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About ezzra

  • Birthday 01/01/1950

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  1. Lucky in deed to have been a very baby python, as a Missing woman found inside 16-foot python after it reportedly swallowed her whole in Indonesia, nevermind that the python is 10 times bigger than the bike but just adding python tidbit to the op...
  2. Advances in technology in every aspects of people lives left many confused and unsure as how to process and complete a transaction concerning cash and documents and theres are the results, I think the bank should go towards the client and help him with some of his losses and re examine their claim that the sensors will prevent access to the cash once it has been put in the box that it turned out to be incorrect...
  3. Now days, unless you know and trust a builder personally, it's so much the cost of building a house rather finding good, reliable and honest builder that will do it for you on costs and time, lots of so called cowboys builders out there that will start the job but will take ages to finish and will be asking for more money all the time...
  4. That's a new one dressing up as police and forcing people to buy drugs from them? if you wanna force someone to buy drugs from you, can't you do it without police uniforms? or this is a new way of robbing people?...
  5. I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden, Thai police, Immigration and local municipality inspectors can't control a bunch of beggars and are all at the a loss how to solve the problem, all the aforementioned have no problems in controlling all and every aspects of business both legal and illegal everywhere but they can't control bunch of illegal beggars...
  6. Looks like they took a huge gamble/bet (pun intended) on operating this place without the authorities to know about and lost big time...
  7. There are much younger boys riding motorbikes away from the main roads in the small streets and alleys of housing areas with no police in sight, so no wonder that such an accident happens when they venture out to the main roads.. what can be done? nothing, this is the way of life in many Thai communities...
  8. I have come to learn that with the local lassas, the more you open your wallet (Jai Di) the more handsome you're...
  9. A reminiscence of Dr. Michael Mosley untimely death walking alone in a searing heat and in an area he's not familiar with, feeling unwell, getting lost and with no phone, dying of exhaustion on what was suppose to be a short walk, he too clearly, wasn't aware of him limitations and didn't take into an account the rough terrain, it is pity to lose such a good and helpful person liked my many...
  10. At least he didn't had to go the Thaksin way and trick his way in, wonder what was his first Thai meal after returning home?...
  11. Firearms and narcotics are some of a debt collector tools of the trade aren't they?...
  12. No 'monthly envelop' will cover an event where in the event that the place catches on fire and no fire extinguishers or fire exits are there to safe life costing numerous young lives is there?...
  13. Give this neandertal the Darwin award for thinking he can run big oppertation nightclub selling alcohol open late and without any licence and permits and get away with it...
  14. Some perceive Asian as an inferior race and themselves as intellectually superior, as well as the reputation of being obedient and or a pleasing and subservient nature, and with the usual younger look and better/ slimmer figures, what more can a man want?...
  15. Legalise the use of recreational cannabis and you'll see how many will make a bee-line to come to Thailand...
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