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About Dazinoz

  • Birthday November 14

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    Chiang Mai

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  1. I just love the way people on here automatically KNOW everything. Yes I met her in a bar but no moving in either way. And my acquaintances, husband and wife knew her some time back from the bar they frequently drank at and the wife did actually tell me that this girl was nice. Very wrong and the wife now knows this.
  2. Not just male narcissist do damage, female can do also. I regard myself, as others do, regard myself as a good person and this lady I posted about did a lot of damage to me for a time. Not really strange if people do not understand about NPD because if not involved with a bad one how would you know?
  3. You don't see the toxicity as you were not involved with her and don't try to claim you know. I didn't say the demand for salary was toxic it was a lot more of her behaviour which i have not bothered listing all on here. I have been here 11 years and have had various relationship but none "love bombed" to the degree she did. You said only issue was I bought it. What did I buy, where did I say I gave her money? She demanded a large salary and I refused to pay that amount. I did agree on a smaller amount but she wasn't happy with that amount so I did not pay.
  4. Certainly have had experience. Christmas last was sitting at a bar in Chiang Mai with some friends from Oz. This cute little lady turns up and starts talking to them as they knew each other a few years back. We were sitting outside the bar and, as it was cool we moved inside. My fiends and I sat one table and this girl another. I signalled to her did she want a drink. When she got her drink she came to me and said let's go outside which I did. We seemed to hit it off really well and we had a good night. To cut a long story short I did get involved with her and we were together a few months She did send up some red flags and I should have gotten out then, but stupid me stayed on. In the end she demanded a high monthly salary and when I denied she just left in an instant. Don't know what triggered me to look but I realised she was an extreme narcissist. She loved bombed me from the first night and carried it on. I discovered later some of those red flags were her being "busy" with at least one other guy. I really did care for her (great at her love bombing) and I hurt for quite awhile. After reading and watching videos about narcissists I still felt bad but did understand more on why she did what she did. Narcissist only care about themselves and can not really love or care others. She was very toxic. So if anyone living in Chiang Mai comes across a short (140cm) and around 35 very cute lady in bar area and she "loves" you from the start, RUN.
  5. I have had 2 attempts at butchering this pig. Both times I received a text asking me was I a tour guide in Bangkok. I said no. But the first "lady" started asking questions on where I lived. I told her Chiang Mai. She then said her and her sister were coming to Thailand for a holiday and if they came to Chiang Mai could I show them around. She claimed she was in Singapore. She sent me "her" photo. Very attractive. Chats went on for a week or a bit longer then the questions about money and investments started. I let it go for awhile knowing generally what they were after. I let her know it was a scam and blocked her. Happened a few months later with a similar theme but this time I ended it quickly.
  6. Once boarded a QANTAS 747 flight from Hawaii to Sydney. Nothing happened for awhile but then captain announced they had a warning light on the Auto Pilot and he and the crew were not prepared to fly all that way on manual at night (flight due to take off around midnight). They were in contact with QANTAS maintenance and were looking at several options. The captain kept us updated as to what was happening. In the end advice was given that it was not an issue and we took off. The downside was the airport had closed at midnight and we were not able to go back into the terminal and due to not actually taken off there were some laws not allowing serving of alcohol and other things. We ended off taking off at 3am. We were late for our connecting flights to Brisbane. As per usual people were complaining.
  7. Once happened to me. Not sure what happened but I think partly my fault and a slow cash deposit machine. It took money, closed door then shut down. Fortunately it was located outside a Bangkok Bank branch. When inside and notified them. She made a couple calls and told me to wait awhile. About 30 minutes later we went outside and she opened machine and money returned.
  8. Yes it did match description. I first received the US tracking number with a few movements shown. After no movement for a time I emailed support and received the second China tracking number. Like you say when the China tracking showed that item left China so did the US one. When item deliver (from China) the US tracking also showed delivered.
  9. Recently ordered a shirt on Facebook. Company in the US but said item would be sent from China. I was given a tracking number which showed movement in the US. After no movement in awhile I contacted support who provide me with another tracking, this one from China. I contacted support about 2 totally different tracking numbers and they just said yes, one from country or origin and one in destination country. Neither showed Thailand. Anyhow I watched both tracking and both showed left China or US. Yesterday the parcel arrived and showed on both tracking sites as delivered. Anyone know the reasoning for this?
  10. They don't get jealous. They are happy. The farang is paying for everything and the Thai guy still gets his rumpy pumpy. Knew a Thai bar girl once and I found out later her husband used to drive her to the bar to work. Later I was introduced to him as her cousin. A couple of times we actually talked about xes with his wife. Just said to me she does not like too much.
  11. It's only happened to me twice in several years of using QR code and usually an ATM is not far away but, to some members, an ATM is apparently not an alternative. Been here over 10 years and very few incidents with BBL.
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