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    East Pattaya

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  1. Price for anything but a very high performance car that has an ECU map for utilising the added small amount of octane.
  2. Tinder has taken offence to that lady disrespecting and defaming their business and will be retaliating, and so have the delicious ladies of Korat.
  3. I like the look of this and do like a coffee instead of alcohol for a change. I don't see this by google or on maps though, any hint? Obviously, a walk down the soi will be in the works!
  4. Most pharmacies, even out here on the dark side have all that you have listed, local labels, US, Aus, Jap, UK whatever.
  5. If only the wife would leave me, I'm sure I would have a chance, according to all the girls on soi 6!!
  6. Good advice, I looked at the other locations and noticed 'free' appointments and no need to pay anything more! I did not see that at the shopping centre I had been looking at, so the appointment set for Friday, thank you!
  7. Does anyone have any contact information for any of the VFS Global offices in Bangkok? I have duly completed a UK visa application, and trying to make the VFS appointment, but I can't get the appointment confirmation. Please not their 24/7 Customer Service Twitter page; they do not answer that! Alternatively, if anyone knows a way to pay for an appointment, I have tried repeatedly with different credit cards from different computers and phone operating systems to no end; after inputting an OTP, the screen goes to 'white screen of death' and no further action possible. I have left it like that for more than 2 hours since they say they may need that much time to process payment, but nothing! I was hoping to avoid need to drive into Bangkok expecting no way to get in the door without an appointment in any case. I do appreciate anyone's advice! This is where I have tried repeatedly: https://visa.vfsglobal.com/tha/en/gbr/your-appointment
  8. Takes a few days in most recent report, used to be minutes.
  9. What're another 3 to 5 years for the local businesses along this road to put up with? I'm sure they will be pleased with the islands in 2030 when it's all done in time to dig it all up again and put in bigger and more drain pipes.
  10. I don't find entering the US any easier via LAX. Much harder with mostly customs harassing passengers but very long immigration wait, too, longer than swampy. Leaving, harassment from TSA.
  11. the average gambler, with a million baht to lose, though this seems a bit high, was no doubt those Myanmar workers that brought most of it!
  12. Its what eventually happens when having an affair, even after you give in and just get married.
  13. I see 12% increase this month's bill and do observe all compressors working much harder and not able to cool to my comfort zone of 24 in the rooms I am in. Bedroom unit is getting to about 26 with unit set at 22 and much smaller home office is getting down to 24 in the mornings, but need to set at 20 to get there and at the hottest time of day, the room is closer to 25. Compressors on most of the time.
  14. Just told the wife I will be down at Homepro for the evening looking at the hardware on display.
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