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  1. REMINDER A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of every nut to keep and bear a weapon more powerful than the entire British army, shall not be infringed.
  2. From the link for thaibeachlover who would never read anything that is not favorable to dear leader: Trump and the NRA counted on the Supreme Court to keep bump stocks legal Analysis: When Trump banned the devices after a mass shooting, he did so with the gun lobby's support. They understood the court was likely to overturn the prohibition.
  3. As if dRump had anything to do with the ban other than appointing the supremes who overturned it.
  4. Many post that Thai women are all alike and only want money. When you meet one of these losers cynical fellas, consider what else do they have to offer a woman?
  5. Because premiums become exorbitant and exclusions abound.
  6. Visa is not the point. OP seeks affordable coverage - which is very unlikely.
  7. Yes, being stabbed with a knife is certainly fair punishment for using bad words.
  8. As expected it didn't take long for the "blame the victim" posters to begin.
  9. Trump, the one who really has dementia can certainly use two sentences. He usually repeats himself three times in two sentences.
  10. I've heard "no evidence proven beyond a reasonable doubt" mean no evidence at all. 1 hour ago, Nick Carter icp said: I believe that was never proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
  11. It was never proven beyond a reasonable doubt that D Trump fathered Ivanka's daughter or that the moon is made of cheese.
  12. It must feel great to know more than thousands of scientists from all over the world.
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