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robsamui last won the day on September 2 2019

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About robsamui

  • Birthday 03/13/1950

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    Koh Samui since 1997

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    South Thailand

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  1. Any ministerial or government proposals regarding education is earmarked as a joke before it's even off the ground. The government has no intention of educating their people - the last thing they want is a restless generation of informed and world-aware workers causing internal strife The top few percent of the populace - the HiSo and/or wealthy Thais - already educate their children privately and always abroad . . . certainly when it comes to higher education and university. Their own workforce they regard as factory fodder, deliberately 'educated' to have no insight, creativity or initiative. It'll be many generations before Thailand realises that it's not an island, and that it can't survive without being a useful and cooperative member of the big wide world outside.
  2. If the reporters were Thai, then they wouldn't have a clue about the ins-and-outs of what's needed for long-stay foreigners. (None of the very many Thais I've talked to over the years have been able to believe the visa tangles and costs and think I'm making it up - they just assume that farangs simply 'stay' here!)
  3. Phones. That's the problem. The python is immediately and clearly visible on a PC with a 27-inch monitor.
  4. Rugged rock - rabid ranting 20,000 volt horizontal Russian . . .
  5. Ah - that explains things - Mr Tolstov wrote "War and Peace". This was evidently not a 'Peace' day.
  6. A few years back I was pulled over on my bike - and refused to pay the spot fine. After a minute or two grumpy threats the officer said 'follow me' and sped off leaving me sitting there. So I waited . . . and waited . . . and then carried on home.
  7. Does a home stereo need to be covered in flashing disco lights? Little kids love this kinda stuff, and that includes dressing up.
  8. All they're taught about 'history' in school is ancient Thai history - they're not taught anything about the world outside, including WWII, nor about the whole morning that it took for the Thais to surrender to the Japanese. (And that was only because, as soon as the Japanese aircraft attacked, the Thai PM at the time disappeared and couldn't be found for three hours . . . )
  9. It all seems to be an ongoing hook to hang the poor and (deliberately) under-educated peasants on. Thailand is the only country I've heard about where banks will lend you the money to buy a house as long as you first lodge the equivalent amount of money with them. Then they will use it to buy the house, charge you interest on the loan, and then allow you to pay in monthly instalments. And before I get hammered - I know that's simplified and not (quite) accurate - but, in essence, it's what it amounts to . . . unless you can find a farang to act as guarantor . . . but, fortunately, I've never had much luck with that.
  10. Can the arguments go to private mail please? I'm getting a headache tring to sift through the squabbles and see stuff about cheap weed . . . .
  11. This is not Cherry White. Cherry White is a sativa with a potential of 22% - 26% THC. This is more likely Cherry Wine a CBD strain with 14% CBD and 4% - 7% THC. If your looking to get *******, this isn't going to do it. Thanks for straightening this out - my order of cherry wossit came yesterday and I've been sucking at it until my eyes are bulging and nothing much is happening (apart frm the eye thing). A couple of people here have waxed poetic about how good it is, so there was me thinking that my stone buds must be jaded, faded and degraded. Iffin I plug the chamber of my vaper full full full and tamp it down with a tampy-thing then I eventually get a pleasantly-functional silly smile going, after my second refill. (It's also as dry as a bone and isn't cured properly, smelling unpleasantly of cut grass.) But it was the astonishing price of 450 baht for 20g (plus 5g free) - 18 baht a gramme. (It's actually even cheaper to buy 10g with 5 free!). You just gotta climb into two-or-three chambers (or spliffs) to get your head re-adjusted, that's all.
  12. What is C.O.A? Sounds like a Murican thing. How is it different to Cash on Delivery - COD? (Which I use all the time).
  13. Ahem! One other condition: "High earners must have proof of personal income of at least USD 80,000 annually at the time of application."
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