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Telephone Internet Problems


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I have a line with TT&T and Maxnet (Pattaya), I think the line is maintained by TOT , first of all my phone went dead (no dial tone) then a few hours later my ADSL modem started to faulter and eventually dropped out all together, sometimes it will sync up for may be 10 mins then drop out again, my line is not completely disconnected as the modemtrys to sync to the BB network (different than being totally unplugged) so the line is alive but just not functioning properly, my modem usually reports a capable speed of over 2meg down 1meg upstream but right now when I get connected the odd time this is vastly redduced to 210k upstreaam and 90k down so there is obviously a signal problem

This is now going on for a week, a friend who lives in the same area has exactly the same problem, so I call TT&T to report the fault and after going through some ridiculous fault finding I eventually cconvinced the person thaat the fault was not with my equipment, If i unplug my equipment from the phone socket and call my landline it is engaged ??? so no fault with me, next an engineer will call me on my mobile in order to fix the problem.....no cal..two days later I call them again and of course they want to go through the whole bullshite again (i'm paying for the call) manage to convice this person that I already reported the fault and waa waiting for contact from an engineer, oh he will call you today blah blah.............another day passes this time I'm getting pissed off, call again ask why the engineer hasn't fixed my problem she saaid the fault had been reported as repaired ???????? I say it hasn't and then she tried to tell me it must be equipment, I then get angry and ask to speak to the manager, moments later this guy comes on the phone very good english, I explain to him what is going on and ask him when it will be fix I also tell him I have a friend live close to me and suggest that they have a problem with the switch that feeds this area.....then suddenly he's able to tell me that they had an equipment failure several days ago and many phones and internet connections are down, when will it be fixed ? I don't know, well will go find out and caall me back, I will also be looking for a refund for the time that I have no service

it was just working enough for me to post this after several modem resets.

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Go to the TT&T office in person (Carrefour, Naklua or the new one on Sukhumvit) and make a big stink about your phone line not working. Don't even mention your internet, just that you are not able to make and receive calls...

They should be out pretty quick to see to the problem!

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Guest Reimar
Go to the TT&T office in person (Carrefour, Naklua or the new one on Sukhumvit) and make a big stink about your phone line not working. Don't even mention your internet, just that you are not able to make and receive calls...

They should be out pretty quick to see to the problem!

Monty, you're an optimist!!

In Samut Prakarn they will came within 2 hour but in Pattaya? No Way! I know from Friends in Pattaya with similar problems and by some it has need 4 week to fix the problem.

May they don't like the "pushing" from Farangs because Thais will keep quiet ans waiiiiiiiiiiit!

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Sorry, but Monty is right, go to their office in person and make sure it is a BIG stink. Make it also clear that you will deduct each day with poor internet from the bill.

Since at least Friday my phone (also TT&T in Maprachan) doesn't wor anymore, but I still have internet, albeit at very low speed. Will make my stand at TT&T later today.

If you want to join, maybe even better, PM me if you like!



/edit: I receive bills for the telephone, but never for the internet service. Complained a couple of times already, standard answer..oh, can you pay now? No, I f#$@ing can't because it's on company and a) the address is wrong and b] I have to fill in that frickin' WHT form first according to the invoice which I don't have......arrgghhh.....

Edited by raro
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then suddenly he's able to tell me that they had an equipment failure several days ago and many phones and internet connections are down

i am facing similar problems since a week but with an interesting twist. on the dot at 19.00hrs every day my DSL signal vanishes and does not reappear till 06.00hrs. i took in stride for two days and then started complaining. within 2 minutes signal was back after phoning the call center.

now the interesting latest facts:

-DSL signal vanishes

-i call 1103

-for englit ple nai

-internet trouble ple...

-maxnet ple...

-ple enter you nai-digit phone number

-sorry o' o' lai are beesy...


-after 3 minutes listening to some nonsense DSL signal reappears like magic without anybody having accepted my call

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Go to the TT&T office in person (Carrefour, Naklua or the new one on Sukhumvit) and make a big stink about your phone line not working. Don't even mention your internet, just that you are not able to make and receive calls...

They should be out pretty quick to see to the problem!

did that already actually 2 times yesterday and once today, I know the girl works there and she assured me it will be attended to today, not holding my breath, I don't think they can fix it anyway, my guess is the local switch feeding many phone lines in the area has gone down, I doubt very much they have the knowhow to fix it - that's if it is fixable which I doubt, considering the bad weather we have had here and the lightning the most probable cause is a lightning strike - if so the equipment will need to be sourced installed configured etc etc, I'm not holding my breath.

The Thai manager here at my condo also told me he has the same problem he was unable to get an answer as to when it will be fixed and this guy is well tuned in.

I'd love to see some drives towards customer service in Thailand, they just don't seem to understand the concept.

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then suddenly he's able to tell me that they had an equipment failure several days ago and many phones and internet connections are down

i am facing similar problems since a week but with an interesting twist. on the dot at 19.00hrs every day my DSL signal vanishes and does not reappear till 06.00hrs. i took in stride for two days and then started complaining. within 2 minutes signal was back after phoning the call center.

now the interesting latest facts:

-DSL signal vanishes

-i call 1103

-for englit ple nai

-internet trouble ple...

-maxnet ple...

-ple enter you nai-digit phone number

-sorry o' o' lai are beesy...


-after 3 minutes listening to some nonsense DSL signal reappears like magic without anybody having accepted my call

you must have subscribed to the new 12 hour day time service, it's faster and cheaper but only day time, didn't you realise, only in thailand

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I too have Maxnet on a TT&T line. I have not experienced anything out of the ordinary over the last week. I say "out of the ordinary" because I do experience drop outs on Maxnet from time to time which I consider normal as it's been the same for a year.

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