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What's your monthly cost to live in Thailand?


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How about the cost of Medical (Good Medical). in Thailand sickness can happen rapidly and you have better have enough medical insurance and coverage with a good hospital not a Thai hospital. Also , roads are old and not updated and there is not a Thailand plan to update these roads, so if you are not driving a car you must drive a motor bike. How many people are killed or hurt daily on these death traps.. Don't forget all the corruption that happen on a daily biases. Yes, Thailand living in Thailand is cheap but when you are in need and can go the police or have issues with government not in Thailand, there are offices that deal with this in America.. Try that in Thailand. You also do not mention each month that you travel across the border to have your passport stamped or the food that you have eaten that was bad or smelled bad and eat it anyway. Or the banks that take no responsibility for you lost money in their own banks. Or falling on a metal rod that is sticking out or the ground that was not cut flush so this will not happen. How about the stinking toilets that never are cleaned or the towel that everyone uses even in good restaurants. I have not even reached the tip of the iceberg...... Good luck living cheap in Thailand... .

Wow I wouldn't want to live in the Thailand the you live in. I have Medical insurance that I pay for about $2000 USD per year. I don't live in BKK I live up north. The roads up here are good, actually they just re-did all the roads around town this past year which I was surprised. I have a car so no danger, however I have a motorcycle too, I like dangerous. Daily corruption, dont see it. Once in a while I get stopped but it is for something I did wrong so I would be paying much more in the USA for the ticket. I have had problems and went to the govt and it was taken care of, same with the police had an employee steal from me and they arrested him with one call. Maybe if you lean some Thai and speak nicely and not yell things will get done for you. Dont do monthly border runs I have a WP and do my 90 day report via post. Anything that does not smell good I don't eat, I have enough money to go somewhere else and buy something else to see, but honestly never had any issues with bad smelling food expect for the stuff that Thai's think smells good and I think it smells bad. Never fell on a rod sticking up out of the ground, man you really have bad luck. Stinking toilets, you need to spend more money and go to better restaurants. Really if this how you feel about Thailand then why are you here? If you are really this unhappy then you should consider changing things.

OP I agree much less expensive here. Here I have a nice house, maid, decent car etc eating just about the same as I did in the US expect not getting pizza twice a week which is better for me. The Pizza up here is no good, BKK has some good places. All in all I'm living good and spending 1/3 of what I spent in the USA. I'm very happy in Thailand. I do go back to the USA each year so if I figure that in on a monthly basis that would add another 30,000B a month, so maybe close to 1/2 of what I spent in the US.

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I live out in the country, Northeastern part of Thailand, and my cost of living here with the wife and 2 daughters are exactly the same as i pay back home in Holland. I do not own a car for this which i did have back home, do have a well covered healthinsurance for the whole family and rent a home here. I use a fair amount of internet and have 2 motorbikes. My total living costs are about 35 K to 40 K baht a month. I find it to be rather expensive in comparing to some years ago yes. But the only difference for this money is i do live in a great house, but then again do not have a car here. shopping costs for food are the same as in Holland. I feel a person from holland should at least think in the same numbers as living easy back home.

Edited by myluckythai
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Electric (air)............2500ish baht

Water.................................................................180 baht

Internet...............................................................1000 baht


Transportation (fuel, insurance, tax etc for 2 cars).................6000baht

Food (eating out).......................................................30000 baht

Groceries (incl diapers, formula etc).....................10000baht

Common area fee for moo baan (28000 yearly)........... 2000ish baht

Facility fees (incl golf course and waterpark 50 000 yearly) 4000ish baht

Maid......... ...............................................................8000baht

Early years school for 1 kid (120 000yearly)..............10000ish baht

Medical insurance (50 000+ yearly)......................................................4000ishbaht

Probably forgetting something but still this is far more then I would pay in Sweden (Europe) where health care and school is FREE.

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I live out in the country, Northeastern part of Thailand, and my cost of living here with the wife and 2 daughters are exactly the same as i pay back home in Holland. I do not own a car for this which i did have back home, do have a well covered healthinsurance for the whole family and rent a home here. I use a fair amount of internet and have 2 motorbikes. My total living costs are about 35 K to 40 K baht a month. I find it to be rather expensive in comparing to some years ago yes. But the only difference for this money is i do live in a great house, but then again do not have a car here. shopping costs for food are the same as in Holland. I feel a person from holland should at least think in the same numbers as living easy back home.

Fair enough.....I have Dutch friends here that might disagree with you (ie regarding costs being exactly the same for Thailand and Holland)

but have no reason to doubt you....thanks for the post!

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Electric (air)............2500ish baht

Water.................................................................180 baht

Internet...............................................................1000 baht


Transportation (fuel, insurance, tax etc for 2 cars).................6000baht

Food (eating out).......................................................30000 baht

Groceries (incl diapers, formula etc).....................10000baht

Common area fee for moo baan (28000 yearly)........... 2000ish baht

Facility fees (incl golf course and waterpark 50 000 yearly) 4000ish baht

Maid......... ...............................................................8000baht

Early years school for 1 kid (120 000yearly)..............10000ish baht

Medical insurance (50 000+ yearly)......................................................4000ishbaht

Probably forgetting something but still this is far more then I would pay in Sweden (Europe) where health care and school is FREE.

you spend 30,000 a month to eat in isaan???

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Electric (air)............2500ish baht

Water.................................................................180 baht

Internet...............................................................1000 baht


Transportation (fuel, insurance, tax etc for 2 cars).................6000baht

Food (eating out).......................................................30000 baht

Groceries (incl diapers, formula etc).....................10000baht

Common area fee for moo baan (28000 yearly)........... 2000ish baht

Facility fees (incl golf course and waterpark 50 000 yearly) 4000ish baht

Maid......... ...............................................................8000baht

Early years school for 1 kid (120 000yearly)..............10000ish baht

Medical insurance (50 000+ yearly)......................................................4000ishbaht

Probably forgetting something but still this is far more then I would pay in Sweden (Europe) where health care and school is FREE.

Dellie......I can see NOW that for a young family ....Thailand can be expensive (Schooling and medical care.......ouch!)

but still looks like your enjoying a nice "Quality of life" (not to say you didn't in Sweden).....AND the weather's got to be better than Sweden from Oct. to April!

thanks for the Post

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I love threads like this!!clap2.gif

It is like a reverse pissingcontest. "I can p*ss shorter than you"

Must be a big sport in the US, as most posters joining the contest, seem to be Americans??

Well I for one ....certainly can't piss as strong as I did when I was young!!!!

Just thinking about the good ole days feels good......the AHHHHHHHHHH factor

Edited by beachproperty
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Electric (air)............2500ish baht

Water.................................................................180 baht

Internet...............................................................1000 baht


Transportation (fuel, insurance, tax etc for 2 cars).................6000baht

Food (eating out).......................................................30000 baht

Groceries (incl diapers, formula etc).....................10000baht

Common area fee for moo baan (28000 yearly)........... 2000ish baht

Facility fees (incl golf course and waterpark 50 000 yearly) 4000ish baht

Maid......... ...............................................................8000baht

Early years school for 1 kid (120 000yearly)..............10000ish baht

Medical insurance (50 000+ yearly)......................................................4000ishbaht

Probably forgetting something but still this is far more then I would pay in Sweden (Europe) where health care and school is FREE.

In Sweden the maid would cost u more than your monthly total in thailand.

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Median is not average so does not show similar wages of what middle class would be. But yes 60k USD a year is still in the middle class but pushing upper middle class.

The big difference I think is if you are still getting that same salary in Thailand then it is a fair assesment, but most people teachers, expats etc are more likely in the less than 2k usd a year living in Thailand.

I still think that if you have a 3 million baht house but your cost of living is still less than 30k baht a month, you are probably living quite cheap and simple. Which isn't bad but really isn't middle class.

The other real issue that I have with people that talk about budget per month is that it is no way reflective of cost of living for the year. If you are stating that you spend 20k+ a month, that doesn't usually equate to 240k baht for the year. It usually will be about 30-50% more than that. You don't calculate accidents, breakage, holidays, getaways, family crisis, repairs for house, new clothes, shoes, makeup, etc.

I think that most people don't keep accurate enough records to really be accurate on what they actually spend a month.

I have said in other threads. What seems accurate to me is that the quality of life you could have with a 30kUSD a year income, you could live equivalently in Thailand on a 30k baht a month salary. It remains relatively true up to about 100kUS a year to 100k baht a month job.

The real issue is that most people end up giving up a lot of what they thought they "needed" in their home country. Enjoying a more simple way of life could have left you in the US saving 30-40% of your income instead of less than 10%. But people typically live paycheck to paycheck and spend what they earn. If all of a sudden you got a pay raise of 20kUSD a year, you would save that, you would just end up spending more. Unless you are like me. I found a relative comfort on a certain income and anything above that I always save. But I am not your normal consumer. I actually never buy anything that costs more than 100 dollars on a first trip. I usually wait 1 week to 1 month before the purchase, just to see if it is really a need or a want.

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Electric (air)............2500ish baht

Water.................................................................180 baht

Internet...............................................................1000 baht


Transportation (fuel, insurance, tax etc for 2 cars).................6000baht

Food (eating out).......................................................30000 baht

Groceries (incl diapers, formula etc).....................10000baht

Common area fee for moo baan (28000 yearly)........... 2000ish baht

Facility fees (incl golf course and waterpark 50 000 yearly) 4000ish baht

Maid......... ...............................................................8000baht

Early years school for 1 kid (120 000yearly)..............10000ish baht

Medical insurance (50 000+ yearly)......................................................4000ishbaht

Probably forgetting something but still this is far more then I would pay in Sweden (Europe) where health care and school is FREE.

In Sweden the maid would cost u more than your monthly total in thailand.

More importantly would be, what would a Swedish maid cost in Hereford Texas, the mind boggles. I googled image Swedish maid and can understand why no one should be without one.

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Electric (air)............2500ish baht

Water.................................................................180 baht

Internet...............................................................1000 baht


Transportation (fuel, insurance, tax etc for 2 cars).................6000baht

Food (eating out).......................................................30000 baht

Groceries (incl diapers, formula etc).....................10000baht

Common area fee for moo baan (28000 yearly)........... 2000ish baht

Facility fees (incl golf course and waterpark 50 000 yearly) 4000ish baht

Maid......... ...............................................................8000baht

Early years school for 1 kid (120 000yearly)..............10000ish baht

Medical insurance (50 000+ yearly)......................................................4000ishbaht

Probably forgetting something but still this is far more then I would pay in Sweden (Europe) where health care and school is FREE.

In Sweden the maid would cost u more than your monthly total in thailand.

Why anyone actually needs a maid is beyond me. Are you really that lazy that you can't sweep/clean or do your own dishes? Did you have one in Sweden, did you play golf in Sweden? Maybe you did...just asking.

There is also no such thing as free health care and schooling - you always pay. From what I have seen the cradle to grave model in Sweden necessitates a personal income tax approaching 50%

Edited by Mudcrab
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I'm full of admiration the OP can manage on 21800 baht a month in Bangkok of all places in Thailand and still claim he maintains a good lifestyle. clap2.gif

However I notice he doesn't spend much on food or anything else for that matter, apparently hardly ever leaves the house, only uses public transport when he does and seemingly has no insurance and no kids either.

The term good lifestyle is subjective of course. smile.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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I live out in the country, Northeastern part of Thailand, and my cost of living here with the wife and 2 daughters are exactly the same as i pay back home in Holland. I do not own a car for this which i did have back home, do have a well covered healthinsurance for the whole family and rent a home here. I use a fair amount of internet and have 2 motorbikes. My total living costs are about 35 K to 40 K baht a month. I find it to be rather expensive in comparing to some years ago yes. But the only difference for this money is i do live in a great house, but then again do not have a car here. shopping costs for food are the same as in Holland. I feel a person from holland should at least think in the same numbers as living easy back home.

Curious...you arecsaying you can live jn Holland the same as here in Thailand for less then 950 euros a month? I am living jn the wrong country!
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I'm full of admiration the OP can manage on 21800 baht a month in Bangkok of all places in Thailand and still claim he maintains a good lifestyle. clap2.gif

However I notice he doesn't spend much on food or anything else for that matter, apparently hardly ever leaves the house, only uses public transport when he does and seemingly has no insurance and no kids either.

The term good lifestyle is subjective of course. smile.png

Appreciate your kind words....

As for the food bills ....my wife is an exceptional cook ....so I much prefer to eat at home and like to keep my meals simple ....Maybe we eat out once a month

Guessing you didn't read all the posts.....if you had you would have seen the previously my medical insurance costs (for me alone in America) was $750/month ....when

I came to Thailand I made the decision to self insure...(that $750 goes into investments which after 7 years has been built up to $62,000 ....after taking money out for other medical services needed and emergencies)

Have 5 kids....2 in America ....grown up ...both with Ph.d's and doing fantastic....My 3 adopted thai children are also grown and basicly take care of themselves except for the housing provided by me and the wife.

So yes taking into consideration the money I put aside for self insuring....my monthly expense go up considerably....BUT still reasonable and better than what it would cost me in America.

I like my life here in Thailand much more than in America ....for some reason in America everything has to be complicated....living a simpler life to me is leading a better life....

Maybe it just me....but then again that's what important to me

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If so many people find Thailand to be more expensive, as you have a right to your opinion, but on the other hand those expats that know they live a less expensive life in Thailand, (like I do) also have a right to their opinion, why must some question the quality of someone else s life simply because he does not agree with their opinion.

I can under stand the younger couples raising young children have the added cost of education in Thailand, for paying for that education (up front),

As the saving goes "Their is "No" free lunch" education in the states is not "free" you pay for in in the form of taxes (​whether you have children in that school. system or not) based on the schools district property tax on all private property in its district.

If a business owner loses merchandise to shoplifters they can legally raise their prices to cover their loses by passing that loss cost onto their customer's. The hidden cost is more prevalent in the U.S. than in Thailand, there is nothing that is free someone in the U.S. (only have knowledge with the cost in the U.S not in other western countries) pays for every thing that why the American taxpayers feel they are overtaxed.


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If so many people find Thailand to be more expensive, as you have a right to your opinion, but on the other hand those expats that know they live a less expensive life in Thailand, (like I do) also have a right to their opinion, why must some question the quality of someone else s life simply because he does not agree with their opinion.

I can under stand the younger couples raising young children have the added cost of education in Thailand, for paying for that education (up front),

As the saving goes "Their is "No" free lunch" education in the states is not "free" you pay for in in the form of taxes (​whether you have children in that school. system or not) based on the schools district property tax on all private property in its district.

If a business owner loses merchandise to shoplifters they can legally raise their prices to cover their loses by passing that loss cost onto their customer's. The hidden cost is more prevalent in the U.S. than in Thailand, there is nothing that is free someone in the U.S. (only have knowledge with the cost in the U.S not in other western countries) pays for every thing that why the American taxpayers feel they are overtaxed.


When it comes to education, the issue is also, is it any good....

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Thai at heart........you write...."When it comes to education, the issue is also, is it any good..."

And if you go a step further .......The REAL question is "how well did you raise your kids to be motivated" Because you can send your kids to the BEST schools in the world and If they don't want to learn .......they won't....And conversely if your kids are raised right and am motivated to learn they become like sponges wanting to explore anythng and everything

That being said ....If you cannot afford to send your children to one of these "International Schools" (which amazingly is ridiculously expensive) then you should supplement said education in the home (which you should do anyway....why leave the education of our most precious resource in the hands of strangers!)

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A few more additional comments:

1) I forgot medical costs in my last posting. For Thai Nationals, the cost at a government hospital is 30 bht per visit (excluding meds, and an upgraded room if you need). That is for pretty much any condition or problem. I am healthy, so pay about 6000 per year for checkups, and 1600 for dental cleaning. We are looking into getting medical insurance for me as I am now here permanently on a retirement visa.

2) If you want to see how Thailand cost of living compares to the rest of the world >>> http://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/index

Interesting that Bangkok is in the lower 1/3 of all cities surveyed (and I think Bangkok is expensive)

3) quality of life is much better here for us vs. USA, no doubt in my mind. In the US we worked almost non stop to "keep up" with the costs. Here, we decided what we want to do each day (golf? Beach? Garden? Etc). This is oversimplified, and we worked, saved, and planned to get into this position.

How much is your time worth? Eventually, you realize time is more valuable than money.

The http://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/index lists Chiang Mai close to the bottom and less expensive than Manila, Saigon or Belgrade and I think Chiang Mai is expensive in Thailand compared to many other Thai places.

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So you want to talk about quality of life........Get a clue ....Most expats move to GET a better life not a crapper one!

In a material sense, I had a much better quality of life in the U.S. -- better environment, better quality homes, better infrastructure, better quality and safer food and water, better and easier shopping, better government and law enforcement. But, in order to live that life, I also had to be working full-time. In other words, I was literally paying for all those material things.

Here, in an overall sense (but not in material things), I think I have a better quality of life, because I can afford to live here with decent quality and not work at all (in terms of needing to be employed). The luxury of being able to be retired here and spend my life and time as I choose makes up for the other material failings and inadequacies of Thailand.

If I had to be working full-time in Thailand in order to support myself and my family, in that case, I'm not sure I'd consider myself better off.

AGREED!!! 100%

Quality of life is what's important I think. Everybody has certain basic needs.....Roof over your head (home), Food, Clothing and Transportation...and each of those needs are not equally important....

More to the point ....is How MUCH of those needs do we need to satisfy. (ie ...How big or nice of a house,,,Top sirloin steak v. rice and beans....designer clothes v. the basic brands....public transportation v. mercedes...

Each to their own....and Each to how much priority they put on it (Amazingly I have seen in Thailand middle class Thai's who live in the most basic homes but have a fairly new Mercedes!......up to them)

As I have aged (and this is just me) I have much preferred making my life simpler , more basic. And funny enough the simpler I made my life, to me, it seemed the Quality of it went UP!

AND with that being said ...I feel I'm MUCH better off!......Again ...this is just me ...

All I need is a 50" tv a computer and an internet connection, and a roof to keep them dry.

Not every country in the world can provide that, but most can.

The UK was killing me with council tax and heating bills, these don't exist in Thailand.

Living the dreamclap2.gif

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Overall, I think the potential cost savings for housing here is something that tends to outweight almost everything else in economic terms.

Here, I can live in the capital city/the biggest city in the country with a reasonable climate and a lot of amenities, including shopping and medical care, etc, and still live in a very nice and safe neighborhood in a very pleasant and comfortable home for about $500 a month rent cost.

Were I to move back to the U.S., to live in a big/urban city with comparable amenities, I'd have two choices: pay A LOT for a nice home in a nice area, or likely pay perhaps the same as Bangkok for a much less nice home in a REALLY less nice and probably less safe area. Neither are very appealing options.

Of course, there are lots of more affordable housing markets outside of big cities/urban areas, where you probably can find nice homes/condos/apartments for comparable or reasonable prices, but in those areas, you're likely to be distant from things like modern, better quality hospitals, diverse society and culture, international choices for dining, etc etc. And not a place with snowbound climate or neighbors who enjoy BBQ'd squirrels for dinner. tongue.png

I'm kind of searching in the background for whether there might be some place in the U.S. that has the housing affordability of Bangkok combined with both a decent climate, safe environment and decent social and cultural options. Just not sure I know what those options might be. But it would be something I wouldn't might keeping in my back pocket, just in case things here take a bigger turn for the worse than they already have in recent years.

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So you want to talk about quality of life........Get a clue ....Most expats move to GET a better life not a crapper one!

In a material sense, I had a much better quality of life in the U.S. -- better environment, better quality homes, better infrastructure, better quality and safer food and water, better and easier shopping, better government and law enforcement. But, in order to live that life, I also had to be working full-time. In other words, I was literally paying for all those material things.

Here, in an overall sense (but not in material things), I think I have a better quality of life, because I can afford to live here with decent quality and not work at all (in terms of needing to be employed). The luxury of being able to be retired here and spend my life and time as I choose makes up for the other material failings and inadequacies of Thailand.

If I had to be working full-time in Thailand in order to support myself and my family, in that case, I'm not sure I'd consider myself better off.

AGREED!!! 100%

Quality of life is what's important I think. Everybody has certain basic needs.....Roof over your head (home), Food, Clothing and Transportation...and each of those needs are not equally important....

More to the point ....is How MUCH of those needs do we need to satisfy. (ie ...How big or nice of a house,,,Top sirloin steak v. rice and beans....designer clothes v. the basic brands....public transportation v. mercedes...

Each to their own....and Each to how much priority they put on it (Amazingly I have seen in Thailand middle class Thai's who live in the most basic homes but have a fairly new Mercedes!......up to them)

As I have aged (and this is just me) I have much preferred making my life simpler , more basic. And funny enough the simpler I made my life, to me, it seemed the Quality of it went UP!

AND with that being said ...I feel I'm MUCH better off!......Again ...this is just me ...

All I need is a 50" tv a computer and an internet connection, and a roof to keep them dry.

Not every country in the world can provide that, but most can.

The UK was killing me with council tax and heating bills, these don't exist in Thailand.

And a refrigerator.

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