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Canada celebrates 150th birthday with celebrities, crowds, rain


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Canada celebrates 150th birthday with celebrities, crowds, rain

By Leah Schnurr and Andrea Hopkins


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Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during Canada Day celebrations on Parliament Hill as the country marks its 150th anniversary since confederation, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 1, 2017. REUTERS/Chris Wattie.


OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau kicked off celebrations on Saturday to mark the country's 150th birthday amid heavy security as many citizens braved incessant rains and long delays to reach the main site in the nation's capital.


About 500,000 people were expected to be in Ottawa for the long-anticipated Canada Day festivities, which features a large outdoor celebration in front of the national Parliament, complete with acrobats, fireworks and musicians, including singer Bono and other members of Irish rock band U2.


Trudeau, accompanied by Britain's Prince Charles, shook hands with some of the thousands of revelers who converged on Canada's capital Ottawa for the festivities.


"Canada is a country made strong not in spite of our differences but because of them," Trudeau told the gathering. "We don't aspire to be a melting pot – indeed, we know true strength and resilience flows through Canadian diversity."


Some cities are celebrating in more unusual ways. Toronto, Canada's largest city, will have a giant rubber duck floating in its harbor, while Calgary will have a "living flag" composed of people wearing red and white.


Security was already ramped up in the days ahead of the celebration and party-goers must contend with road closures and concrete barriers across entrances into Parliament Hill, located in downtown Ottawa.


Heavy downpours prompted Ottawa firefighters to pump water off the grounds on Parliament Hill and the Ottawa Fire Service urged citizens to follow safety instructions.


National and local police were also out in force, with security top of mind for many Canadians in the wake of fatal attacks in London, Paris and Germany.


Saturday marks the 150th anniversary of the day Canada officially became a country. Britain had ruled it before 1867.




The nationwide party comes as Canada is enjoying an unusual amount of interest from the rest of the world, largely due to the election of charismatic and selfie-prone leader Trudeau.


Still, in the runup to the celebrations, some controversy was stirred at home, particularly among First Nations who noted Canada's history of mistreatment of indigenous people. Activists erected a teepee on Parliament Hill on Thursday in protest.


"As a society, we must acknowledge and apologize for past wrongs, and chart a path forward for the next 150 years," Trudeau said in a statement ahead of the official kickoff.


Indigenous rights group Idle No More has called for a national day of action on Saturday, telling supporters to hold rallies and take to social media.


Events and installations celebrating the sesquicentennial milestone have already been held across the country this year, with the total cost to the federal government reported to be half a billion dollars.


Along with fireworks, free museums and outdoor concerts nationwide on Saturday, more than 50 special ceremonies to swear in new citizens will be held across the country.


Twitter users were sharing their favorite Canadian songs and food, along with photos of the preparations under the hashtag Canada150.


Prince Charles and his wife Camilla arrived in Canada for an official visit on Thursday. The royals began a three-day tour of Canada with a trip to the northern territory of Nunavut, home to a large number of First Nations and Inuit people.


The bash in Ottawa will culminate with a musical fireworks show that is billed as largest-ever such display for Canada Day. It will last for 20 minutes and 17 seconds to commemorate 2017.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-02
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Are you able to give us some details about

  • stupid leadership

  • bought and paid for leftists, socialists, communists, fascists globalists puppets


If not, guess who will „puke“ because of your gross comment?

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Canada is a great country with great people

But there is no denying that the country has become socialist 

And unfortunately with the current leader will probably get worse

As this man in not.I  touch with the reality of the average Canadian

Never had to work a day In his life etc

Canada needs new leadership

Not ones born with that silver spoon

In their mouths or where ever

My biggest fear is that due to.my age

I will not.be able to afford health care

And will be forced to spend every cent I habe and return to Canada as broke as I can get to line up for the free health care

Remember it is.only free if you don't work and have no money



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I was in a Canadian school for the 100th and every child was given a "gold"  commemorative coin under the strict instructions not to loose it.  I remember it like yesterday, if only I could remember what I did with that coin.  I would be interested to know if anyone still has theirs.

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2 hours ago, ehw200 said:

Canada is a great country with great people

But there is no denying that the country has become socialist 

And unfortunately with the current leader will probably get worse

As this man in not.I  touch with the reality of the average Canadian

Never had to work a day In his life etc

Canada needs new leadership

Not ones born with that silver spoon

In their mouths or where ever

My biggest fear is that due to.my age

I will not.be able to afford health care

And will be forced to spend every cent I habe and return to Canada as broke as I can get to line up for the free health care

Remember it is.only free if you don't work and have no money



What difference a border makes.

Polls show most Canadians would never want the U.S. health care system (smart opinion) and most Americans want a system closer to Canada's where access to health care is a basic right of citizenship.

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Canada is a great country with great people
But there is no denying that the country has become socialist 
And unfortunately with the current leader will probably get worse
As this man in not.I  touch with the reality of the average Canadian
Never had to work a day In his life etc
Canada needs new leadership
Not ones born with that silver spoon
In their mouths or where ever
My biggest fear is that due to.my age
I will not.be able to afford health care
And will be forced to spend every cent I habe and return to Canada as broke as I can get to line up for the free health care
Remember it is.only free if you don't work and have no money

Sorry ehw200, I don't really understand your concern.

Even if you're wheeled off the plane on a stretcher you'll never be refused health care in Canada. You won't even see the bill ( those damned socialists ).

If it's a minor procedure pay to have it done here. If it's a major concern get on the plane home.

The worst that may happen is you're presented with a bill for past dues ( if that province has user fees ), which on a typical retirement income may amount to 30 bucks a month. Ontario has no fees whatsoever.

It helps to have relatives or friends back home if there's a problem.

Just as an aside, a friend of a friend retired to the south of France and was diagnosed with cancer. He told the doctor he didn't have any health insurance. The doctor looked at him and said, "don't worry France will take care of you".

He died of coarse, but it didn't cost him anything.


Canada’s poorest families pay $477 a year for health care, while the wealthiest earners pay $59,666 a year.

The wealthiest typically make a bee line to the US.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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6 hours ago, ehw200 said:

Canada is a great country with great people

But there is no denying that the country has become socialist 

And unfortunately with the current leader will probably get worse

As this man in not.I  touch with the reality of the average Canadian

Never had to work a day In his life etc

Canada needs new leadership

Not ones born with that silver spoon

In their mouths or where ever

My biggest fear is that due to.my age

I will not.be able to afford health care

And will be forced to spend every cent I habe and return to Canada as broke as I can get to line up for the free health care

Remember it is.only free if you don't work and have no money



You're complaining because if you go broke and get sick your country will give you free medical care?

I guess Canada is an argument for Socialism. Not just of health care but because of its healthy economy. Remember the financial meltdown that hit most of the developed world? Thanks to Canada's socialist system of tightly regulating banks, Canada sailed through it pretty much unscathed.

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43 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You're complaining because if you go broke and get sick your country will give you free medical care?

I guess Canada is an argument for Socialism. Not just of health care but because of its healthy economy. Remember the financial meltdown that hit most of the developed world? Thanks to Canada's socialist system of tightly regulating banks, Canada sailed through it pretty much unscathed.

With a small caveat ...





3. Which provinces have a 3 month waiting period before I can get public health insurance?


waiting periodThe provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick have a 3 month waiting period before you can get public health insurance. In all other provinces you can become insured immediately.



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Canada is a great country with great people
But there is no denying that the country has become socialist 
And unfortunately with the current leader will probably get worse
As this man in not.I  touch with the reality of the average Canadian
Never had to work a day In his life etc
Canada needs new leadership
Not ones born with that silver spoon
In their mouths or where ever
My biggest fear is that due to.my age
I will not.be able to afford health care
And will be forced to spend every cent I habe and return to Canada as broke as I can get to line up for the free health care
Remember it is.only free if you don't work and have no money

Don't like Canadian socialism? then stay in Thailand or better, move to USA where you can bask in conservativism and NO affordable health care. You are dammed lucky with your Canadian citizenship as millions of foreigners would die for it!
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