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  1. There you go again comparing with other countries. Who gives a flying one what a UK taxi charges? Defo off the boat.
  2. Which pub? Just paid 370 baht for round of 3 good pints. But poor comparison, not untypical for folks just off the boat. Relatively it is a rip off, esp when many parks offer little and are poorly maintained, while UK National parks are free FOR ALL.
  3. Couldn’t care less about more competition for hotels (that’s good for everyone else), more so that greedy Chinese property types will buy up more of the market.
  4. They couldn’t care less and in fact it is a win win since certain parts of government (etc) think there’s already too many foreigners living in Thailand full time. All in all a dumb move however when they’re trying to attract inward investment.
  5. Also goes without saying you ain’t gonna get very far with a standard, non-working beauty if you rock up in wifebeater and flip-flops and try to dazzle her with your non-existent Thai and very best broken English. 😋
  6. Comment is as weird as the actions of those pathetic individuals. What point is that then? It will not change the minds of the vast majority of the world.
  7. ... the mistake was not telling her to go and do one. Surely much more satisfying than initial response? But, yes, proper beachbum. 😋
  8. Having said all the above, recently been back West and bowled over even in my pissant of a backward town. Head on a swivel beauties. Just wouldn't want to be manacled to them... again. Not that I even could. 😛
  9. Bit of a troll topic, but worth a bite. Women are of course stunning everywhere, but am personally an Asian lover. Generally (horrible word, but is what it is), and forgetting 'workers', the pretentious and those with an agenda etc, they are typically unassuming and tend more to understated beauty--don't really need makeup, tighter lines etc--are polite and know how to look after their man. Yes please. 🙂
  10. Tripe. Cities can be a nightmare, but I would sooner drive in Thailand than take on the tailgating BMW chavs on the utter crap (usually one lane) roads in the UK today. One of the pleasures of life in Thailand for me is to do a road trip. The north is especially great. Getting busier of course as more and more get 'vehiculated' and Bangkok folk (and Chinese dreamers) spread about, but still fun esp on a bike. Roads wider and smoother than they've ever been, PTT stations everywhere (loaded with 7-11, Amazon coffee as they are, don't bother stopping at another), G Maps more reliable, stop off at this or that motel (don't need to book), no hassle from traffic cops, and easy to get off the beaten track and explore the stunning country.
  11. Would personally take it and invest (5.8% would surely be beatable low risk?) and be more mindful of time. Also don't bet greedy Thailand in not taxing already taxed income & pensions etc! Bah humbug, grumble grumble. Would sooner pour it down the drain on rubbish 'beer'. Oh wait! 😋
  12. Are we still talking about Russians or digressed to Brits again? 😛 Cannot blame the draft dodgers from that maniac's war (put your own kids on the frontline, you Ahole!) Though they do tend to aggression somewhat and I abhor any one group overrunning another's turf, personally do not have a problem with the individual. Just temper that nationalism and be worldly, eh what!
  13. Didn't read replies so might have been said, but guaranteed that many of the local closures had them setting up shop in China to bring same products back anyway, all the while lowering overheads. Upshot is bigger profits for Thai owner (and the Chinese system) and the shaft for Thai workers. The whole world is going/has gone this way. Cheap tat and online shopping etc.
  14. $10k (equiv) a time. People without big luggage rarely get turned over anyway. On the whole b’locks tax thing, folk should just not spend 6 months. That is what the elitist priks in power want after all. F them!
  15. Those numbers are excessive unless carrying heavy loads and dangerous on wet roads. Used to have mine about 30 all round. Always check after it's been in for service. Thai mechanics like to blow them right up.
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