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    By the sea

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  1. You're fixated on "immoral" Are you in a cult perhaps?
  2. With the 3 of us the taxi mafia might be easier, we'll see. Thanks for recommendations
  3. Thanks for the info. It's nice to know a bit about the beach situation before going.
  4. You've outdone yourself in the world of creepy replies.
  5. You're the one who keeps using the word "immoral" I never said that. I don't need a book to help me differentiate between right and wrong.
  6. Only a man void of any common sense and a lowlife would have a relationship with his dead brother's widow. And, those who defend his actions are the same.
  7. Doing a day trip to Koh Phangan and wondered which nearby beach is good for swimming, shade and eating. Also curious what types of transportation is available at the pier.
  8. I use my Thai number for overseas calls. I'm not hip on the other alternatives. My US number phone is pricey.
  9. Sort of like trying to figure out the root cause of why Dahmer ate people. Well, it could be because the grocery store was too far away. No, he was just bat sh#t crazy. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you.
  10. This ritual goes back to a time when eating a whole egg by yourself was luxury. Believe it or not, that's how it used to be in Denmark anyway.
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