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  1. First time I used Wise I requested they access funds direct from my bank, this transaction fell over and locked both my Wise & Bank accounts for a few days. Since then I have always sent the money from my bank using the bank app. Then gone into Wise to forward it to Thailand, have never had an issue doing it this way.
  2. using your name as recipient and bank details of another has probably triggered a "money laundering" investigation, would be a good idea to phone Wise.
  3. IMO I would expect you to get refused entry as your biometrics are unique to you and not to your passport, as is the ban. If you try you do run a slight (probably very slight) chance of additional time for attempting to enter the country while banned.
  4. Could be wrong but it looks like a poisonous variety to me. Would always send for help, from a neighbor, who knows which are poisonous and which not, and let him deal with it.
  5. Not very good at geography are we. UK detectives (London) which is in England, Scotland Yard is the name of the HQ of London police, English police and Scottish police are like the forces in your own Countries States - separate.
  6. Next time fill in your passport no and country then click on the search button (magnifying glass) the system will fill in all the data from your last report, only time it has a problem is the first report after you obtain your annual extension, the date for that must be manually adjusted.
  7. My employer at the time handled all the paperwork, but if I remember correctly, being married, all they required was a copy of my "Yellow Book". Check with the issuing authority, Immigration or BOI as appropriate.
  8. Some ladyboys are very feminine in dress and manner, whether they've the had op or not.
  9. Some of them even drive around in BMW's or Merc's or better, at least one had access to a private jet, I'll bet they ae not taxed on their income either.
  10. Let him in long enough to pay the fines, be put on the blacklist and then send him home
  11. Taxing remitted sum is on the books and will be implemented, it doesn't require changes to the law for it to happen. Taxing world wide income is still at the proposal stage and will require new laws to be passed to allow it to be enacted, so is possibly not going to happen.
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