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Tourist Visa To Canada

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Why the person get a toursit visa to canada for the first time and she go to married with canadian guy. But for the secound time she can't apply for a tourist visa because the officer waht her to apply a Family Class, it take a long time and not comfortable. Have someone can help her go to the canada easier and faster ?

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The short answer is “not likely”. The number one criteria Immigration Canada looks at when deciding to issue a tourist visa is, “How confident are we that the applicant will leave Canada at the end of the visa?” Once inside the borders of Canada, it is very difficult to get deported, so they are extra cautious about whom they let in (in theory). If your friend applied for a visa outside Canada, and told the Immigration Officer that she was married to a Canadian, the officer has reason to believe that her intentions are to stay in Canada, not just visit.

I have heard of people in similar situations, but I haven’t heard about anyone getting around the problem.

However, if a foreigner is already inside of Canada and then gets married to a Canadian, they can apply for residence status while in Canada, and stay in Canada while they wait for the results. It usually only takes between 2 to 6 months. The key is not to leave Canada before getting residence status. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help your friend.

Good luck

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