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  1. Rather than spend your time asking questions here, be a proper dad, get in your car and go and get your daughter. She must be terrified and confused yet you’re asking guys here what to do!! I find it hard to fathom why you haven’t gone to the authorities or removed your daughter from the school.
  2. Perhaps because they don’t know as yet. The post did say “an investigation into his untimely death is underway.”.
  3. Read my comment and read the comment I was replying to by Robbkk. His comment was that Thai immigration dropped the ball. My reply was the UK dropped the ball allowing him to leave the country and also allowing passport renewal on an assumed reported stolen passport. Quote from OP Burrows had originally arrived in Phuket in 1997, living on the island under the name Peter Smith – the name in the passport he had allegedly stolen from one of his victim’s father. Somehow he was able to use this passport as ID to set up companies and even renewals for a new UK passport during his time in Thailand. Many questions are being raised how a passport, assumed to have been reported missing by the real ‘Peter Smith’ in the UK, would be able to be used for such a long time without detection. During that time he would have completed numerous 90 day reports , visa renewals and UK passport renewals through the British Embassy inThailand.
  4. What a load of BS. The UK authorities dropped the ball. Firstly by allowing him the leave the country. Secondly by renewing his passport which was stolen. Nothing the Thai immigration did was wrong, as far as they knew his passport was genuine.
  5. For your future texts , all CAPITALS = shouting. For sarcasm it’s 🙃. Or so my daughters inform me 🤣
  6. I’d you did then why ask the question. Did a REAL doctor diagnose the PTSD?
  7. Are you trying to tell us you’ve been misgendered, what was it the beard or hairy legs that gave you away 🤣 🤣 . Perhaps someone kick you out of the ladies toilet and now you have PTSD 🤣 🤣
  8. So you obviously were too lazy to check if she actually worked in A&E? You just jumped on the victim blaming train. Even if she did work in trauma which she doesn’t she would be trained to handle blood and gore. What she’s not trained for is being attacked physical and verbally by a coward from behind or all the media attention. Once again another victim blamer jumps on his keyboard without allowing brain cells to wake up.
  9. Try reading the full article before you commenting a load of Bo11ox.
  10. In the case of an 11 year old it is a symptom of being sexually abused and therefore should be investigated.
  11. Are you sure you said Thank you, is that what really happened. Where is the CCTV to prove it? If no video it never happened that way 🤣 🤣 🤣
  12. Don’t do that. Allow him back into Thailand so he can get charged with assaulting the steward. Some time in a Thai jail would do him the world of good 😀
  13. The point of your comment is??? That’s like saying Liverpool FC would get destroyed playing the All Blacks at rugby, makes absolutely no sense to a normal thinking person.
  14. So you believe murderers should be allowed to roam free with not punishment?
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