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The Two-tier Pricing Dilemma


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They're NATIONAL parks (not international)

The Thai people own these places. They could argue they don't have to pay one satang to go on this property.

So farangs (who don't own the parks) are asked to contribute...... Boo Hoo.

You came to Thailand praising its differences from your own country - often ones which allow you to marry women 20 years younger than you. (which wouldn't happen back home). So try to deal with it when there is an occasion where you don't come out on top.

So...the women cost you 20 times MORE as well....... bl**dy H*ll....... :D:o

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In australia studying has 2 prices for nationals and international student.

Its more then double, its more like 6 times higher for international students.

Similar situation here in the US.

Since international students and their families don't generally pay taxes I really don't a have a problem with higher tuition.

I suspect that internation students in OZ do not pay higher prices for food, shoes,movie tickets, etc.

Since I've never paid a dime in taxes to the government of Austalia I would expect to pay higher tuition than a citizen of NSW.


Most of the local students who go to these uni's havent paid a cent in taxes as usually havent worked yet.

In thailand you dont pay any different prices for movies tickets, shoes also. Unless your at the market which the seller will try to get as much as they can out of you

Their parents would be paying tax


Doesnt really make a difference. They are over 18 and suppose to fend for themselves.

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Worse than the Thais practice of two-tier pricing is two-tier wages. There are reports of farang teacher getting paid more than four times what Thai teachers are paid in the same schools. Outrageous!

This is a case of supply and demand.

Two-tier pricing is overt racism.

Why do so many foreigners STILL defend the indefensible?


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Worse than the Thais practice of two-tier pricing is two-tier wages. There are reports of farang teacher getting paid more than four times what Thai teachers are paid in the same schools. Outrageous!

This is a case of supply and demand.

Two-tier pricing is overt racism.

Why do so many foreigners STILL defend the indefensible?


Personally, I'm not defending the two-tier wage system for "whities" teaching in the Thai educational system or the two-tier pricing system whereby Japanese golf tourists pay more when they enter Thai national parks. But, until I'm appointed prime minister by the generals or appointed creator of the universe by I'm not sure whom, I'll live happily with a degree of acceptance and grace and as others have suggested vote with my feet. If I have to pay an extra 200 or 400 baht per year on average to enjoy the national park system, so be it!

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As long as there are plenty of people who agree to pay and even argue that we should accept it unconditionally, I don't see why Thais would change this policy. Playing a third world country served them well so far.

we have a winner ..........................

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Agencies concerned can work more professionally and effectively in keeping foreigners informed of existing double pricing in Thailand.

To name a few from the ample choices of publicity, the information can be noted on an immigration form, printed in an official guidebook or tour ad brochures, or placed on announcement boards at airports, embassies, tour companies, tourist information centres, etc.

An even smarter way, in the era of worldwide Internet links, would be to post information on the Websites of Thai government agencies, tour agents and other public organisations.

More channels to access such information will help prospective foreign visitors decide how they will react to double pricing in Thailand.

As long as Thai authorities cannot afford to forgo the practice, they should at least give foreign visitors a better chance to choose to pay or not to pay.

about time this disgraceful practice was highlighted in the national press , not that it will bring about any changes.

Double pricing is a ripoff and really shows the mentality of our Thai hosts.

There was a website dedicated to listing the places that double price , anyone have the link.

Here you go: Link.

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God this issue always brings out the same crap responses.

Lets try to have a discussion without these points that have already been covered:

1. Uni cost more for Thais if they go overseas. This is crap as tuition that a regular national pays DOES NOT cover any where near the cost of the university education. It is highly subsidized by tax money that the citizens of the country pay. So the higher tuition is just making up for the taxes that the Thai parents didn't pay into the system.

2. Western countries don't do the same double pricing... They do BUT it is less extreme. In US there are parks that cost more for out of county, state, residents. But clearly there is not as much double pricing in the US as in Thailand. 400 baht for national parks is extreme. A family of 4 has to pay $50 to visit a park? come on. This goes above and beyond providing extra services that farang require such as english (or other languages) signs, guides, etc. Paying a little more is not unreasonable, paying 400 is BS.

3. Farangs get paid more than Thais in Thailand and this is unfair...This clearly another BS argument. The farang gets paid more because of the skills he/she has (do you really think schools would pay more if they could get the same skill set for cheaper?). Just like a person with a degree gets paid more. Is every foreigner a better English teacher than a Thai? No, but clearly usually they are as it is their native language. There are certainly some teachers who don’t have a degree that are better than degree holding teachers, but more likely someone who went to school is more likely to be more knowledgeable.

4. Farangs pay no taxes in thailand. Clearly most farangs buy stuff so they do pay taxes. If they work legally they pay taxes. Those who don't work don't pay income tax...but neither do Thais who don't work. Also most foreigners don't use gov't services so don't use many tax dollars anyway! How many foreigners are sending their kids to thai schools? Or using gov't hospitals (I am sure we could find a few example but the percenatage is super low). The main thing foreigners use that payed with taxes are roads. It is quite reasonable to say more farang are a net gain for thailand when it comes to taxes, they pay more in than take out.

OK lets please let no one else use these BS points again.

Edited by lingyai
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I can only speak for US citizens on this one, but we pay less to enter parks in Thailand than Thais do in the US! Overall, Thailand is quite a bargain, hard not to notice and appreciate....

Huh? Have you ever been to a US park?

US - $10 per CAR typically for 10 days.

1 car, 4 people, 10 days = $10 or about B350

Yearly car pass for unlimited visits to any and all parks about $50 with discounts for seniors, students, the disabled, and such.

Thailand - B350 per person per day.

4 x 350 x 10 - B14,000 or about $400

And the Smithsonian…the world's largest museum complex with something like 19 museums and a zoo. Oh yeah so much more in America at the grand price of…..wait for it……… FREE! Yes free for all races and nationalities.

Yes, I can now see how is sooooooo cheap in Thailand and more expensive in the US. :o

What Thailand park is even on par with a typical city beach in the US much less places like Denali, Yosemite, Rocky Mountain, Big Bend, Volcanoes, etc.? And 100s of millions of acres of BLM land that would be mostly free use.

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