit of kit, the same as the Kuwaitis taking the new F18 Super Hornet. Nothing to do with the F35. Whether you have an F35 or a F16 is irrelevant, if the OEM or Government for any reason decide to 'turn them off' then they can. Same with your Tetra radios or anything else bought from the US.


Are you aware of the congressional law that requires anything exported from the US containing electronics/computers/defence equipment/radios/weapons systems/software etc etc etc to have a back door access? EVERYTHING purchased has back door remote access. It's true, and many governments who are on the 'fringes' or at the back half of the queue in being considered an ally now choose to buy anything but US and Israeli if they can help it, it is safer. Some countries already who bought F16's are now being refused upgrades or spares - Nice customer service! So if you buy US they have you over a barrel, just don't go out of favour.

you got a link for that backdoor info? I can't find a thing.

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13 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Or maybe your sense of humor and absurdity needs a shot of adrenalin. Of course it was nonsense. 


Hard to tell the difference when it comes to your posts on these topics.

Guess I'll have to treat them all as comedy relief from now on.

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12 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

No conspiracy theories. The Variant The Qatari's bought is a 4th generation fighter, the variant under construction now is 5th Generation (that's as far as we are right now). What the Qatari's bought is indeed a 'top end' bit of kit, the same as the Kuwaitis taking the new F18 Super Hornet. Nothing to do with the F35. Whether you have an F35 or a F16 is irrelevant, if the OEM or Government for any reason decide to 'turn them off' then they can. Same with your Tetra radios or anything else bought from the US.


Are you aware of the congressional law that requires anything exported from the US containing electronics/computers/defence equipment/radios/weapons systems/software etc etc etc to have a back door access? EVERYTHING purchased has back door remote access. It's true, and many governments who are on the 'fringes' or at the back half of the queue in being considered an ally now choose to buy anything but US and Israeli if they can help it, it is safer. Some countries already who bought F16's are now being refused upgrades or spares - Nice customer service! So if you buy US they have you over a barrel, just don't go out of favour.


Even applying the definition you used, 4th wouldn't be 5th, hence not even then.


As for your other nonsense, if things were as described, the US would not be a prime military hardware supplier. Not as if there's lack of competition on this market, and other manufacturers would be all too happy to pick orders. Supposedly all countries buying US are either unaware of the above or have no choice. Funny how they all keep making that choice, while  disregarding your salient input.


To put things in perspective, any major military hardware comes with maintenance and re-supply contracts (also, upgrading, at times). And while this does potentially play as leverage for the  supplier country, it is also related to terms under which hardware is sold. For example, which usage may or may not be applied. Needless to say, this is not in any way unique to the US. This also applies to modification of aircraft, as defined in contract.


The F-35 is a somewhat different issue, due to it's greater reliance on software. Hence some areas of maintenance would require data links to the manufacturer. There are concerns that this may be exploited by hostile parties (or alternatively, extend even greater leverage on operators). It is also worth noting that during recent years there were several cases of chips used in various US systems being hacked or potentially hacked. These would be the ones sourced from the PRC.


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On 6/7/2017 at 5:52 AM, webfact said:

Trump takes sides in Arab rift, suggests support for isolation of Qatar

Just carry on Donald and give them another 100 Billion worth of Arms!


An ISIS weapon storage found in Mosul contains arms directly from Saudi Arabia.




And Donald backs the Saudi's !  :shock1:

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Just carry on Donald and give them another 100 Billion worth of Arms!


An ISIS weapon storage found in Mosul contains arms directly from Saudi Arabia.




And Donald backs the Saudi's !  :shock1:


A somewhat questionable source, to put it mildly:




Also, I do not believe the article says anything about "directly from". Having the arms does not necessarily say much. Same thing when US arms find their way to the wrong hands.



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4 hours ago, Morch said:


A somewhat questionable source, to put it mildly:




Also, I do not believe the article says anything about "directly from". Having the arms does not necessarily say much. Same thing when US arms find their way to the wrong hands.



Well lets see, the video is self explanatory and nothing to do with the source. American arms very rarely find their way into the 'wrong hands', that is just it, they always find their way into the hands they were intended to go to. You may think they are the wrong hands but as far as the CIA go, the weapons go exactly where they want them to go. Arms very rarely get into the wrong hands, there is ALWAYS a major country who is the willing sponsor who knows exactly where/who their weapons are going to.

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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Well lets see, the video is self explanatory and nothing to do with the source. American arms very rarely find their way into the 'wrong hands', that is just it, they always find their way into the hands they were intended to go to. You may think they are the wrong hands but as far as the CIA go, the weapons go exactly where they want them to go. Arms very rarely get into the wrong hands, there is ALWAYS a major country who is the willing sponsor who knows exactly where/who their weapons are going to.


More conspiracy theory claptrap.


The video is not "self-explanatory". It shows the "goods", but not how they got there. And media sources do matter.


One of the standing criticism leveled at the US policy of supporting and arming non-state players highlights lack of control over arms and recipients' allegiances. Adopting the above "view" would imply that future developments are precisely charted and acted upon. Can't have it both ways, though.


Details regarding groups splintering and shifting alliances, with all that implies regarding arms in their possession were linked on previous topics. Similarly, arms captured from opponents is a reality. And so is international arms trading, especially when it comes to firearms and ammunition. Far less controlled and ordered than your post indicates. The assertion that arms rarely go into the wrong hands is ridiculous, at best.


Here is an article detailing some relevant issues.


IS conflict: How is it getting hold of weapons from the West?



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14 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Just carry on Donald and give them another 100 Billion worth of Arms!


An ISIS weapon storage found in Mosul contains arms directly from Saudi Arabia.




And Donald backs the Saudi's !  :shock1:

It seems fairer to say that some of the arms purchased by Saudi Arabia and the USA for use by syrian rebel forces they back are diverted to IS somewhere between Turkey and the intended recipients. It is a fact that huge amounts of the material used by IS to make bombs comes from Turkey. 

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