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About khaowong1

  • Birthday 09/21/1942

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    Weatherford, Texas, USA

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    Weatherford Texas

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  1. Hey Honey, they lifted the alcohol ban on Makha Bucha day at the airport in Thailand, let's book a flight.
  2. Where does TAT come up with these numbers? Do they just draw them out of a hat?
  3. Anyway, always noticed hardly anyone buying stuff in the arrival duty free. If no one is buying stuff, how did they lose 3 billion baht?
  4. As far as I know, Monks don't get paid, period. I would be surprised if the Head Patriarch even got paid.
  5. The monk had amassed assets worth over 100 million baht. I'm pretty sure he can afford an attorney.
  6. The first high winds come along, that shelter is history... 1m baht?? not even.
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