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Info On Laos Visa Run, On 01/03/2007

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I just got back from a run for my friend that had already had his 3rd VOA stamped in Oct.

1). It is best to get your Lao visa to enter Laos prior to crossing. You can get it at a number of tour shops in Thailand, Knong Kai. It is cheaper. We took the bus to the bridge 50 Baht, however there is a Bus that goes straight to Vientiane for 55 Baht. But you can not use it without a Lao visa already.

The visa is cheaper in Thailand and you don't have to pay the 20 Baht to cross the bridge.

2). requirements in Thai embassy, 2 4x6 pictures, copy of your passport and Lao visa pages, 1 thousand Baht. (NOTE) If you can download the visa request form and prepare it in advance it will speed things up,

plus it will me neat I saw many people having to re-do the request form because it was not complete or it was to slopy. Once they will tell you go over there(?) and pay. What is meant my this, go to the main building; go inside and sit and wait until they call your name. I also many people that went to the main building waited outside and smoked or chated. The problem is if they call your name and you are not there your request goes to the bottom, who knows how long you have to wait then? Be polite!!!!!! they are in control!!!!

Then return the next day, best about 1:30 to 2:00, just to let the 1:00 crowd thin out.

3). The tuk tuk's outside of the Embassy are getting very bold right now, the charge to go to the bridge should be 100 Baht. The ones outside the Embassy will asked for up to 400 Baht, don't argue just walk about 1 block towards the city (a right turn out of the Embassy) there you should get one for the normal 100 Baht.

4). NOTICE: At the Thai immigration entry I noticed one guy that had tried to make a visa run on a forth VOA by going to Lao early. (I saw a post on here about this where someone said they got there 4th because it was not over 90 days, I think he when to Cambodia). This will not work in Laos. The offical pulled him out of the line and they made him to go to the immigration office to pay a fine because he was trying to go over the 90 days by making a early run.

All in all it was not a bad deal, just remember to play the rules, they are getting smarter everyday

best of luck to all. I hope this was helpful to you all.

Oh, by the way, when I took my friend, I was on my second Tourist visa, and I had no problem when I requested another.

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