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Trump presses Putin at first meeting on interference in U.S. election


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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

So I bet you want to move into Iran because..........they burn US Flags and hate the US. Move into N Korea because they fire empty missiles into the sea (willy waving), move into anywhere in the Middle East because............why not, but when there is ACTUAL evidence that the Russians have attacked US sovereignty and democracy you say but why not be friends with the Russians, move on, because.............you are a Trump supporter.


Will there be enough room in Guantanamo for all the traitors? I hope not, 100 to a cell would be cool.


Just too pathetic for words.


And that is straight out of troll central. I bet you have actually written that without any sense of shame. I pray for the America that used to be great that people like you are not American.


A lame comeback thats conspicuously thin on facts (and google urls mercifully). 

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7 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Putin must be absolutely pissing himself laughing behind closed doors. The lunatics truly are running the asylum. I had to open my calendar to make sure today was not April 1st. The desire to use a huge list of expletives is so strong that I can feel the onset of Tourettes syndrome. You simply could not make this stuff up.


Holy S%$t!


Absolute LUNACY!


This is the inept one's answer to his country being attacked? By the Russians?


The man-child is certifiably off his geriatric rocker.

(See post#89)




Trump visits golf course after returning from G20 summit


"President Trump visited his golf course in Northern Virginia Sunday morning, his 37th trip to one of his own properties since he took office."


"Trump has made 37 trips to his golf courses since he took office in January, according to an NBC News tracker."


"Trump returned to the White House on Saturday after traveling to the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany last week."


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43 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

A lame comeback thats conspicuously thin on facts (and google urls mercifully). 

I don't know there  are any URL's to my opinions, - which I am entitled to, and I think they are pretty much bang on the money. You defend the indefensible. You and your type are enablers of traitorous behaviour.

Edited by Andaman Al
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43 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You defend the indefensible. You and your type are enablers of traitorous behaviour.

You and your lefty buddies constantly and venomously attack the elected president of the united states…..on false grounds.


that makes you an enemy of the state.

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

You and your lefty buddies constantly and venomously attack the elected president of the united states…..on false grounds.


that makes you an enemy of the state.

That has to be your most ludicrous post yet and that's saying something.


Firstly, I am not a leftie. I am right wing, BUT I happen to consider Trump is a liar, a conman and a traitor. If that makes me an enemy of the state then that is quite funny. You go and live in your 'state' on a remote island somewhere. There are enough talented and dedicated patriots out there to ensure Trump goes where he belongs - jail.

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

You and your lefty buddies constantly and venomously attack the elected president of the united states…..on false grounds.


that makes you an enemy of the state.

Actually no. But such sentiments would make you a fascist.  He is not the embodiment of government. He is owed no personal allegiance. The people who wrote the constitution would be horrified at your formulation. But Vladimir Putin would definitely agree with you. Go back to Russia.


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7 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

you both carry on farting in the wind.

Trump's plan to create a cyber-partnership with Putin draws ridicule from within own party

President Trump’s touting of a proposed partnership with Russia on cybersecurity drew withering reviews Sunday from lawmakers, including several from his own party, while the president’s aides were left struggling to answer questions about just how hard Trump pressed Russian President Vladimir Putin on Moscow’s meddling in last year’s U.S. presidential election.


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21 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Is this a crime punishable by law? Or just another non event that the substance-starved media had to pounce on for ratings?


This, and that handshake nonsense….all distractions from the fact that they got nothing on the donald yet…except for the google links brigade.


The Don shook hands exactly the same with Teresa May…so now he's Teresa's bitch…555555555

It's already been said that if Chelsea Clinton, Barbara or Jenna Bush or either of Obama's daughters were prematurely and inappropriately punted into the political circle, there would have been all sorts of wailing and gnashing of teeth on either side of the fence. OK, so it's been an age since the US elected such a geriatric into the White House and the predecessors progeny were way, way too young to be involved in such laughably obvious manipulations. However, being chronologically challenged and with Eric's lamentable Influencegate debacle, Donald Jr. simply an accident of poor judgement just waiting to happen and Barron looking like he has a 'sod this for a game of soldiers' take on the highest office, it doesn't leave The Donald too much time or viable alternatives to getting his own 'dynasty' up and running does it? 


Anyway, (momentarily) back on topic.


Palm up, supplicant.

Palm down, saviour.

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15 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:



Im kinda curious how the google links brigade here would run the presidency…..if they could.


u interfered ….no we didnt …yes u did….no we didnt…..for the next 8 years?!


Isn't it better to find common things to agree on….why have both russia and china as enemies.


and instead tighten up your cyber defences instead of moaning you got hacked (if you really did)


mr trump is trying …you're not helping.



Ah yes, the "google links brigade". You mean the people who try to back up their statements with references to facts rather than just pulling it out of their <deleted>.


You seem to think a foreign, hostile government interfering with your country's political system is just some trivial, unimportant matter. My opinion of the US electorate is pretty low, but better them than the murderous and corrupt Vladimir Putin.


Do you value American democracy at all?if so, you sure have funny way of showing it.

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2 minutes ago, charmonman said:

You seem to think a foreign, hostile government interfering with your country's political system is just some trivial, unimportant matter. My opinion of the US electorate is pretty low, but better them than the murderous and corrupt Vladimir Putin.


Do you value American democracy at all?if so, you sure have funny way of showing it.


Awwww….you seem hurt and outraged that someone has allegedly interfered with the US election system….got any concrete proof or is it just  the usual '11 agencies confirmed…so it must be true' kind nonsense. all countries get up to this kind of subversive behaviour…..in fact america is pretty active in this sphere. So its better to protect build a shelter than to curse the rain.

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8 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

You and your lefty buddies constantly and venomously attack the elected president of the united states…..on false grounds.


that makes you an enemy of the state.

You know, their are a LOT of Republicans who also find this so-called President completely unqualified.


"enemy of the state"? Seriously? Are you a <deleted>' Stalinist or something?

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


Awwww….you seem hurt and outraged that someone has allegedly interfered with the US election system….got any concrete proof or is it just  the usual '11 agencies confirmed…so it must be true' kind nonsense. all countries get up to this kind of subversive behaviour…..in fact america is pretty active in this sphere. So its better to protect build a shelter than to curse the rain.

I apologize. I didn't realize I was arguing with a five year old.

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Just now, charmonman said:

You know, their are a LOT of Republicans who also find this so-called President completely unqualified.


"enemy of the state"? Seriously? Are you a <deleted>' Stalinist or something?

Probably would have to look that one up before he could comment.


Probably just another political neophyte who previously didn't give a toss as long as he got a decent holiday on the 4th of July and a beer after work but by the simple power of getting a red cap, confuses Trump's faux, vote-garnering, plain speaking concern for their class with some sort of reality.

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Awwww….you seem hurt and outraged that someone has allegedly interfered with the US election system….got any concrete proof or is it just  the usual '11 agencies confirmed…so it must be true' kind nonsense. all countries get up to this kind of subversive behaviour…..in fact america is pretty active in this sphere. So its better to protect build a shelter than to curse the rain.

It may well be that America is active in this sphere. And if so, countries that catch their citizens conspiring with Americans to undermine their democrat system will most likely face prosecution. What I'm trying to make clear to you is that it's one thing for a foreign government to try to subvert another nation's democracy, it's quite another for citizens to collude with it.

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

It may well be that America is active in this sphere. And if so, countries that catch their citizens conspiring with Americans to undermine their democrat system will most likely face prosecution. What I'm trying to make clear to you is that it's one thing for a foreign government to try to subvert another nation's democracy, it's quite another for citizens to collude with it.

ok but until you can provide more  than a few dozen links that say the same things as you, we will have to view these as claims, not the gospel truth on what actually happened.

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

What I'm trying to make clear to you is that it's one thing for a foreign government to try to subvert another nation's democracy, it's quite another for citizens to collude with it.

And yet the anti Trump brigade always tie the two together, as if one is proof of the other.

Edited by PattayaJames
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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

ok but until you can provide more  than a few dozen links that say the same things as you, we will have to view these as claims, not the gospel truth on what actually happened.

That's not the point. Your point was that since America does it, it's hypocritical to protest when the Russians do it. My rebuttal, which you haven't answered, is that it's one thing for a foreign nation to do it, quite another for citizens to collude with it.

The question of evidence is another matter entirely.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

That's not the point. Your point was that since America does it, it's hypocritical to protest when the Russians do it. My rebuttal, which you haven't answered, is that it's one thing for a foreign nation to do it, quite another for citizens to collude with it.

The question of evidence is another matter entirely.


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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

... we will have to view these as claims, not the gospel truth on what actually happened.

I hope we can use the same, precise but totally circumspect analysis that defined the 492 gospel truth ultimately false claims about "Making America great again" that Trump managed to rack up during his first 100 days.

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Trump supporters on this forum seem to have the attitude that "Trump won the election" so he's right, and everyone who doesn't like that Trump is prez is a loser. 


I grew up in the US, and I know their cultural attitude is; "winning is everything."

I also spent a few years in the UK, and they have a different saying, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game."    I much prefer the British view of winning and losing. 


Here are some winners from the 20th century:   Pol Pot. Stalin.  Hitler (up until Normandy), Idi Amin, Bokassa, Papa Doc, Spain's Marcos, Fil's Marcos, Indonesia's Sukarno and Suharto, Nixon.


P.S.  the Russian basketball team once won Olympic gold medals against the US team, even though they bullied the referees to turn the clock back twice in the final minutes.


So, looking at that list, do Trump fans still adhere to the concept that 'WINNING IS EVERYTHING' ?


According to Trump fans' view on winning and losing; Mike Tyson should have won the boxing match against Holyfield, because Tyson bit a piece off his opponent's ear, and therefore forced Holyfield to quit.   



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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Trump reverses course on working with Russia on cybersecurity

About 12 hours after tweeting about possibly working with President Vladimir Putin and Russia on cybersecurity, President Donald Trump tweeted that he does not expect it to actually happen.


Typical Trump.  Similar to one evening last year, when he said women should be punished for seeking abortions, ....to doing a 180 the next morning.    Or, his radio interview prior to Iraq II invasion where he said the US should go ahead with the invasion.   Then years later, he denied he said that, even though it's on audio tape.  The man is lower than a leech.


What happens when there's a serious threat of war, for example.  Will Trump launch nukes, and then hours later announce, "sorry folks.  I was a bit angry last night, but now I see that maybe I shouldn't have done what I did.  Oh well, that's the way the cookie crumbles, I guess.  Oh, and buy lots of Ivanka's shoes. They're the best shoes ever.  Trust me on that."



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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Awwww….you seem hurt and outraged that someone has allegedly interfered with the US election system….got any concrete proof or is it just  the usual '11 agencies confirmed…


It must be nice dwelling in that simple, fact-free world of the small minority.

Deflecting reality away.


Meanwhile, simply put, the wheels of justice continue to turn: :thumbsup:



It's gonna be great watching all the duped supporters shrink away when reality hits them.

Just a matter of time...

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57 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

 I grew up in the US, and I know their cultural attitude is; "winning is everything."

So, looking at that list, do Trump fans still adhere to the concept that 'WINNING IS EVERYTHING' ?


And the huckster played them like a fiddle:



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