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Visas to OZ for holiday

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It's been a few years since I took my family to Oz and frankly I've forgotten what I did before regarding visas, if my kids used their Thai or UK passport etc.


Any advice on how to get an Australian visa for myself(UK) and wife(Thai- been 3 times before) and my two kids(11 and 15, with dual nationality)


Would it be as easy with their Thai passports as it's inconvenient going to Bangkok to get new UK passports.


Can I apply online these days?

Can a travel agent see to all this?

Do we have to go to Bangkok and that Trendy place on soi 13.


I think we went to the embassy on Sathorn road the last time.


Also, I might leave my 15 y/o one there for 3 months do go to school


Thanks for any help.

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You and the kids straight forward e-visa on the British passport. No charge.


Thai wife requires an online application through an "Immiaccount" or paper submission via VfS in Bangkok (where your wife will also have to go to give biometrics. A$135 I believe plus 800+ Baht for VfS.


Google... Australian visa for Thai citizen... and





Edited by Jip99
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On 8/21/2017 at 3:18 PM, Jip99 said:

You and the kids straight forward e-visa on the British passport. No charge.


Thai wife requires an online application through an "Immiaccount" or paper submission via VfS in Bangkok (where your wife will also have to go to give biometrics. A$135 I believe plus 800+ Baht for VfS.


Google... Australian visa for Thai citizen... and







I don't want to renew my kid's UK passports. 

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

onOP: Where are you with your planning? You will need to study the link below for your child if you would like her to study for a short period in Australia.



I'm pretty sure you can study on a short time basis on a s/c 600 visitor visa.

Edited by Will27
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22 minutes ago, Will27 said:

I'm pretty sure you can study on a short time basis on a s/c 600 visitor visa.

I know you are knowledgeable on Oz visas.


OP's daughter is 15 year old Thai national, so would guess OP is intending to arrange attendance at govt school for the three months. At her age would the child be able to attend govt school or a private school without relevant study visa when parents return to Thailand? I assume child will be staying with family relative / friend and will have medical insurance.

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On 8/21/2017 at 3:25 PM, MrPatrickThai said:

Would it be as easy with their Thai passports as it's inconvenient going to Bangkok to get new UK passports.

If applying for a visa with their Thai Passports you will still have to go to Bangkok to do the Biometrics. 


On 8/21/2017 at 3:25 PM, MrPatrickThai said:

Can I apply online these days?

Yes, but you still need to go to Bangkok to do the Biometrics for Thai passport holders.


On 8/21/2017 at 3:25 PM, MrPatrickThai said:

Can a travel agent see to all this?

Some of it, but not the Biometrics part.


On 8/21/2017 at 3:25 PM, MrPatrickThai said:

Do we have to go to Bangkok and that Trendy place on soi 13



On 8/21/2017 at 3:25 PM, MrPatrickThai said:


Also, I might leave my 15 y/o one there for 3 months do go to school

Can go to school no problems from the visa, unless they put a condition on the visa not allowing it. 


Depending on how hard it is to renew UK passports, but you would be better off having your kids travel on this, as visas are easier, they are covered by the  Reciprocal Health Care Agreement with the UK.


The Visa's for Thai's cost 3,800 baht each.


You have to go to Bangkok either way.


There is a chance (small) that they won't get visa's with their Thai passports.








Edited by Surin13
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I believe that studying for up to 3 months is allowed on the 600 visitors visa.


To get UK passports renewed for my kids, it takes two trips to Bangkok.


I can't see them being refused  visas if their parents get one, but could be wrong. 


Maybe it would be better to renew their UK passports, as they'll need them in the next couple of years anyway.



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  • 2 months later...

I got my kids UK passports but a bit confused as where to apply.


Is it here http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/600-/Visitor-e600-visa-online-applications


or here




or here





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MPT you to date have been involved in getting your Oz visa but you mentioned possibly having one of you children attending an Australian School.


You need to look into this before arranging your tickets as if you are not Australian and a Resident getting your child into a school will be difficult and COST an arm and leg even at a Government School.

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10 minutes ago, oxymoron said:

MPT you to date have been involved in getting your Oz visa but you mentioned possibly having one of you children attending an Australian School.


You need to look into this before arranging your tickets as if you are not Australian and a Resident getting your child into a school will be difficult and COST an arm and leg even at a Government School.

it says on the visa that study is allowed for 3 months. Initially this is enough. If it works out, we'll get another visa. 

Yeah, $13,000 a year is a bit steep for a govt. school!

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