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  1. I think people in Laos tend to order from Shopee, Lazada etc. through shippers who have Nong Khai addresses and then transport over to Laos for them. That's also the way I've sent packages over to Laos, though going through Loei.
  2. There are a few members on the forum who've done it and could probably give you some decent advice. No sign of them putting in an appearance yet though.
  3. Laos get 30 days not 14. They allowed them 60 days in that post-Covid period so no reason to doubt it now.
  4. A well-researched look at Thailand's situation
  5. In this case, the court even officially recorded in their statement that the NACC had not intended to file the case within the statute of limitations.
  6. Mine only allows one display language but you can still add keyboard languages in 'Language and region'. Then you can check which key is set up to switch languages. I think it's usually the squiggle key "~" next to 1 on the keyboard. That's how it's set up on mine and I don't think I had to go into the settings myself to do that.
  7. This may be completely unrelated. But it would be interesting to know if those experiencing rejections have updated their TM30 to the latest version of that system. I used to receive seemingly random rejections from the 90-day system but since registering on the updated TM30 system, all has gone smoothly with every 90-days submission.
  8. Just going completely from memory, and also no interest in digging out different official versions, wasn't the update that the penalty for not making the choice, i.e. loss of Thai citizenship, was removed? I don't believe there was any update that explicitly allows dual citizenship but the possibility of losing Thai citizenship was deliberately removed.
  9. Monthly pension payments continue for life not just up to the total amount paid in before retirement. If you take out a lump sum, you take out what was put in, If you live a long life, you could get much more than you paid in.
  10. If you get to the point where a lawyer is useful, you've already been tested and processed. Just smelling beer on your breath wouldn't be grounds for a drink driving charge. How confident are you that you'd pass a breathalyzer?
  11. I think it was revised when one of the (many) constitutions introduced/imposed brought in a clause on gender equality. I vaguely remember it being one of a number of measures brought in to comply, like women not being required to take the husband's surname etc. as part of the same package.
  12. We bought our first family house here in 1993 just after my daughter was born. We deliberately didn't go through with a legal marriage because of that law, which was in place at the time. It still proved to be quite a difficult task as when prior to this my partner had applied for a passport, the passport office insisted that because she already had a child she would have to change her title from Miss (nangsao) to Mrs (nang). This entailed a visit back to the home province and was done successfully. Then when it came to getting the mortgage, because she was a nang,the bank wanted her husband's details and wouldn't accept that she had never married. It was finally resolved by taking a bank manager friend of her sister's out for dinner and sinking a couple of bottles of whisky with him. Much easier by the time we bought our next house and this law had gone.
  13. If you have time, it's worth resubmitting. I've had a few online rejections that are still approved with exactly the same information after resubmitting. One on the 4th attempt.
  14. The irony is that the police are now preventing redshirts from getting anywhere near Thaksin. They're just wondering when he's going to seek justice for those killed and jailed after he was able to just walk away. https://prachatai.com/journal/2024/03/108434
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