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About Lemsta69

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Well I did it last week too and I had to force the offline install option via the command line. Another case of YMMV I guess.
  2. You can only do that now if you use the workaround that I posted above. I just did a fresh install of Win 11 using a USB stick that was created by the MS Media Creation Tool and the "I don't have internet" option is not there anymore for the Pro version.
  3. You're the sucker if you pay big bucks to Microsoft for a Retail product key instead of a cheap OEM key from the internet. If you don't know what an OEM key is then Google it. At any rate, even if the product key I bought from that website is a recycled one, it makes no difference because my current Windows install is showing as Activated and everything is working as expected. You have to type the product key in manually you know, there's no crack or keygen program involved ergo zero risk of virus or malware.
  4. You can get a Win 11 Pro OEM license for next to nothing. I bought a Win 10 Pro license from this mob in Dec 2020 and it's still working, even after I upgraded to Win 11 and did multiple fresh re-installs. https://www.electronicfirst.com/windows-11-professional-retail-key You can install Win 11 using a local account very easily, just follow the instructions in this article: https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-11-set-up-without-internet-connection/
  5. Conscription by definition is compulsory, ie. not voluntary. I think you mean "enlistment" or "recruitment" into the Russian Army. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conscription
  6. Nice run Monsieur, too bad you got caught because those Canadienne winters are really going to hurt after that long in the tropics. I suppose he'll try Cambodge next, if they'll let him in with his 10-year ban from Thailand.
  7. You forgot the "Brazilian" part of the acronym. Apparently it's different to the original Japanese JJ.
  8. Did the Crown Royal stink of mothballs back then? Or whatever those small white balls they use to deodorise the toilet are? I only discovered the place in early 2022 after I retired and moved here versus being a backpacker/tourist in the late '90s-early '00s. Been there a few times since then and it's always dead quiet, no other customers. They charge 140B for a small Heineken now so I probably won't go back there again unless an old Patpong hand is ringing the bell πŸ˜‰ Never got to see the Madrid or any of the other old names. It's a wasteland now, not sure why the family don't bulldoze the place and put up a shopping mall or something.
  9. Shirley you're better off asking this question in the main LTR thread? https://aseannow.com/topic/1265383-ltr-visa-is-now-available-for-long-term-residency/#comments
  10. Yes I've done that a few times after hearing all the hype about how awesome Linux is and how terrible Windoze is. I gave up after a few trials with different distros because all of them struggled with multiple displays (laptop + HDTV) and none of them could send audio to the TV. Linux forums were useless, I spent hours searching for a solution to no avail. Also couldn't get the VPN to work properly; there's no in-built functionality for kill switch or auto-resume after a dropout. Any potential solutions were programmer gibeerish and not worth my time. I took great pleasure in deleting the last Linux install, removing that annoying Grub bootloader and reverting to Winblows or M$ or whatever pejorative is in vogue with the haters πŸ˜‚
  11. It's not that big, you could easily fit this lot into one of those big fanny packs or a man bag if you have one.
  12. I live in Bangkok. There was a smell of burning the other night and there was a horrid chemical smell a few nights ago after the rain, can't remember the exact day.
  13. Bob, if you're serious about getting off the demon drink then why are you posting in the Pub and not the Health and Medicine forum?
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