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klauskunkel last won the day on December 5 2015

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  1. The UK should call on the UN to Open Offices in their buildings around the world for Refugees, I am sure they could host a large number.
  2. It appears that the 2 AKSUs are also of Turkish descent: Aksu (surname) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Aksu is a Turkish surname. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aksu_(surname)#:~:text=Aksu is a Turkish surname,London-based Turkish fashion designer
  3. It is obvious that without the gloss there will be tarnish...
  4. My answer is this... maybe you can, and maybe you can't, it all depends on your spending. But, you knew that already, didn't you...
  5. 1) If I was born today I would be less than a day old and seriously doubt to be able to make any choice of anything... how would I have developed the facilities, experiences and articulation to do that? 2) If I was born today, I would have most probably been born in a country already, so my choice would have to have been made before birth, in utero. As such your parameters are paradoxical. However, I would be interested in hearing your explanation.
  6. Some people just want that original haircut...
  7. Movie idea: neurons sourced from a sociopath
  8. I think the absolute best solution is to not have children at all -or- in order for civilization to continue, have them raised by AI
  9. Between 2023 and 2026 about 75,000 extinguishers... Who is the lucky contractor? There are some ornamental lampposts that could benefit from fire safety.
  10. Thai law enforcement, a wannabe community with self-proclaimed integrity, whose accountability and transparency is rank from within
  11. What Happened? What did I miss? Is it the Uighur deportation thing?
  12. with the EC being dead weight
  13. Well, Apple can comment "on the existence of such notices" and does so...
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