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Ovulation Moment Caught On Camera


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Ovulation moment caught on camera

A human egg has been filmed in close-up emerging from the ovary for the first time, captured by chance during a routine operation.

Fertile women release one or more eggs every month, but until now, only animal ovulation has been recorded in detail.

Gynaecologist Dr Jacques Donnez spotted it in progress during a hysterectomy.

The pictures, published in New Scientist magazine, were described as "fascinating" by a UK fertility specialist.

post-13995-1213220347_thumb.png Ovulation takes place in the tissues of the ovary

post-13995-1213220360_thumb.png These images are the first time the event has been captured in clear detail

post-13995-1213220370_thumb.png The egg is shown emerging from the follicle on the ovary

post-13995-1213220380_thumb.png After release, the egg travels down the Fallopian tube where it can be fertilised

"It really is a pivotal moment in the whole process, the beginnings of life in a way" Professor Alan McNeilly - MRC Human Reproduction Unit, Edinburgh

Human eggs are produced by follicles, fluid-filled sacs on the side of the ovary, which, around the time of ovulation, produce a reddish protrusion seen in the pictures.

The egg comes from the end of this, surrounded by a jelly-like substance containing cells.

The egg itself is only the size of a full-stop, and the whole ovary, which contains many immature eggs, just a couple of inches long.

They belonged to a 45-year-old Belgian woman, and Dr Donnez, from the Catholic University of Louvain, told New Scientist that the pictures would help scientists understand the mechanisms involved.

He said that some theories had suggested an "explosive" release for the egg, but the ovulation he witnessed took 15 minutes to complete.

Professor Alan McNeilly, from the Medical Research Council's Human Reproduction Unit in Edinburgh, said that this fitted with his own research into the ovulation process.

He said: "It really is a fascinating insight into ovulation, and to see it in real life is an incredibly rare occurrence.

"It really is a pivotal moment in the whole process, the beginnings of life in a way."

From: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7447942.stm


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Hmmmm - a good reminder of our animal nature.

Any suggestion as to the scale within the image shown? Also I assume that the 'instrument' is providing lighting and a small film crew camera, but is it also creating the air space into which the egg is emerging? I would have thought that inside the body there are not such airy caves cavities?

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  • 9 months later...
Hmmmm - a good reminder of our animal nature.

Any suggestion as to the scale within the image shown? Also I assume that the 'instrument' is providing lighting and a small film crew camera, but is it also creating the air space into which the egg is emerging? I would have thought that inside the body there are not such airy caves cavities?

This filming is done through a normal laparoscopic procedure that would be done to "harvest" eggs for in vitro procedures etc.. The abdominal cavity is inflated with an inert gas during the procedure to provide access.

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