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US Visa denied in Singapore

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The gf had all the required paperwork and at the end of the interview they kept her passport and paperwork and told her she could leave. They called her 30 mins later and told her to come back. They handed her the passport and rejection letter...........so frustrating sometimes. She's a student here in Singapore and we've been to Europe a few times without incident and has tons of stamps in her passport. She has the money, the school paperwork, proof of residency here, tickets there and back, where we are staying, invitation letter......everything I can think of. She said the interviewer was serious, but nice and polite. He only asked her relationship to me and my family, where she wanted to go etc.......nothing too invasive or anything. Oh well...... what can we do right?

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Thai girlfriend?


The OP working or living in Singapore?


The OP's own visa status in Singapore and/or Thailand?


The OP an American citizen?


If yes, does the OP stay out of the USA for extended periods?


What did the 'rejection letter' say?

Edited by NanLaew
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Yes Thai gf.

Yes I work and live here in Singapore with EPass.

Yes I'm American. Yes, I have been in Asia for the last 5 years.

I go back to the US twice a year


The rejection letter is very vague and just says you didn't get it and there's no way to appeal. There is no reason given. 

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