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  1. Subletting is mostly not allowed. Airbnb for less than a month isn't legal. You would be running business, so need a company.
  2. Try to add the new company to your current work permit, should be possible as the owner is the same. Unless he just doesn't want to pay you for a while / let you leave the company without severance pay. It sounds fishy to me.
  3. Something to think about: Donald Trump’s felony conviction now means he’s banned from a host of countries including Canada and UK (msn.com)
  4. Read something about The Manila Stalker a while ago.
  5. I am still here in good health, so it works for some.
  6. Do you really think I will let any idiot call or email the company i work for? Troll
  7. Yes, you can. Married with Thai wife, 2 children here, am working, above 50. I can pick and choose between several visas as I have enough money for each of them.
  8. Voting for Trump to save democracy. Jeez, what a lunacy, he wants to be a dictator.
  9. The assaults on your daughter are not extreme enough for you?
  10. "In the Thai lessons, the teacher wanted the kids to deliver their work crawling ON THEIR KNEES. That was the Thai culture and was done everywhere." It is not done everywhere, absolute nonsense. "When your child will finish her studies at a thai university. she can go find a job for 9,000 Baht per month as a cassiere at Mc Donalds." Absolute nonsense again, we employ people from top Thai universities and they get more than 100K a month.
  11. Sure, teach her that you have to run all your live if there is a problem.
  12. I couldn't give a <deleted> what his parents would think, should have raised their child better. My child's welfare is number one.
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