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    wherever I lay my head

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  1. What if you cannot "shoot your load".....do you get refunded????
  2. I insist on a towel placed over my head when having a full body massage.........😆
  3. All depends upon the time of the month......
  4. Wrong....the daily traffic fine handed outside the station is visible proof....wonder how much they have collected over these years.....frightening but not to worry I,m sure it`s all gone to worthy causes
  5. They had this ten years ago before the numpties in City Hall decided to have them cut down.....
  6. Sorry but you don`t have a kind face.......you would frighten these puppies to death
  7. If you read the article again it states she was in the drivers seat..he was beside her in the passengers seat
  8. Medical cards went out years ago......UK address yes.....I,m registered with my GP with no current problems
  9. And how exactly will they know if you are an expat or not.....
  10. Don`t get your knickers in a twist sweetie....at your age you should calm down more...
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