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China says India building up troops amid border stand off


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Just now, Morch said:


Russia exports arms to both India and the PRC, making them their two top markets. Doubt they'll wish to lose either. As said - not likely they would intervene. The US, as posted above does not quite "back Pakistan", certainly not at the expense of relations with India. As for US-India military relations, no "alliance" was suggested, but ties are more than you'd like to acknowledge:


India, US finalise Major Defence Partner agreement



U.S., India sign military logistics agreement



Doubt there was a point to the "discount price" comment. Does the PRC get the "discount price"? Is this alleged "discount price" denied only to India?


"...let's cheer on neither side."


Coming from you this must be one of them tongue-in-cheek things.

I wasn't aware Russia exported arms to China.  But seems that's coming to an end?




“In some areas the student has already surpassed the teacher,” Denisentsev said. “Russia has completely lost its share of the Chinese market for warships to Chinese shipbuilders.”



China has almost doubled its weapons exports in the past five years, a military think tank said on Monday, as the world's third-largest weapons exporter pours capital into developing an advanced arms manufacturing industry.


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6 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:


The PRC made significant strides when it comes to development and production of military hardware. Some things they still buy from Russia, though - and probably cloning them (legally or otherwise) in the process. Ranking who's top buyer at a given point in time is not all that accurate, given that defense contract and arms deals take years to finalize. That's one reason that conflicting headlines appear from time to time.


The thing with the PRC and Russia is that they also compete for deals on the same markets. PRC making some serious advances on that front. Russia can't be happy, but apparently not enough to pull out.


India, on the other hand, is both a huge market, and less arms export oriented, with most production aimed at domestic use. India does push hard for joint venture and co-production projects, but the "price" of sharing isn't as painful.


For many of the World's arms exporters, India is where it's at. Indonesia probably another future sweet spot.

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Ely Ratner (‪@elyratner‬)

4/8/17, 21:17

In the past few months, China has threatened war with India, Vietnam, and the Philippines. That's the future of Asia if U.S. remains absent. twitter.com/cgtnofficial/s…


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Trump does think, but communicates his bizarre ideas via twitter,  I guess he will be remembered as the Twitter President.  China however is showing itself as a bully, and is probing its neighbours in the same manner.


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On 8/4/2017 at 2:26 PM, Grouse said:

Pity the USA no longer has any really clever statesmen. Great time to leverage support for India to pressure China against NK! Also indirectly back Irans new port with Indian support! These people never play RISK?

Perhaps behind the scenes they do, although not cognizant about this dispute find this escalation interesting time-wise.

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For the first time in (my) living memory, both the Chinese and the Russians voted with the rest of the UN Security Council on toughening the already harsh economic embargo on North Korean exports.


There's been some significant horse-trading between Washington, Moscow and Beijing.


Unfortunately, India, Vietnam and the Philippines are on their own right now.

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