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Merkel urges bigger fight against climate change after U.S. move


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Merkel urges bigger fight against climate change after U.S. move



German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks at the Digital Summit 2017 in Ludwigshafen, Germany June 13, 2017. REUTERS/Ralph Orlowski


BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany and the rest of Europe should redouble their efforts to fight climate change after the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris climate pact, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday.


Merkel told members of her conservative party in the German town of Erfurt that the U.S. decision would not stop those committed to protecting the earth from continuing their efforts.


"For us, it is clear that the Paris agreement is a cornerstone for cooperation in the world," she told the event, which was livestreamed on Facebook. "I believe we must take even more decisive action in Germany and Europe to join forces to combat climate change."


Merkel said the efforts would pay off for humanity and would also spur economic growth.


The German leader, who is seeking a fourth term in September national elections, said she had been involved in the issue for nearly her entire political career. She served as German Environment Minister from 1994 to 1998.


Climate change is likely to be a contentious issue when U.S. President Donald Trump visits Germany next month for a summit of the Group of 20 industrialised countries.


(Reporting by Andrea Shalal, Andreas Rinke)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-14
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Merkel is very astute. Apart from the enhanced image such leadership brings to Europe, such a leading role will generate significant employment, and leaves the US in the unhappy position of being seen as less relevant in the world order, AND as the worlds dirtiest, most uncaring nation.

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

we are missing quotes for the resident dinosaurs who think climate change is not real.

You might want to show me the evidence that humans are causing any climate change.

The Scientists have left the IPCC due to the fact that there is no Science involved at all !!!


For the CO2 hoax here are the numbers again:

Total CO2 in the atmosphere: 0.038%

Human caused CO2: 4% of 0.038% = 0.00152%

=> the effect of humans is a staggering 0.001% of the atmosphere.


Germany's part in this is 3.1% which means 0.001 x 0.03 = 0.000 04712% of total

To reduce this by 20% over 10 years costs 50,000,000,000.00 euro per year !!!

[In case of the US it would be 100,000,000,000.00 euro per year ... that's why Trump cancelled the agreement] 



That's good business on the back of the stupidity of the people who believe this BS !!!


Just as a question:

As CO2 is the heaviest gas in the atmosphere and heavy things usually go down and not up,

how does this Greenhouse effect actually work ?

All I have found in Science is that the Greenhouse effect is physically not possible and that's

proven science since the beginning of the nineteen hundreds ... that's 100 years ago [and it is Science !!!]

BTW ... the greenhouse effect can not be replicated in a laboratory, how weird is this ?


But all this can obviously not be true as everybody will tell you that the Greenhouse effect is real and

CO2 is causing climate change - all newspapers write about it, all Governments tell you ... and the sheep believe and pay.

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53 minutes ago, brain150 said:

You might want to show me the evidence that humans are causing any climate change.

You're missing citations and references.

You're saying "Show me the evidence" when you avoid providing evidence - just claims and an awesome lack of basic scientific knowledge (hence the need for references).

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Brain150's post above is hogwash.  


Merkel is saying what all world leaders are thinking.  All, except Trump and Assad.  She is also saying what nearly all scientists agree is happening.  




So ... who are the scientists who agree ?

I only see Scientists coming forward telling everybody what kind of BS this whole agenda is !!!

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2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

You're missing citations and references.

You're saying "Show me the evidence" when you avoid providing evidence - just claims and an awesome lack of basic scientific knowledge (hence the need for references).


The numbers speak for themselves.

There is no hard evidence that the world climate is changing as science not even has a definition of a "world climate" !!!

[according to the scientists ...]


But if everybody says so it must be the truth ... correct ?

So, the people who are constantly lying to their own people and ripping them off with taxes and ever more taxes are now the honest guys ??? Governments are ripping off and exploiting societies for centuries and now they are the most trustworthy people in the world ???

Maybe it's time you use your own thoughts and stop repeating the BS you are presented with by the lame stream media every day. 


You got to be kidding me.

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8 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

we are missing quotes for the resident dinosaurs who think climate change is not real.

It seems to be impossible to inform the rote activists that saying "climate change is real" is about as useful as saying "gravity is real." Of course climate change is real and has been for ever and a day.


The questions are:


1. How much of the current changes are due to human activity?

2. Is that climate change leading us to a dangerous position?

3. Can we do anything about that with an all-out war on greenhouse gases?

4. Can we be sure that our actions on greenhouse gases will do more good than harm?


The current best answers are


1. A significant amount

2. Not for at least 60 years - until then the effects will be broadly beneficial

3. Very little

4. The actions proposed by groups such as the UN will do much more harm than good, especially to the poor worldwide.


Those are not my opinions, but those of major organisations which study this stuff professionally. I would include some links, but I know that activists don't do facts, so I'll save myself the trouble.

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2 hours ago, brain150 said:


The numbers speak for themselves.

There is no hard evidence that the world climate is changing as science not even has a definition of a "world climate" !!!

[according to the scientists ...]


But if everybody says so it must be the truth ... correct ?

So, the people who are constantly lying to their own people and ripping them off with taxes and ever more taxes are now the honest guys ??? Governments are ripping off and exploiting societies for centuries and now they are the most trustworthy people in the world ???

Maybe it's time you use your own thoughts and stop repeating the BS you are presented with by the lame stream media every day. 


You got to be kidding me.

You avoid a single source of academic evidence that denies "climate change." What you present is a matter of personal faith for which proof is irrelevant. I kid you not.

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1 hour ago, RickBradford said:

It seems to be impossible to inform the rote activists that saying "climate change is real" is about as useful as saying "gravity is real." Of course climate change is real and has been for ever and a day.


The questions are:


1. How much of the current changes are due to human activity?

2. Is that climate change leading us to a dangerous position?

3. Can we do anything about that with an all-out war on greenhouse gases?

4. Can we be sure that our actions on greenhouse gases will do more good than harm?


The current best answers are


1. A significant amount

2. Not for at least 60 years - until then the effects will be broadly beneficial

3. Very little

4. The actions proposed by groups such as the UN will do much more harm than good, especially to the poor worldwide.


Those are not my opinions, but those of major organisations which study this stuff professionally. I would include some links, but I know that activists don't do facts, so I'll save myself the trouble.

Please.  How many times have I already exposed the lies behind your links? By all means, post your links to these "major organizations." 

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10 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

we are missing quotes for the resident dinosaurs who think climate change is not real.

No one thinks the climate does not change, but some on here keep writing the same silly thing.

We don't believe that either it is caused by man, or that it can be changed back, though back to what, exactly?


Of course Merkel wants a bigger fight as a bigger fight = more taxes.


I predict that the pro man made change theorists will continue taking lots of tax money to spend on conferences in exotic locations, and it won't make an iota of difference to the temperature.

If they want to do something useful, get rid of plastic bags and clean up the oceans.

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A troll post has been removed.  


Continue with the nonsense about people believing in climate change somehow being hypocritical for using fossil fuels is trolling, it's off-topic and it is nothing more than a deflection.  



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11 hours ago, brain150 said:

You might want to show me the evidence that humans are causing any climate change.

The Scientists have left the IPCC due to the fact that there is no Science involved at all !!!


For the CO2 hoax here are the numbers again:

Total CO2 in the atmosphere: 0.038%

Human caused CO2: 4% of 0.038% = 0.00152%

=> the effect of humans is a staggering 0.001% of the atmosphere.


Germany's part in this is 3.1% which means 0.001 x 0.03 = 0.000 04712% of total

To reduce this by 20% over 10 years costs 50,000,000,000.00 euro per year !!!

[In case of the US it would be 100,000,000,000.00 euro per year ... that's why Trump cancelled the agreement] 



That's good business on the back of the stupidity of the people who believe this BS !!!


Just as a question:

As CO2 is the heaviest gas in the atmosphere and heavy things usually go down and not up,

how does this Greenhouse effect actually work ?

All I have found in Science is that the Greenhouse effect is physically not possible and that's

proven science since the beginning of the nineteen hundreds ... that's 100 years ago [and it is Science !!!]

BTW ... the greenhouse effect can not be replicated in a laboratory, how weird is this ?


But all this can obviously not be true as everybody will tell you that the Greenhouse effect is real and

CO2 is causing climate change - all newspapers write about it, all Governments tell you ... and the sheep believe and pay.

Wow. You really thought that out and selected a few minor disputable points. You are right in one issue, the carbon dioxide

is going down but you fail to mention that this causes the earth to trap all gases and this results in warming. Also, the oceans

capture the gas. This is rapidly poisoning the oceans. It may also cause the major currents in the oceans to slow and possibly stop.

You need to quote all the information, not cherry pick disputed info.

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2 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Also, the oceans capture the gas. This is rapidly poisoning the oceans. It may also cause the major currents in the oceans to slow and possibly stop.

You need to quote all the information, not cherry pick disputed info.

Now it's getting seriously funny !


Did it ever occur to you that cold water can delude more CO2 than warm water ?
[make a simple test and wait until your beer gets warm: the CO2 will be released into the air !]


I guess you drink beer ? [enriched with CO2 ?] Or Mineral water ? [also with CO2 if it's sparkling ?] Or Soda water ?

Who the hell made you believe that CO2 is bad ? [We are not talking CO here !!!]


And why would it slow down or stop the ocean currents ?


Not a single climate model from 30 years ago did even come close to reality but everybody believes in these models ? Why ?

There is no science at all behind it and everybody with just a bit of common sense can figure that out.


... but you can keep believing and pay all the taxes that will be necessary to make some people rich and many people poor just like it always is.

Or you start to learn something and free yourself from deceit and lies ! Knowledge and wisdom have always been the key to freedom.

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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No one thinks the climate does not change, but some on here keep writing the same silly thing.

We don't believe that either it is caused by man, or that it can be changed back, though back to what, exactly?


Of course Merkel wants a bigger fight as a bigger fight = more taxes.


I predict that the pro man made change theorists will continue taking lots of tax money to spend on conferences in exotic locations, and it won't make an iota of difference to the temperature.

If they want to do something useful, get rid of plastic bags and clean up the oceans.

believe in man made climate change or not the world needs to be cleaned up. it is a risky gamble throwing a lot of carbon into the atmosphere as well. a safer bet would be to try to reduce carbon emissions as much as possible. i have no problem with taxing carbon polluting activities and subsidizing carbon reducing activities. not an easy thing to do of course. world seems to be making some good progress with solar energy capture and electric cars. 

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