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Buying Furniture In Bangkok Is Tough!


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Well it was my Thai wife who had the problem...we wanted to buy a lovely retro chair in the window marked down 50% and they insisted it had the wrong price on it! She argued with them for 3 hours 

Maybe they were right? And who in their right mind would spend 3 hours arguing over the price of a chair. :o Buy it or go somewhere else!

Fortunately for both our sanities we always have rock-bottom expectations of anything to do with service in LoS, which keeps us both happy on the whole.

I think that's why I am so easily satisfied. I always expect there to be trouble, so when things go as planned, I am overjoyed, and when they don't, it doesn't come as a surprise.... :D

You have to be a "cold-hearted" person in Thailand.... :D

What do you think I just said? And are you seriosuly lecturing a Thai on how to live in Thailand? :D

She argued for 3 hours because she really liked the chair, had the time, and was sick and tired of the piss-poor organisation you find in so many firms here. I didn't ask for your opinion on her actions, but was regaling you with the joys of Thai retail "management".

Edited by Beer-diow, khao-neow, mai-an!
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Well it was my Thai wife who had the problem...we wanted to buy a lovely retro chair in the window marked down 50% and they insisted it had the wrong price on it! She argued with them for 3 hours 

Maybe they were right? And who in their right mind would spend 3 hours arguing over the price of a chair. :D Buy it or go somewhere else!

Fortunately for both our sanities we always have rock-bottom expectations of anything to do with service in LoS, which keeps us both happy on the whole.

I think that's why I am so easily satisfied. I always expect there to be trouble, so when things go as planned, I am overjoyed, and when they don't, it doesn't come as a surprise.... :D

You have to be a "cold-hearted" person in Thailand.... :D

What do you think I just said?

If I understood you right, you were p1ssed off with HomePro because they had tagged a chair with the wrong price....right?

And are you seriosuly lecturing a Thai on how to live in Thailand?  :D

I am not lecturing anyone - just giving my take on the situation :D

And - if I had been lecturing you, it wasn't about how live in Thailand, but how to apply a bit of common sense and not getting so worked up about what was basically a trivial mistake by the staff.

I mean - being Thai doesn't automatically make you perfect, does it? Seems like you could need to cool down a bit

She argued for 3 hours because she really liked the chair, had the time, and was sick and tired of the piss-poor organisation you find in so many firms here.

So what you are saying is that blaming a salesgirl and (in your words) reducing her to tears, just because you are fed up with lack of organisations in many Thai companies, is acceptable behaviour?

I think it shows a level of arrogance, and self centeredness that I find appalling. I bet when you were young, you were always picking fights with the smaller kids, right?

I didn't ask for your opinion on her actions

Well you got it - live with it. Although I fear you will probably take it out on the next defenceless person you meet..... :o

Edited by WhiteShiva
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Hey calm down guys.

I can see how things can progress along what happened with Beer’s wife. Sometimes you stick to your guns and continue to argue a point over a principle, and the more the sales staff/management attempted to defend (what they believed to be a defenseless position) the more you want to continue the struggle to prove them wrong.

I can also see where WS is coming from in that he places more value on his time, and feels it a waist (of his valuable time to continue to argue the point).

So IMHO there is validity in both sides and both parties can proceed in cases like this as they see fit.

One final comment – WS, I think the sales girl was brought to tears by management saying she was going to have to pay for the difference in price, and not directly by the arguments of Beer’s wife.

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Hey calm down guys.

I can see how things can progress along what happened with Beer’s wife.  Sometimes you stick to your guns and continue to argue a point over a principle, and the more the sales staff/management attempted to defend (what they believed to be a defenseless position) the more you want to continue the struggle to prove them wrong. 

I can also see where WS is coming from in that he places more value on his time, and feels it a waist (of his valuable time to continue to argue the point).

So IMHO there is validity in both sides and both parties can proceed in cases like this as they see fit.

One final comment – WS, I think the sales girl was brought to tears by management saying she was going to have to pay for the difference in price, and not directly by the arguments of Beer’s wife.

OK - I am sorry, Beer - perhaps I over-reacted. :D

And TokyoT - no more comments on my waist, OK - or I am really going to get pissed off! :o

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Well it was my Thai wife who had the problem...we wanted to buy a lovely retro chair in the window marked down 50% and they insisted it had the wrong price on it! She argued with them for 3 hours 

Maybe they were right? And who in their right mind would spend 3 hours arguing over the price of a chair. :D Buy it or go somewhere else!

Fortunately for both our sanities we always have rock-bottom expectations of anything to do with service in LoS, which keeps us both happy on the whole.

I think that's why I am so easily satisfied. I always expect there to be trouble, so when things go as planned, I am overjoyed, and when they don't, it doesn't come as a surprise.... :D

You have to be a "cold-hearted" person in Thailand.... :D

What do you think I just said?

If I understood you right, you were p1ssed off with HomePro because they had tagged a chair with the wrong price....right?

And are you seriosuly lecturing a Thai on how to live in Thailand?  :D

I am not lecturing anyone - just giving my take on the situation :D

And - if I had been lecturing you, it wasn't about how live in Thailand, but how to apply a bit of common sense and not getting so worked up about what was basically a trivial mistake by the staff.

I mean - being Thai doesn't automatically make you perfect, does it? Seems like you could need to cool down a bit

She argued for 3 hours because she really liked the chair, had the time, and was sick and tired of the piss-poor organisation you find in so many firms here.

So what you are saying is that blaming a salesgirl and (in your words) reducing her to tears, just because you are fed up with lack of organisations in many Thai companies, is acceptable behaviour?

I think it shows a level of arrogance, and self centeredness that I find appalling. I bet when you were young, you were always picking fights with the smaller kids, right?

I didn't ask for your opinion on her actions

Well you got it - live with it. Although I fear you will probably take it out on the next defenceless person you meet..... :o

As an aside - it's a myth that if a price is on an item they HAVE to sell it to you.

This myth is popular in the UK too. In the UK, the price on an item is the recommended price that you should offer. You can offer more or less & it's up to the retailer to accept the price or not.

So - if you saw a 100 quid item for 1 quid & it was a mistake, they are under no obligation to give it to you for the marked price.

That's in the UK - this is Thailand - even less protection here. It's just a balls-up, don't take it personally.

A bit of 'chai yen yen' in order in methinks.

If my (Thai) wife embarrassed me like that - I'd leave her in the shop with the bloody chair.

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If my (Thai) wife embarrassed me like that - I'd leave her in the shop with the bloody chair.

I wasn't there, but when she told me she stuck to her guns on a point of principle I was very proud of her. And she was very sympathetic with the salesgirl - it was the management who she was angry with.

But I agree to do the same every day is pointless. One time I did was back in '97 when I was sold a pup by a travel agent in Hualampong that promised me a visa run to Malaysia that would be in air-con luxury coach and take 12 hours: it was a crappy little mini-van and took twice that! When I got back I stood in their sales office and loudly (but not angrily) kept repeating my story in front of the other farang there until they gave me half my money back.

Believe it or not I am chilled out with Thais. I'm fine with a social life consisting of Sunday drives with the family and then meals together in a food court serving things most farang would run away from - in fact I really enjoy it. I don't whinge about missing "proper food".

In this case I was just trying to let people know they could be in for a rough ride at Home Pro, that's all. Sorry it escalated so far! :o

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its not the easiest area to find , its between the river and the bang sue railway station , close to the big bridge that takes the railway over the river , near a small wat called wat bang pho , one soi is called soi prarastdsai 24 , a lot of the sois round there are all wood and furniture stores.

Does anyone have any info on where are the best places in Pattaya/Jomtien to shop for furniture for a condo. Kitchen needs to be put in as well of the normal bedroom and living room furniture. Thanks very much and this board is just the greatest.


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its not the easiest area to find , its between the river and the bang sue railway station , close to the big bridge that takes the railway over the river , near a small wat called wat bang pho , one soi is called soi prarastdsai 24 , a lot of the sois round there are all wood and furniture stores.

Not sure where is the exact location. Is it around those sois?



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that seems to be the general area , the streets around the sawmills that are mentioned on the map , although the street names are different on my map , but thats par for the course for thai maps.

the streets that lead off pracharat sai 1 , soi sawai suwan etc.

its mostly closed on sundays , parking is next to impossible when its open.

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There's a place in Bangkok called 'Bang Pho' where the factories/shops are that build furniture - We had our whole house done for about 600,000.

Many of the shops have built (but unfinished) chairs, tables, beds etc - you can buy them & choose what kind of finish you want.

To put price into perspective - on a recent shopping trip there, I got a king-size teak bed for 16,000 Baht. Teak Bedside drawer units for 3,800 Baht, Teak coffee table for 6,000 Baht. These prices are no more than Index & this stuff will last much longer. No MDF, no self assembly, no falling apart after 5 years.

Personally, I'd recommend a shop there called 'Tai Seng' their stuff is top notch.

i would second that recommendation , there is some good stuff to be had there , and the staff in all the shops were knowledgeable about wood and very helpful.

the tai seng shop was one of the best in that area.

there are some good flooring suppliers there , parquet and teak flooring for a song.

the emporium shopping centre has some good modern furniture and kitchen stores , ultra modern designs but pricey.

you can find well designed furniture at home pro? and/or homeworks? , their superstore out at bang khuntien has some good stuff and its priced well.

rough draw what you want in the way of fitted cupboards and wardrobes and ask a competent carpenter to design and construct them for you. there are some very skilled craftsmen around.

and as for ikea ..... lets hope that they never come here ....... bland boring stuff sold by a company with little regard for its customers. :o

You mentioned good flooring suppliers in Bang Poo - do you have a road name or soi there? I left a message in Wanted to Buy and Sell in Thai Visa for a few places to buy second hand floor boards (teak favoured) - as the only one supplier I found in Bang Phli was very expensive for teh second hand floor boards.

So if anyone knows a good second hand supplier of old floor boards and doors in teak (ie: old old well seasoned timber flooring) OR new teak flooring (not too new as I believe that teak does shrink if not seasoned for a few years).

I looked at a lot of the 'kit' flooring - but most of it is laminate with a wood thickness of sometimes as much as single ply tissue paper (sorry thats a bit sarcastic).

...please help :D

all the best and thanks for your help


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For a million Bath - you'd get the whole house done....

You didn't mention what you were looking for... a million may or may not be close to the mark depending on how much you need.

There's a place in Bangkok called 'Bang Pho' where the factories/shops are that build furniture -  We had our whole house done for about 600,000.

Many of the shops have built (but unfinished) chairs, tables, beds etc - you can buy them & choose what kind of finish you want.

To put price into perspective - on a recent shopping trip there, I got a king-size teak bed for 16,000 Baht. Teak Bedside drawer units for 3,800 Baht, Teak coffee table for 6,000 Baht. These prices are no more than Index & this stuff will last much longer. No MDF, no self assembly, no falling apart after 5 years.

Personally, I'd recommend a shop there called 'Tai Seng' their stuff is top notch.

Incredible! Half my condo is furnished from IKEA. What a bunch of crap. You have to put it together (yes, I am good at that), which means they don't use sophisticated methods for securing the various parts. Just a few cheap screws.

$400 for a king size teak bed? Unreal. I bought a cheap bedside drawer at IKEA for about $100. And yes, the laminate is already falling off. :o

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  • 5 months later...
its not the easiest area to find , its between the river and the bang sue railway station , close to the big bridge that takes the railway over the river , near a small wat called wat bang pho , one soi is called soi prarastdsai 24 , a lot of the sois round there are all wood and furniture stores.

Not sure where is the exact location. Is it around those sois?


An excellent map.

Could you tell us where you found it please? :o

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I know its not BKK but their is a guy who makes my furniture in Pattaya, called Maithai the stuff is Teak and super quality, the price is quite reasonable , I would definately recommend him.He has a showroom where you can pick or design yourself and then he makes it, he also delivers.Failing that I've heard there is also a great furniture maker in Chaing Mai who delivers anywhere in Thailand for free.Hope this helps :D

:o EPG

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  • 1 year later...
I have the same problem. Your only solution ? have them built for like 400,000 baht or even 1,000,000 and you would have beautiful furniture

You have to pay a million Baht to get a quality furniture around here?? :o

I paid about ... lemme think... perhaps 30,000? max for all custom furniture in the house, kitchen cabinet, kitchen island, table, chairs, walk in closet, walk in cabinets... so I think you can go much cheaper ... certainly cheaper than 1M!!

Example, the kitchen Island cost BHT 5000 labor. Even if labor is more somewhere else, it won't be more than 2x that. Materials added maybe another 3-4000.

It's all beautiful - the wood craftsmen here are true masters. The only problem is the design. If you don't like Thai traditional design, or you just want modern design like me, you have to provide detailed drawings. This has worked to varying degrees in my house. We got each piece made one at a time, and my drawings got better.

The walk-in closet I liberally copied the design from an Ikea catalogue (free download) and made a 3D drawing to scale. Then I left, to return 1 week later. It was perfect! Better than Ikea because made to fit. And all teak instead of some crap plywood - would be hard to get plywood here even :D

I would think for a bigger project you could probably get somebody - an architect? - to do detailed 3D drawings for you. They don't need to be computer generated, but they do need to capture all details without exception or you get something you didn't want. With the kitchen cabinet - the first piece - I made that mistake and there are some features on it that we really didn't like that way, and we had to change the resulting design (remove "ornamental" corners hehe)... now its fine but when I looked back at my drawings there were just many areas open to interpretation.

Going this route requires some patience, some time, and good communications with the Thai team, but I would say after that it's the best and cheapest way to nice furniture.

Most of the work on your part will be choosing the design and communicating the design.

A friend even built a whole Ikea Kitchen from teak this way. He designed it with Ikea Kitchen Designer program (free download). He was there breathing down their neck at all times though, that was a bit too intense for me.

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Modern Form have some decent mid-range stuff. Definitely worth a look, I'd say they are a step above Index or SB Furniture but not quite as expensive as Habitat. Also check out Siam Discovery, Mahboonkrong, Central Ladprao, and Central Chidlom.

If budget is not a concern they are some very fancy furniture showrooms on Soi Thonglor, which for mere mortals like myself is only really good for window shopping. Bht 100K a chair or 500K for a sofa is just silly, but they have some really nice stuff. eg Ralph Lauren Home etc.

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  • 7 months later...
Why is it so tough to find some decent (OK looking/Modern/reasonable price) furniture in Bangkok?

There is for some weird reason no IKEA here? Why not? and the Habitat is overpriced and the staff is totally ignorant..... Can anyone PLEASE help me find some furniture IKEA/Habitat style somewhere in Bangkok, preferable a place with a website soI can SHOP- PAY - and they deliver. Spending money is so HARD!


I actually went to habitat at Siam Square but the habitat staff told me that since I wanted so many different things :o I should go to their website instead an do the order on-line.... tried that. no luck. Simply cant believe it :D

Am I really the only one with this issue?



P.S. Great business opportunity.... open the very first IKEA in Thailand!

The best place to buy fantastic restored old furniture is PAN'S Furniture, beside Aqua Spa Massage Place in Sathorn Soi 9. The owner, Ole, a Danish guy is very knowledgeable and helpful and they restore antique furnitures as well and have a nice selection. Wouldn't buy furniture anywhere else

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  • 1 year later...
Why is it so tough to find some decent (OK looking/Modern/reasonable price) furniture in Bangkok?

There is for some weird reason no IKEA here? Why not? and the Habitat is overpriced and the staff is totally ignorant..... Can anyone PLEASE help me find some furniture IKEA/Habitat style somewhere in Bangkok, preferable a place with a website soI can SHOP- PAY - and they deliver. Spending money is so HARD!


I actually went to habitat at Siam Square but the habitat staff told me that since I wanted so many different things :) I should go to their website instead an do the order on-line.... tried that. no luck. Simply cant believe it :D

Am I really the only one with this issue?



P.S. Great business opportunity.... open the very first IKEA in Thailand!

Hey Shammer

If your interested in minimalistic contemporary furniture, my company is a supplier of reproduction iconic European design.. Web based, also with a showroom.

URL removed re forum rules, please PM poster.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I actually read about a week ago that IKEA was coming to Thailand (Bangkok).

Can't wait!!!!!

So, any more news/rumour on IKEA coming to BKK? Or was it just wishful thinking?

Also, any up to date or additional info on contemporary furniture suppliers in/near Bangkok (that don't do the Index/SB/ cheap&nasty, chipboard, faux-wood, toy-size stuff, at affordable prices)?

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I actually read about a week ago that IKEA was coming to Thailand (Bangkok).

Can't wait!!!!!

So, any more news/rumour on IKEA coming to BKK? Or was it just wishful thinking?

Also, any up to date or additional info on contemporary furniture suppliers in/near Bangkok (that don't do the Index/SB/ cheap&nasty, chipboard, faux-wood, toy-size stuff, at affordable prices)?

oops! quick google search and I've found the answer myself... from Bangkok Post 12/05/2009:

"Construction will start at the Mega Bang Na complex in the third quarter of this year and the centre is scheduled to open by October 2011, said SF chief executive Nopporn Witoonchart. Mega Bang Na will be on a 290-rai plot on the Bang Na-Trat KM 9, Kanchanaphisek outer ring road and will have a total space of about 200,000 square metres. Its features will include a 40,000-sq-m Ikea store, a department store, branded fashion outlets, restaurants, an IT centre, an entertainment centre and parking for 8,000 cars."

link: (search for sf-set-to-bring-ikea-to-thailand)

yay to the news! but boo to the wait! roll on 2011... only some 850 days to go (and counting) :)

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Why is it so tough to find some decent (OK looking/Modern/reasonable price) furniture in Bangkok?

Hey Shammer

If your interested in minimalistic contemporary furniture, my company is a supplier of reproduction iconic European design.. Web based, also with a showroom.

URL removed re forum rules, please PM poster.


:) Are you aware you are replying to a post from almost 4 years ago..although I'm replying to your post since almost 2 months... :D ?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Why is it so tough to find some decent (OK looking/Modern/reasonable price) furniture in Bangkok?

There is for some weird reason no IKEA here? Why not? and the Habitat is overpriced and the staff is totally ignorant..... Can anyone PLEASE help me find some furniture IKEA/Habitat style somewhere in Bangkok, preferable a place with a website soI can SHOP- PAY - and they deliver. Spending money is so HARD!


I actually went to habitat at Siam Square but the habitat staff told me that since I wanted so many different things :) I should go to their website instead an do the order on-line.... tried that. no luck. Simply cant believe it :D

Am I really the only one with this issue?



P.S. Great business opportunity.... open the very first IKEA in Thailand!

At soi Lan-suan (Ambassador's Court)opposite Italian restaurant there is one shop sell good quality furniture.Then u can order and from what design you like and the price is ok take a look then.

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  • 1 year later...


Do you know where to find a shop around Bangkok and Pattaya where they will paint wooden furniture with a compressor to make it look professionnal and shiny ?

I am looking for a wooden kitchen board (countertop?) that won't look like wood (and don't want useless expensive granit)

Thanks for help.

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