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Bambi's Adventure!


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obviously i will go to Krabi on 11th Jan 06 and i will stay there for 7-10 days

i will update my story here with fotos(or foto forum)

just add new destination ,Phang Nga(koh yao noi) ..i will see Seonai , Donna- love her, my sister (and maybe khall64au..@ phuket??)

i will shopping on Sunday ...buy some vergimite (or marmite .....if badluck i will get NZ marmite for 3 girls ..and on Tuesday i will shopping some decent bread for girls)

and if u guys ,seonoi ,donna and khall want extra stuff plese lemme know b4 Teusday..ditto)

i just chatted with my yank mate .. that i wanna see my TV friends..he say ..ok bambi!! :o

well it's your happy hour , seonai ,donna and khall(and anonymous member)

lemme know what u want!!!!!!!!!!!!

tik tok tik tok

hurry up dude !! :D

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obviously i will go to Krabi on 11th Jan 06 and i will stay there for 7-10 days

i will update my story here with fotos(or foto forum)

just add new destination ,Phang Nga(koh yao noi) ..i will see Seonai , Donna- love her, my sister (and maybe khall64au..@ phuket??)

i will shopping on Sunday ...buy some vergimite (or marmite .....if badluck i will get NZ marmite for 3 girls ..and on Tuesday i will shopping some decent bread for girls)

and if u guys ,seonoi ,donna and khall want extra stuff plese lemme know b4 Teusday..ditto)

i just chatted with my yank mate .. that i wanna see my TV friends..he say ..ok bambi!! :o

well it's your happy hour , seonai ,donna and khall(and anonymous member)

lemme know what u want!!!!!!!!!!!!

tik tok tik tok

hurry up dude !! :D

Ur coming to visit me Bambi? I didn't know that!!!! Yippee, yippee!! Bambi's coming to visit me........ :D or do I have to meet you half way? I don't mind...... what fun we shall have. What is your itinerary (such a formal word!)?

What do I want? Hmmmmmmmmm...... a gorgeous latino :D or if you can't arrange that... a nice bottle of Chilean will do fine! :D

Can't wait to see you gorgeous :D

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<deleted> lol i replied this thread one time 5 mins ago ...and i cant find it !!

ok again

Have a wonderful time :D

Dont forget to get a suntan ! ( thats , that big yellow ball in the sky , that comes out in daytime )

i will be missing you jeff

Ur coming to visit me Bambi? I didn't know that!!!! Yippee, yippee!! Bambi's coming to visit me........ :D or do I have to meet you half way? I don't mind...... what fun we shall have. What is your itinerary (such a formal word!)?

What do I want? Hmmmmmmmmm...... a gorgeous latino :burp: or if you can't arrange that... a nice bottle of Chilean will do fine! :D

Can't wait to see you gorgeous :D

Khall ja.. i afraid that Phuket is out of my plan , my destination is Krabi , and i just added Koh Yao Noi in my list

i dont know exactly date when i will be there ,but it'd be one day around 12th-14th (can you go there?)

i will try to grab Latino boy for u ..and if i cant find a "boy" i will bring a "toy" instead :D:D:D

Chilean>>?? do you mean wine from chile?? i dont know i can find it or not... how about a bpttle of num pla /fish sauce?? :o

ok ...

seo noi = bread + vergimite (or marmite stuff...i will check at Villa Supermarket tomorrow)

donna = magazine stuff

khall = Toy ..opps i mean Boy :D

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Great place to go, Bambi. Just there last month, and had a great time. If you want great food, go by the Jungle Bar -- quiet restaurant that used to be on Phi Phi. As the owner is French, I'm sure they will appreciate having a sexy woman as a patron.

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update -

now i hve got a bottle of vegemite for seonai , and import magazinge for donna

for khall .. i cant fine the bottle of chilean :D

Great place to go, Bambi. Just there last month, and had a great time. If you want great food, go by the Jungle Bar -- quiet restaurant that used to be on Phi Phi. As the owner is French, I'm sure they will appreciate having a sexy woman as a patron.

oh yes, i will go to K.phi phi.. thanks for recommend the place ..grazie

Bambi.... what day/s will you be on Koh Yao Noi? I'm coming to visit you there!

ps. found my own toy boy... will bring him with me (shhhhhhhhhhh!!!! don't tell anybody) :o

khal , it'd be 12-14th im not sure i will call u when i arrive Krabi for the exactly date

Not wanting to re open old wounds but I reckon Bambi killled Jesse!!! :D

:D:D nah i'm not that mean .. i forget everything ,wound already :D

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bambi, its my happy birthday on the 16th! maybe you can come here for that? it would be great if you could.

wow ... thats cool ..

but if i go there 16 th , your bread will get fungi !!!!!!! :D:D

or should i forget the bread (plan to buy it for u and seonai tomorrow) :o:D

what'd i do ..geee :D:D

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ok, i hve decided ..i will go to Koh Yao Noi on 16th , to cerebrate my sister Donna 's birthday party

well sorry , seonai , i wont bring any bread ..coz it will be spoiled

but for sure u guys will get some souvenir from me

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Hey girls, Can we all get together and play with eachothers boobies?

I´ll let you touch m---- OW! Khall STOP IT!!!!! OWWWW!!! You are hurting me!


How did you guess I was a nipple girl? Promise I'll be gentle with you..... :o


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How did you guess I was a nipple girl? Promise I'll be gentle with you..... :D

This thread just got very interested.. where are we all meeting again?

Um.... that will be Seonai's bar, this Saturday night on Koh Yao Noi - that's a funky island in Phang Nga Bay accessible by boat from Bang Rong Pier on Phuket if anyone is interested!!!


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How did you guess I was a nipple girl? Promise I'll be gentle with you..... :D

This thread just got very interested.. where are we all meeting again?

Sorry Wolfie.... seems that Kayo is all talk, so your'e on your own baby! :o

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How did you guess I was a nipple girl? Promise I'll be gentle with you..... :D

This thread just got very interested.. where are we all meeting again?

Um.... that will be Seonai's bar, this Saturday night on Koh Yao Noi - that's a funky island in Phang Nga Bay accessible by boat from Bang Rong Pier on Phuket if anyone is interested!!!


Well, I can't make it now, but would you all be interested in partying with me again after the 27th of this month? I have some time off and I'm trying to figure out where to go.

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How did you guess I was a nipple girl? Promise I'll be gentle with you..... :D

This thread just got very interested.. where are we all meeting again?

Um.... that will be Seonai's bar, this Saturday night on Koh Yao Noi - that's a funky island in Phang Nga Bay accessible by boat from Bang Rong Pier on Phuket if anyone is interested!!!


Well, I can't make it now, but would you all be interested in partying with me again after the 27th of this month? I have some time off and I'm trying to figure out where to go.

I'm always up for suggestions... when and where do you have in mind Kat?

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