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When Threads Go Off Topic

Ice Treasure

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I have often wondered how rumour becomes fact in an open discussion... how does this sit?

..... Not knowing what was going to happen to me, or how rapidly the disease would progress, I was at a loose end. The doctors told me to go back to Cambridge and carry on with the research I had just started in general relativity and cosmology. But I was not making much progress, because I didn't have much mathematical background. And, anyway, I might not live long enough to finish my PhD. I felt somewhat of a tragic character. I took to listening to Wagner, but reports in magazine articles that I drank heavily are an exaggeration. The trouble is once one article said it, other articles copied it, because it made a good story. People believe that anything that has appeared in print so many times must be true. ...


This causes huge pain to people. Please think before you guess or tell what "Sgt Major Supachai" said down the bar the other night.. If you don't have the facts..shut up.

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