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About billd766

  • Birthday 05/23/1944

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    Klong Lan Pattana Central Thailand

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  1. Why would I need to thank you? After knowing my Thai wife for 31, years, being married to her for 24 years, having a 20 year old Thai/farang son with her, supporting her for over 30 years, having a joint bank account for 24 years, sharing ALL my financial details with her, trusting her far more than I have trusted anybody else, Why would I need to thank you? What have YOU done for me?
  2. Thank you. I am glad that somebody here has a good idea of what they are talking about, instead of nit picking other posters comments, like the good little grammar nasties that they are.
  3. Quite a few, including seem to believe that. A shame for you all, that you cannot seem to come up with any proof.
  4. Perhaps you are thinking wrongly, and in reality you have no idea what will happen in the future.
  5. Naturally, having claimed that, you also have the proof and the links to back that up. if we are to take your word alone with no proof, that isn't worth very much.
  6. I did a transfer on Friday which was held up by yet another Thai public holiday yesterday. BBK has just sent me an SMS saying that the money was available in my account. It should have been there at 2pm precisely yet it was delayed for 2 minutes and 17 seconds. That is disgusting timing. I think that I should complain on social media about that. 😅
  7. And the gop idolises serial liars, sex offenders, those that cheat on their taxes, those that commit state and federal crimes, those that steal important confidential and top secret documents from the White House. those that lie repeatedly to the FBI and deny that they even had such documents. I can follow your reasoning that these are trivial and un-important compared to telling one lie on a gun registration form, which is a minor misdemeanour at most.
  8. How do you know that they top reviews are fake, or is everybody simply supposed to take your word for it?
  9. But the question was asked in this thread, as was mine that you have not answered. Do you have any actual figures or links to prove him wrong?
  10. It would be far worse than terrible and if I were in the UK or the EU and it went nuclear, I am not sure if I would want to survive. I was based at RAF Wildenrath and my primary task in the event of a war was to be dispersed with the Harrier field force. We figured that they would make the first wave OK, the second wave would be any surviving aircraft of the first wave and what could be quickly repaired to make the second wave. There might have been something left for a 3rd wave, but the 4th wave would most likely have been us with our 7.62 SLR rifles but no aircraft. As for the nuclear deterrent in the navy, the UK does not have that many and the last test firing of a missile with no warhead was a spectacular failure. It went up and came down very quickly and fortunately it didn't hit the submarine it was launched from. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68355395 The UK has no airborne nuclear weapons of any large size since the V bomber force was disbanded. The Royal Navy has only 2 aircraft carriers, 1 around the Red Sea, the Arab Gulf and around Aden. The other covers the rest of the world, The peacetime Army AFAIK is thinly stretched and has little in the way of assets in Germany and the EU. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Army#:~:text=As of 1 January 2024,for a total of 110%2C029. From the link As of 1 January 2024, the British Army comprises 75,166 regular full-time personnel, 4,062 Gurkhas, 26,244 volunteer reserve personnel and 4,557 "other personnel", for a total of 110,029. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Air_Force Royal Air Force Size 31,025 active personnel 3,028 reserve personnel 404 aircraft. I am not giving any secrets away as all this information is freely available on the internet. For this you can that the UK politicians going as far back as Harold Wilson in the 1960s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_of_Suez#:~:text=Both the United States and,the Middle East and Asia. In January 1968, a few weeks after the devaluation of the pound,[1][8] Prime Minister Harold Wilson and his Defence Secretary, Denis Healey, announced that British troops would be withdrawn in 1971 from major military bases in South East Asia, "east of Aden", primarily in Malaysia and Singapore[12][13][14] as well as the Persian Gulf and the Maldives[15] (both of which are sited in the Indian Ocean), which is when the phrase "East of Suez" entered the vernacular. In June 1970, Edward Heath's government came to power and retained a small political and military commitment to South East Asia through the Five Power Defence Arrangements.[16] Prior to the 1997 handover of Hong Kong to China, Britain based several units in Hong Kong. However UK politicians of all parties still have dreams of grandeur and aspirations far beyond the the capabilities of the UK forces and are committing them far beyond what they can deal with, with what they have.
  11. Not at all. The forum is here for anybody, If somebody doesn't agree with any persons post, they can either ignore that post or debate with the poster. Nobody is forced to read any post, and if after a while you find that you do not agree with a poster, you can put that poster and carry on with the rest of the thread, The choice is yours.
  12. Do you have any actual figures and links, or are we supposed to just take your word for it?
  13. It depends on the Immigration Office. If the Op reports to a regional office such as Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai and more, he will only need to present one set of paperwork. I report to Kamphaeng Phet which requires one set, plus an extra set for the regional. That came to 37 pages, twice. Yes, for a marriage extension, there is up to a 30 day wait and for a retirement extension that is normally granted the same day. There is also the option in both cases to apply for transferring a (provable) monthly income of 40,000 thb for marriage, or 65,000 per month for a retirement extension. In addition, with a marriage extension, should your wife die before you, your marriage extension dies at the end of the extension period. You will then have to sell the house and land, IF it does not go to a family member in the will. What kind of extension is possible during the sale of the house and land, I have no idea, or even if you can get such an extension. It is possible to obtain a different extension for supporting your children whilst they are in full time education, until the youngest turns 25 years old.
  14. I doubt that Putin would die immediately in any nuclear holocaust because he would immediately be moved to a safe place before it started. However, if I remember my training it may be years before it would be safe enough to even go outside and that would be wearing complete nuclear protective gear. There would be few, if any survivors, no food could be grown and safely eaten, there would be no electrical or water supplies, no manufacturing of anything. Sure he would be the undisputed leader, but of a destroyed nation of ashes and nuclear waste.
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