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  1. I've often thought of writing a book about Thailand. I wonder how you would go about it.
  2. The answers are - he doesn't need to complete everything in 18 months. He just needs to set up a system where: All programs with lapsed authorisations are immediately cancelled. All government spending is open-sourced. No one can argue with the first. Congress must do its job. The second is a certainty. There are plenty of people out there who would love nothing better than to crawl over government spending to point out waste. Open source ( sunlighting ) will save US taxpayers a fortune.
  3. Oh, and Russian cats on a treadmill - Musk is after them too.
  4. US tax payers will be disappointed to hear that transmonkeyphobia has crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the shape of African-American, Elon Musk, who will run a campaign to end funding for this vital research. Some people consider that to be bananas. Others are going apesh*t because transmonkeys are monkeys too. And, yes - this is a real thing.
  5. Answer the question. Did either suggest that killing Trump was the answer? And beclowning suits you, sir. Act like a clown, be treated as such.
  6. Triple NI whammy. Work it out for yourself. Are you seriously suggesting that this mandatory tax increase in the cost of employment is fine because it's tax deductible against profits? No one is this stupid. Genuinely, no one. So I'm looking forward to you educating me in this matter. And no one in their right mind believes 40% of your pension pot being taxed aftera lifetime of saving is a good deal. You truly are a financial illiterate. Stunningly stupid.
  7. I've ran a business in the UK for 30 years, I know what I'm talking about. What happens to company profits when costs increase? ................................. Setting aside talking to this arrogant wee man, on the ground in the UK many people I know are closing up, selling or retiring. They've had enough. My business partner had to talk me out of retiring last night. You see, the one thing businessmen love is having their payroll costs increased by a triple whammy and then told their pensions are now liable for 40% tax. Its truly wonderful stuff. Then we turn to the idiot and see gibbering idiots writing off £140 million payroll cost increase as minor and irrelevant. Just moronic talk.
  8. The personal attack is deserved as you are spouting drivel. Do you realise that the NI cost increase to Sainsburys is equivalent to their Corporation tax on profits paid last year? Do you understand the implications pf that?
  9. When was the last time a thief broke into a house and paid all the bills? You're that stupid you calculated the £140 mil increase against gross turnover ( financial illiterate territory ). Did you not know that 98% of that turnover is cost?
  10. No, the accurate description. Sainsburys profit is equivalent to a whopping 2% of sales. Oh, and they pay tax on that 2%. You are clearly a financial illiterate.
  11. I was wondering if you were an idiot based upon your previous posts but now I've decided.
  12. And here's the new problem for Pelosi - the Californian cash cow is going to be under sustained attack over the next four years. I predict, and I'm not joking, that to be associated with the Democrat machine will be toxic by the mid terms. The Blue Dog and Dirt Road Democrats need to get rid of the Marxist cancer or they will lose time and time again.
  13. I think the most moronic defence of Kamala's performance is "she only had three months to introduce herself to the American public." She was VP for three and a half years, add six months for VP nominee and elect. If you can't "introduce" yourself over the course of those four years there's something badly wrong. In this case, the "badly wrong" was her personality. She was universally disliked with terrible approval ratings. Biden saw Pelosi coming a mile off and threw her, along with Obama et al under the bus. And if you ever want proof of how much Pelosi disliked her - they are both products of the Democrat California powerhouse. No senior politician knows Kamala better than Pelosi. The admission that a primary was anticipated is a direct attack on Harris. There is no way that Pelosi would have prevented the election of a Californian Democrat to the White House. She wanted the primary because she knew that Harris was unelectable.
  14. Just wait till all the convictions are overturned on appeal. 🤣
  15. So if you woke up one morning in Thailand and saw that Federal taxes had been abolished, how would that affect you?

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