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Holiday reminder to jai yen yen, or: How I got smacked in the back of the head


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I take it the OP is British, from the eloquence in his post. If it had been me I would have glanced back and seen the guy running away, then quickly surmised that it was a complete retard not worthy of any consideration and gone on with my business, but I am Scandinavian.

One thing I have noticed with Brits, they are very hot tempered and easy to agitate, dunno why but in general this holds true. They Scream a lot and make insulting signs whenever they think everyone else is an idiot and I am not talking about the uneducated masses, it goes for the well educated as well. On top of that, there is a tendency of Brits to think of people with lesser proficiency of the English Language as all being somewhat stupid. When a Brit encounters someone with lesser English Language skills they start to talk louder or revert to Pidgin English.

"quickly surmised that it was a complete retard" Wow, you have amazing powers of instant perception. Not at all judgmental.

"Brits, they are very hot tempered and easy to agitate, dunno why but in general this holds true". Incredible, you have psychologically figured out all 61 + million of us. You truly are amazing.

"I am not talking about the uneducated masses, it goes for the well educated as well". The majority of UK people are uneducated? Thanks for the insight, I wasn't aware of this.

"it goes for the well educated as well" So while these people are "screaming" and making insulting signs, you find the time to survey them on their level of education. Well done, would love to see the figures and charts etc.

"On top of that, there is a tendency of Brits to think of people with lesser proficiency of the English Language as all being somewhat stupid". That's rich from someone who just called the majority of Brits uneducated.

From your enlightening comments I could surmise that all Scandinavians where prone to generalization.

But that would be hypocritical, wouldn't it.

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I take it the OP is British, from the eloquence in his post. If it had been me I would have glanced back and seen the guy running away, then quickly surmised that it was a complete retard not worthy of any consideration and gone on with my business, but I am Scandinavian.

One thing I have noticed with Brits, they are very hot tempered and easy to agitate, dunno why but in general this holds true. They Scream a lot and make insulting signs whenever they think everyone else is an idiot and I am not talking about the uneducated masses, it goes for the well educated as well. On top of that, there is a tendency of Brits to think of people with lesser proficiency of the English Language as all being somewhat stupid. When a Brit encounters someone with lesser English Language skills they start to talk louder or revert to Pidgin Eng

Not true, I am British and I have a high patience for all, its called being a gent and usually you learn it from your old dear or your old man.

We brits are known for que`ing and being polite when it comes to letting people go first etc. When I first started driving in Thailand, I flashed a car to go like you do in the UK, it was quite funny becuase he looked at me like ? why are you letting me go... I then relised flashing is the complete opposite here. In the UK, you will notice on the roads people are generally on the whole polite too in regards to letting people go first etc. I guess one problem is, we sometimes expect the same politeness back.

I think the Brits are very polite and quite the opposite to your post, sure you get the odd douche, but that goes for all nations.

I was in DM airport a few months back and a Russain guy behind me kept tutting and shouting at everyone who took 2 seconds too long for his liking to get the stamps done, his rudeness was really winding me and other`s up but we all bit our lips. He even shouted at a Chinese looking girl (who was english) to get into the asian que which was pretty rude if you had heard the way he said it. I have yet to meet a nice Russain in Thailand but then again, I would'nt label all Russains the same. You get divs everywhere in this world unfortunatly.

Edited by ryanhull
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I take it the OP is British, from the eloquence in his post. If it had been me I would have glanced back and seen the guy running away, then quickly surmised that it was a complete retard not worthy of any consideration and gone on with my business, but I am Scandinavian.

One thing I have noticed with Brits, they are very hot tempered and easy to agitate, dunno why but in general this holds true. They Scream a lot and make insulting signs whenever they think everyone else is an idiot and I am not talking about the uneducated masses, it goes for the well educated as well. On top of that, there is a tendency of Brits to think of people with lesser proficiency of the English Language as all being somewhat stupid. When a Brit encounters someone with lesser English Language skills they start to talk louder or revert to Pidgin English.

"quickly surmised that it was a complete retard" Wow, you have amazing powers of instant perception. Not at all judgmental.

"Brits, they are very hot tempered and easy to agitate, dunno why but in general this holds true". Incredible, you have psychologically figured out all 61 + million of us. You truly are amazing.

"I am not talking about the uneducated masses, it goes for the well educated as well". The majority of UK people are uneducated? Thanks for the insight, I wasn't aware of this.

"it goes for the well educated as well" So while these people are "screaming" and making insulting signs, you find the time to survey them on their level of education. Well done, would love to see the figures and charts etc.

"On top of that, there is a tendency of Brits to think of people with lesser proficiency of the English Language as all being somewhat stupid". That's rich from someone who just called the majority of Brits uneducated.

From your enlightening comments I could surmise that all Scandinavians where prone to generalization.

But that would be hypocritical, wouldn't it.

You just verified my point.....Thank you thank you thank you.....

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I take it the OP is British, from the eloquence in his post. If it had been me I would have glanced back and seen the guy running away, then quickly surmised that it was a complete retard not worthy of any consideration and gone on with my business, but I am Scandinavian.

One thing I have noticed with Brits, they are very hot tempered and easy to agitate, dunno why but in general this holds true. They Scream a lot and make insulting signs whenever they think everyone else is an idiot and I am not talking about the uneducated masses, it goes for the well educated as well. On top of that, there is a tendency of Brits to think of people with lesser proficiency of the English Language as all being somewhat stupid. When a Brit encounters someone with lesser English Language skills they start to talk louder or revert to Pidgin Eng

Not true, I am British and I have a high patience for all, its called being a gent and usually you learn it from your old dear or your old man.

We brits are known for que`ing and being polite when it comes to letting people go first etc. When I first started driving in Thailand, I flashed a car to go like you do in the UK, it was quite funny becuase he looked at me like ? why are you letting me go... I then relised flashing is the complete opposite here. In the UK, you will notice on the roads people are generally on the whole polite too in regards to letting people go first etc. I guess one problem is, we sometimes expect the same politeness back.

I think the Brits are very polite and quite the opposite to your post, sure you get the odd douche, but that goes for all nations.

I was in DM airport a few months back and a Russain guy behind me kept tutting and shouting at everyone who took 2 seconds too long for his liking to get the stamps done, his rudeness was really winding me and other`s up but we all bit our lips. He even shouted at a Chinese looking girl (who was english) to get into the asian que which was pretty rude if you had heard the way he said it. I have yet to meet a nice Russain in Thailand but then again, I would'nt label all Russains the same. You get divs everywhere in this world unfortunatly.

Yes I may have been generalizing, it is just that the Brits that I have so far encountered in LOS (with about a 20% exception) is like I described. Don't get me started with the Russians, they went from slavery to Communism, never understood manners nor culture, in a way I feel sorry for them, but I have met a few nice younger generation Russians actually.

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Good you note it as a character flaw. I had a layover with one of these guys in Tokyo a few years back, a large American insisting on shoving his way through crowds. He told me clearly he walks fast and people need to get out of "MY way". He bragged a out being a "bull in a china shop". He repeated this phrase several times "bull in a china shop" before I gave him pfft and made some excuse to ditch him. Next day I let him know one of the things Japanese find rude is talking loudly on (trains and elevators) and that everyone would appreciate conversations could be suspended for just a a few seconds.

" I don't give a (expletive)"

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I take it the OP is British, from the eloquence in his post. If it had been me I would have glanced back and seen the guy running away, then quickly surmised that it was a complete retard not worthy of any consideration and gone on with my business, but I am Scandinavian.

One thing I have noticed with Brits, they are very hot tempered and easy to agitate, dunno why but in general this holds true. They Scream a lot and make insulting signs whenever they think everyone else is an idiot and I am not talking about the uneducated masses, it goes for the well educated as well. On top of that, there is a tendency of Brits to think of people with lesser proficiency of the English Language as all being somewhat stupid. When a Brit encounters someone with lesser English Language skills they start to talk louder or revert to Pidgin English.

"quickly surmised that it was a complete retard" Wow, you have amazing powers of instant perception. Not at all judgmental.

"Brits, they are very hot tempered and easy to agitate, dunno why but in general this holds true". Incredible, you have psychologically figured out all 61 + million of us. You truly are amazing.

"I am not talking about the uneducated masses, it goes for the well educated as well". The majority of UK people are uneducated? Thanks for the insight, I wasn't aware of this.

"it goes for the well educated as well" So while these people are "screaming" and making insulting signs, you find the time to survey them on their level of education. Well done, would love to see the figures and charts etc.

"On top of that, there is a tendency of Brits to think of people with lesser proficiency of the English Language as all being somewhat stupid". That's rich from someone who just called the majority of Brits uneducated.

From your enlightening comments I could surmise that all Scandinavians where prone to generalization.

But that would be hypocritical, wouldn't it.

You just verified my point.....Thank you thank you thank you.....

Not the weak schoolyard retort I was expecting from one so eloquent.

More of a response I would expect from one who harbors a deep seated resentment of the British.

Perhaps the ones you have met notice this resentment, as you don't seem to hide it, and respond to it in a way that you find distasteful.

It could well be genetic, historically Scandinavians have shown a resentment / jealousy of the Brits. Look at the way the Vikings behaved towards us for instance. Raping, pillaging and slaughtering defenseless monks.Hardly model behavior when visiting someone's country really was it.?

Anyway Your welcome, your welcome, your welcome......

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Yes I may have been generalizing

Well try to stop that, that is how racism and discrimination starts, it's not a good vibe. Good luck and happy new year

So to say that Germans are generally taller than Thais is racist?

Edited by mogandave
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ryanhull, on 02 Jan 2016 - 17:54, said:snapback.png


So to say that Germans are generally taller than Thais is racist?

No, but he never said that.

Sorry, I thought you meant to imply that generalizing in and of itself was bad.

Depends what you are generalizing, but to generalize a whole nation of human beings in a negative manner is not good in my small opinion.

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Reminds me of 'Benny hill' when they kept slapping that old bald guy on the back of the head.

If the op is British or bald it could be a troll thread. That's usually a British type male dominance gesture.

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Reminds me of 'Benny hill' when they kept slapping that old bald guy on the back of the head.

If the op is British or bald it could be a troll thread. That's usually a British type male dominance gesture.

I'm guessing the OP is a short American

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ryanhull, on 02 Jan 2016 - 17:54, said:snapback.png


So to say that Germans are generally taller than Thais is racist?

No, but he never said that.

Sorry, I thought you meant to imply that generalizing in and of itself was bad.

Depends what you are generalizing, but to generalize a whole nation of human beings in a negative manner is not good in my small opinion.

So is it fair to say generalizing is okay as long as you agree with the generalization?

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t he fact that women everywhere seem to loose all focus when in shoping mode and thai women in particular are always

walking straight forward even when someone is in the way so it can be mildly annoying trying to walk at a normal rate

when the malls are full and if you throw in the smartphone zombies who can only walk with their phone out in front of

their faces you realize that there are only about 20% looking where they are going so like on the roads proceed with

caution at all times and walk within your stopping distance.

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Op, you're not in your home country

Be careful as a bullet or beating won't cost much

This episode has hopefully taught you a lesson

Calm down please

Take things slower

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have not been here a long time, but i totally empathize with the OP...also...what people need to realize is that the "life is cheap" mentality cuts both ways...after being threatened with violence by my condo association, one of the things I did was find a policeman who would "take care" of the guy who threatened me, if I needed the situation handled...Thai lives are just as cheap as Farang lives...you just have to know who to pay...

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Op, you're not in your home country

Be careful as a bullet or beating won't cost much

This episode has hopefully taught you a lesson

Calm down please

Take things slower

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have not been here a long time, but i totally empathize with the OP...also...what people need to realize is that the "life is cheap" mentality cuts both ways...after being threatened with violence by my condo association, one of the things I did was find a policeman who would "take care" of the guy who threatened me, if I needed the situation handled...Thai lives are just as cheap as Farang lives...you just have to know who to pay...

I've come to believe much of this 'cheap life' nonsense is from people who are nervous about living in another country and/or want to seem tough or are running in low life circles or troublemakers.

It's not too common, so don't let it put you off coming here.

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I remember well in a heart to heart with my old man, the right and wrong way to get into or out of the type of situation the OP was in. First if possible walk away never peruse over a small rattle to head maybe he did think it was you by accident let him jog off situation defused.

If it's face to face and no prospect of a solution you always but always get the first punch in no arguing no handbags at dawn hard and fast. Then walk away it's worked for me lots of times 99.9% first option. If it's the second option try to do it out of sight.

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I remember well in a heart to heart with my old man, the right and wrong way to get into or out of the type of situation the OP was in. First if possible walk away never peruse over a small rattle to head maybe he did think it was you by accident let him jog off situation defused.

If it's face to face and no prospect of a solution you always but always get the first punch in no arguing no handbags at dawn hard and fast. Then walk away it's worked for me lots of times 99.9% first option. If it's the second option try to do it out of sight.

My dad told me to only get in a fight I could be proud of, win or lose.

Fight lasts a few minutes at most, shame and regret can last a lifetime.

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I remember well in a heart to heart with my old man, the right and wrong way to get into or out of the type of situation the OP was in. First if possible walk away never peruse over a small rattle to head maybe he did think it was you by accident let him jog off situation defused.

If it's face to face and no prospect of a solution you always but always get the first punch in no arguing no handbags at dawn hard and fast. Then walk away it's worked for me lots of times 99.9% first option. If it's the second option try to do it out of sight.

My dad told me to only get in a fight I could be proud of, win or lose.

Fight lasts a few minutes at most, shame and regret can last a lifetime.

Accepting a slap to the back of the head in public and doing nothing is pretty shameful.

There is a middle ground somewhere. The op wanted to confront the attacker, but did not want to knock him cold in return as he went up the escalator.

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I remember well in a heart to heart with my old man, the right and wrong way to get into or out of the type of situation the OP was in. First if possible walk away never peruse over a small rattle to head maybe he did think it was you by accident let him jog off situation defused.

If it's face to face and no prospect of a solution you always but always get the first punch in no arguing no handbags at dawn hard and fast. Then walk away it's worked for me lots of times 99.9% first option. If it's the second option try to do it out of sight.

My dad told me to only get in a fight I could be proud of, win or lose.

Fight lasts a few minutes at most, shame and regret can last a lifetime.

Accepting a slap to the back of the head in public and doing nothing is pretty shameful.

There is a middle ground somewhere. The op wanted to confront the attacker, but did not want to knock him cold in return as he went up the escalator.

I agree, yet that (assuming he's not lying) is exactly what the OP did.

Then, to add insult to injury, the OP chases the perp down and allows himself to be assaulted a second time and still does nothing.

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