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Ex-teacher who took summer trips to Thailand to have sex with kids gets 27 years in prison


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Let's hope this sort of conviction doesn't get implemented in the wrong way.  For example: if person A has a hatred for (or deep grudge against) person B, it might not be too difficult for person A to set up a sting operation which would get person B in serious trouble.  A few digital pics seeded into person's B computer along with one or two anonymous phone calls, and......

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6 hours ago, YetAnother said:

sure it is disgusting; why is the usa prosecuting this Unless it is for extradition ? ; the crimes were committed in thailand

Thailand failed catch or prosecute. Why would Thailand extradite when the charges are for crimes in the U.S.?


Charges of child sex tourism and child pornography. 


Not rape of a child.



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9 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

 And with a 27 year sentence, in most states he would be eligible for parole in about 7 years. But, depending on which prison he is sentenced to, those years could end up being pure hell for him as a "kiddy fiddler".  



This guy was prosecuted under federal law and will serve his sentence in federal prison, not state laws and state prisons.


Some states may have shortened eligibility for parole programs. But AFAIK, the federal prison system doesn't, and certainly not one that would let someone with a 27-year sentence out in 7 years.


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3 hours ago, MarkusAUST said:

You obviously aren't too familiar with Thai prisons then I guess, which are not exactly free from rape and violence, but have copious amounts of absolute squalor, pestilence and disease too. Life expectancy and comfort are way down compared with the US, brutal as I agree that the US prison system is. My dad, who is a prison visitor here, has had to bury 4 people he used to visit, in the last 5 years alone. And HE got them medicines the general populace would have no chance of getting. Seriously, multiple people die in Thai prisons every day. At least if you die in a US jail, you won't be covered in sores and scabies.

For the record, I never said Thai prisons weren't horrible, as I'm sure they are. I only said that I wouldn't exactly call US prisons comfy. He won't feel like he's at the Hilton, that's for sure.

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7 hours ago, alex8912 said:

So you know this is the case in Alabama lol??

The guy is from Alabama, was apparently prosecuted in Alabama (but in a Federal Court, not an Alabama State Court), and is now imprisoned in a Federal prison (there are two plus a prison camp in that state), not a state prison.  So what's your point?   lol??


I have no idea, but 27 years seems excessive for possession of kiddie porn (on his computer); and that was with a confession and guilty plea(s).  'Sounds like they got him for felony sex with a minor or traveling for that purpose, etc., as well.  'Wonder if Thai authorities cooperated in the prosecution in any way, or if just the PC pics were considered evidence enough.


Amazing that paedos think they can still get away with this with cams everywhere, NGO agents prowling about, and western countries now actively investigating and prosecuting their citizens for these offenses when abroad.





Edited by hawker9000
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15 hours ago, YetAnother said:

sure it is disgusting; why is the usa prosecuting this Unless it is for extradition ? ; the crimes were committed in thailand

The US has had extraterritorial laws for quite some time, though the sex travel laws are relatively new (20 years or so?).  Drugs and hacking are other examples.  I recall there was one man in an Eastern European county that was hacking.  He had never been to the US, nonetheless the US extradited him to the US and prosecuted him.

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