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Death of U.S. student held by North Korea shocks fellow ex-detainees


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50 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I have look in vain to find an authoritative sources that confirms that this jet is what you say it is. The only link google provides is to this dubious source. 


Presumably you have a better source than this. Can you share it?

Well, I wondered how Warmbier got out of North Korea. In the past the North Koreans always wanted a VIP pick-up, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Madeleine Albright were among those who were "invited" to Pyongyang to pick-up some American detainee - preferably called hostage by the Americans. No single other country has had any problems of the similar kind. 

Someone (assume the US administration) contracted Phoenix Air (they do all sorts of "mysterious" flights; possibly a CIA operation) and got that plane going at an undisclosed (expensive) amount. This needed lots of backstage negotiations between the North Koreans and the Americans professionals. Something was certainly wrong with the health of this 22 year old man which resulted in the early release from his jail sentence. The Swedish Embassy in Pyongyang is entrusted with the day-to-day diplomacy between the two countries. 

What did he really do there; the story in the newspapers is fiction. A 22 years old usually has not the disposable income (see the interview with his father, latter not a man of tremendous financial means) to decide on the spot while in Beijing to side trip to North Korea (those trips come at a price), are all organized group tours with proper briefing of what NOT to do. Was it really him on that video tape who tore down the political propaganda slogan board in the hotel? Latter sign was in Korean in a hotel for only Western tourists? Was he missioned into North Korea by somebody or some organizations? A day after the verdict was made public he fell into a coma after having been given a sleeping tablet and never woke up again? Despite his religious belief there was no autopsy, i.e. the truth of his medical condition - for which the North Koreans are blamed unilaterally now - will never be known. He "survives" a long distance flight from Japan back to Washington DC just to die a few days later when the bashing starts? 

I'm not a friend of the North Korean but the story, as presented, does not tally. No other country (including North Korean's neighbours China, Japan or South Korea) has such public problems like America and, it always takes two to tango! The Americans killed 20% of the North Korean population in the Korean War in the early Fifties and kept a 26'000 man presence in South Korea ever since - obviously the perfect soil to grow such a madman state like North Korea, meanwhile run by the third generation of a equally mad family. Bottomline though is - it is none of America's business and once they are gone, the Chinese will stop supporting Kim's hermit kingdom and the whole thing will implode - so the South Koreans can go in and clean up this mess which is going on for almost 70 years already. 


The airlift sources are publicly available on the internet: 

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19 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

for which the North Koreans are blamed unilaterally now - will never be known. He "survives" a long distance flight from Japan back to Washington DC just to die a few days later when the bashing starts? 


     The N.K's quite probably knew that he just had a few days left to live and decided to get him out whilst hes still alive , rather then them handing over a corpse

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1 hour ago, Sydebolle said:

What did he really do there; the story in the newspapers is fiction. A 22 years old usually has not the disposable income (see the interview with his father, latter not a man of tremendous financial means) to decide on the spot while in Beijing to side trip to North Korea (those trips come at a price), are all organized group tours with proper briefing of what NOT to do

You might be overthinking it. The tour company was not reputable and had a reputation for drunk parties on their trips and an unprofesional  work culture.

The flight was most likely an emergency medical evac plane contracted by the state dept and was equipped for any kind of health problem as no one knew for sure what his condition was.

The cost of the trip wasn't  alot and the parents could have picked up the tab.


 Whether or not he actually stole the poster is up for debate. I  think what happened after is pretty clear.  Arrested, jailed and abused or tortured. It's a sad story.but i'm not seeing much.mystery surrounding ot other than the particulars of his mistreatment by the N koreans.

Edited by Rob13
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On 6/24/2017 at 8:48 PM, Grubster said:

No the same cannot be said, there is a no travel order for all US citizens to North Korea, Iran and a few other countries, Thailand has been an ally of the US for almost two hundred years.

1940's ?

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13 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I did read that he was offered US $10 000 to get the "trophy" of a NK political banner by someone in the USA

Would you pay $10K for a NK poster?

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21 minutes ago, sanemax said:

He could have been a US operative send to NK to take someone out ?


"I never, never should have allowed myself to be lured by the United States administration to commit a crime in this country," he said tearfully as he begged for forgiveness.
"I wish that the United States administration never manipulate people like myself in the future to commit crimes against foreign countries. I entirely beg you, the people and government of the DPRK, for your forgiveness. Please! I made the worst mistake of my life!"
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30 minutes ago, Srikcir said:


In a tearful statement made before his trial, Warmbier told a gathering of reporters in Pyongyang he was offered a used car worth $10,000 if he could get a propaganda banner and was also told that if he was detained and didn't return, $200,000 would be paid to his mother in the form of a charitable donation.




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1 hour ago, wabothai said:

No, just setting you straight.

So subtracting a few years for WW2 when Japan ruled Thailand by force still leaves nearly 200 years as I said, do you understand that? North Korea is in no way a friend to the US and never has been period. 

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