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Picture Of My Air Conditioner

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Bangkok, September 12, 7 am


Purchased a month ago as a reconditioned 12,000 BTU unit, it is currently inoperable, with defective thermostat suspected. Fortunately, with night time temperatures at 26 or so and humidity declining to 68% from close to 90% a few days ago, a fan suffices.


And your point is... ??? :D

Smoking something UncleDonald? :o

By the way, you need a pedicure.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Bangkok, September 12, 7 am


Purchased a month ago as a reconditioned 12,000 BTU unit, it is currently inoperable, with defective thermostat suspected. Fortunately, with night time temperatures  at 26 or so and humidity declining to 68% from close to 90% a few days ago, a fan suffices.

You dont have anything better to do at 7am?


Maybe you can call the manufacturer/seller/installer and get them to do some warranty work.


Can you paint or at least clean the wall, it looks shocking.

Bangkok, September 12, 7 am


Purchased a month ago as a reconditioned 12,000 BTU unit, it is currently inoperable, with defective thermostat suspected. Fortunately, with night time temperatures  at 26 or so and humidity declining to 68% from close to 90% a few days ago, a fan suffices.

it looks like your TV wif a reflecshun of a winder innit

and its not so hot here eever, dunno about humid stuff like

Bangkok, September 12, 7 am


Purchased a month ago as a reconditioned 12,000 BTU unit, it is currently inoperable, with defective thermostat suspected. Fortunately, with night time temperatures  at 26 or so and humidity declining to 68% from close to 90% a few days ago, a fan suffices.

it looks like your TV wif a reflecshun of a winder innit

and its not so hot here eever, dunno about humid stuff like

H3ll, I thought I talked <deleted> :o


The fist thing I'd do is move your TV set, if you ever get the A/C unit working its bound to drip condensation into the back of your TV.


Guesthouse--A very good post. I had a TV under the A/C. The A/C malfunctioned, leaked on the TV, ruined the TV and then the A/C needed to be repaired as well. A rather expensive lesson--but maybe I am not as smart as I think. I just looked up from the computer, which now sits under the A/C!!

Stupid is as stupid does.

You'll learn, do not buy second hand in Thailand.

Exactly - If something is reliable, no matter the age, there is always a relative upcountry that's willing to buy it. Only stuff where there's a known issue (thus preventing sale to a relative), will something be for sale second-hand to anyone else...

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