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  1. Here's my advice. Enter into a relationship only when you have a truly in-depth understanding of TIT, and would be able to write a book about it. Otherwise, enjoy the ride.
  2. Russia has already won. Ukraine is destroyed and poses no future threat as a potential NATO or EU member. That was Putin's primary objective. Any future settlement will cede territories already gained to Russia. And the unexpected outcome of the war from the West's perspective is the fast-tracking of the BRICS+ development. It will be carnage when the US can't fund it's debt because nobody wants to buy T-Bills. Don't think it can happen? It's already happening.
  3. Some manure is finally beginning to stick to the Teflon Thai Baht.
  4. They will soon run out of ... variant names. Bound to go in the direction of the 2SPLGBTQIA++CNBP... alphabet soup brigade. Apologies to all/any of the apparently infinite number of alphabet soup variants I omitted.
  5. Applying statistical logic, they should park the scooters on the pavement (sidewalk, footpath). This would cause much less inconvenience as nobody uses the pavement, especially the Indians. For the same reasons, trains should be made to stop at road crossings, not cars.
  6. Maybe the BIB think you really can get blood from a stone?
  7. Meanwhile, 9% of the world's grain production goes into producing biofuel to satisfy the puritanical climate warriors, instead of using those ghastly carbon-based fuels that feed the plants that create the grain that goes into the production of biofuel. It's a circular conundrum. https://www.vox.com/2014/8/21/6053187/cropland-map-food-fuel-animal-feed
  8. This will seriously affect the Thai Space Program, and probably delay their first moon landing.
  9. ...meanwhile in other news, the last genuine British Conservative leader is reportedly spinning in her grave at the debacle of a joke her party has become, and the decline of Britain into a banana republic. So much for Rule Britannia - the Britons have been enslaved. R.I.P Maggie Thatcher.
  10. Harmonic imbalance. Get some double sided tape and stick a small weight, (say a very small nut, or even better, the sticky weights used to balance a car wheel) on one of the blades, and see what happens. If the noise ceases, job done. If it gets worse, try sticking it to different blades at different distances from the centre. Many ceiling fans come with stick-on weights to balance it after installation. Ceiling fans don't resonate, but they will swing wildly if out of balance. Your A/C has a fixed pivot and its inability to counteract the imbalance results in resonance.
  11. If there's one thing worse than being extorted by a genuine Thai copper, it's being extorted by a fake copper.
  12. It's a tad presumptive to assume that Biden will even win the nomination. Odds on that "for health reasons" he is replaced by Newsom or Mrs. Obama. Even the DNC know that a three-legged donkey can't win the Kentucky Derby.
  13. You never know, Farage has a way of making far too much sense. Future Brits may celebrate 4 July as their new Independence Day.
  14. Twenty one Indians in one house. For the owner's sake, I hope it had an outside kitchen.
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