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Global warming and rising of temperatures and more alarmingly the rising of sea levels, which are stated to displace half a billion people over the next few decades.

Facts released recently have proved that this dire forecasts are based on untruths, scams and manipulations from business tycoons and huge conglomerates with billions if not trillions to lose.

The truth however is much more sinister and sad.

With the gross across the world expansion of the human races bellies, obecity is to blame and the likes of MacDonalds and various other conglomerates are spending up big to blame somebody else, namely the environment and pollution.

Where do you think a 30% rise in weight across the entire population of the planet is going to go. think about the actual weights here, this is the reason for the ocean levels rising, in fact it is not the oceans rising, it is the land masses sinking under the extreme extra weight of the new super sized population.

More food eaten, more fat produced, more excretement dislodged. This is the only greenhouse gasses to worry about and all of this extra gas in the atmosphere has also been linked to the ozone hole. The atmosphere can only hold so much and had to burst at the seems somewhere and this is it, at the weakest link.

Next time you sit and sink that onion ring or burger and thickshake, just remember what you are doing to the planet and some poor micronesian village dweller who just had to move house because the water is now lapping at her bedside table.


:D Now you've gone and done it by letting the secret plan out. :D

Must have been some of that hydroponic brain bender variety to get him to talk. :D



Sure, the more people and the fatter they are, the more mass! Why haven't I ever thought about that!

Maybe time for a Noble Prize here?


I agree with the OP that the whole global warming issue is a scam but for different reasons;

Schoolboy physics tells us that the climate is changing because of the enormous burden of CO2 already in the atmosphere. This is causing more solar radiation to be absorbed than is radiated back into space, in accordance with the Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation.

The bad news is that simply slowing down the rate at which we continue to pump CO2 into the atmosphere is rather like trying to stop a battleship with a peashooter.

Climate changes take place on a geological timescale, and if we stopped putting any more CO2 out today, the Earth's temperature would continue to increase for several thousand years, just to reach a new equilibrium state.

To actually reduce the temperature would require fixing the existing burden through photosynthesis. Which means infinite more trees and plankton.

This will not happen. Most of us are doomed.

Those who survive will probably have to live in northern Canada or other areas near the poles.

P.S. This is not a joke.


^Yup... unfortunately, few oilmen will survive to be blamed. And it'll take a few hundred more years at least, so it's probably better to say that most of our great-great-great grandchildren are doomed.

On another note, if you piled up all the bodies of all people who ever lived or now living, the pile wouldn't be over 10 cubic kilometres- you could hide them in some of the deeper canyons and valleys of the world. So I still think that mountains beat us quite handily, kilogram for kilogram. :o

(To justify this: one popular online estimate says that about 100 billion people have ever lived, or 100,000,000,000 people. If we assume that the average size throughout history taking child deaths into account is about 1.5 meters tall and .3m x .2m in the other dimensions, you get an average size per human of .09 cubic meters. A cubic kilometre is 1 billion cubic meters, and can hold 11,111,111,111 average humans as estimated before. Dividing this into the estimated number of humans, you get exactly 9 cubic kilometres. Considering errors and surprises in estimation, you still probably wouldn't have over 10 cubic kilometres of human bodies in history).

I will blame the Americans

Don't blame the Americans, blame Bush, like everyone else :o

Would you guys STOP posting semi-serious replies.

This a loony thread , let's keep it that way OK?

I now understand why western countries are so strict on

immigration controls.

If too many fat people got into the US that , with a lot of

people being overweight in the US already , could throw

the whole planet off balance and it could go whizzing off

out of the solar system and then where would we be ?

Yeah I saw the TV serial about the moon doing this

with people on it but that was just NASA/NSA propaganda.



The tsunamis have been long kept a secret as the balancing act on the edge of continents too's and fro's, but now cause massive ripple effects which zoom across oceans and flatten coastal areas.

Take a look at when the really big tsunami took place...coincidence ??....that it was the biggest holiday period on the planet, people leaving one country, don't forget obese and at least 30% weight gain across the planet and then these people land on mass in foreign beach and seaside destinations.

Think about where these destinations are....on the edge of the countries....this sudden extra shift in weight causes the ripple effect to increase substantially and here you have a tsunami generated.

All this volcanic activity in the last year, absolutely concrete evidence that the planets shell cannot handle the weight anymore, like sitting on a jam donut, the guts of the planet is being squeezed out through the only outlets available.

Obesity is what is going to cause this planets next grand event 'life as we know it extinction event', mark my words.

You can start teaching your kiddies now, pointing out the big fat bastarts and telling them they are the cause of this planet imploding one day soon. Take photos of them for your kiddies and send them along for 'show and tell' days at school, teachers will be amazed at your childs fore thought and scientific evaluations.

Start now and maybe we can save something, start putting the weight of the world back onto the shoulders of these fat bastarts and making them embarrassed about being the cause of the end of life and needing a car jack to wedge apart their butt cheeks to wipe away the results of another lunchtime super size me jumbo set with extra cheese. Teach them that its ok to only take up one seat on the bus.


Have you seen the movie 'Fast Food Nation'?

Seriously though, the weight of human beings does not cause tsunamis or earthquakes or volcanos.


Two fat blokes in a pub, one says to the other, "Your round."

The other one says "So are you, you fat pig!"

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