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If they can run Big Ben off an electric motor for four years, then why not leave it that way....this is 21st century. Don't need a great pendulum weighted with old pennies to keep it in time. And why not play a recording of the bells and chimes through a dog's b....cks speaker system which can be turned down at night time as necessary. No great 30 ton of metal swinging up there. 


The problem is Health & Safety concerning noise to the workers who will be doing the upgrade and working next to the bell  - nothing to do with night time etc


Yep I was saying that myself about the recording. I shocked they haven't thought about it play a recording for 4 years why they fix it. The sad truth is apparently the whole of Westminster is apparently crumbling. It's a shame because it's my favourite landmark in London. I couldn't care less about the fools inside they should chuck them out why they do it up. All they need is a office building somewhere with a big hall. Do the necessary repairs once it's all done turn it into a Tourist attraction until they got the money back for the repairs then move the idiots back in. The actual room where they have all the pointless squabbles could be the most expensive private Banquet Hall in the UK. As long as the outside looks OK who cares.


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11 hours ago, wgdanson said:

through a dog's b....cks speaker system which can be turned down at night time as necessary.

Not all that many people who live nearby actually - save for a certain Mrs T May at 10 Downing Street!

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