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Marriage Visa Extension Rejected

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I am entering my third year in Thailand and have a marriage visa and have had two previous 1 year extensions. This year my application has been rejected because of the balance in my bank.

I obtained the bank letter in good time - about 5 days before my visit to immigration - it showed 451,000 - well over the 400,000 stated minimum. The day before my application was submitted I updated my bank book then photocopied it. The balance showing was 445,000 - again proving I still had much more than the stated required minimum. Naturally in the 5 day period I had withdrawn some money to live on - in this case 6000 baht.

The application was examined at immigration in Udon (a sub division of the Nong Khai office) found to be all in order and I was told to return in a month - standard proceedure.

This week I have been informed that my application has been returned and rejected because the balance on the bank letter and the balance in my book do not match exactly - despite showing more than the required 400,000.

After submitting the application and getting it successfully despatched to Bangkok for stamping - I withdrew 100,000 baht for a major purchase so was left with just over 300,000 baht in the account

I have explained to immigration that in the 5 day period between getting the bank letter and submitting the application I need to eat and pay bills - hence the reason I withdew a little money - but making sure I kept the balance well over the 400,00 mark. It fell on deaf ears.

A friend suggested I contacted a Police Major Gen. Suwat Tumrongsiskul - Acting Commisioner , board of directors at Soi SuanPlu, which I did and spoke to his secretary who agreed that there really isn't any reason why my application should have been rejected as I have fulfilled (indeed exceeded) all stated written for an extension requirements. He promised to make some phone calls and get it sorted.

Udon immigration have now informed me that the 'no' decision still stands.

It appears that they are making up the rules as they go along. Apparently they have a set standard of requirements and cannnot bend the rules under any circumstances. Exactly - I told them , thats why you have a standard written list of requirements but you are changing that written list now and not telling anyone.

If they want the bank letter and bank book to be synchronised they should publish information to that effect. All it states is that we are to prove we have a minimum 400,000 in the bank. (which I did)

I have been advised to submit another application (and pay again) but this time do not withdraw any money from my bank account until the application is approved and I have the stamp in my passport. (The first year took 5 months to approve).

I can build up the bank balance again and resubmit again but am annoyed to pay again and suffer transfer costs when even Udon immigration have agreed the first application was fully 'legal'

Is this 'normal'?

It somewhat defeats the object of proving you have 'sufficient funds' if they are advising you not to touch them in your bank account!

I have heard a whisper that just before issuing the stamp in Bkk - they will contact your bank again and enquire about the balance. If it is below the minimum they will reject it. If so - again they are saying put the money in the bank but do not use it. Before they always used to tell me they want to see 'movement' in your bank account. We can't win !

What are my options (apart from start again) ?

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I sympathise with your plight as I also had a bit of a ordeal when applying for my extension. I, however, had a letter thats states that I have transferred into my account the necessary 40k baht per month.

I was also told not to touch what funds I had in the bank account until end of April but I also needed to feed my family and ingnored that direction.

On wednesday I went to the immigration office to find that after one months consideration they have approved my extension. Last year, being my first extension application, the process took 2 months to be approved.

Going by your ordeal and the frustation I had when I lodged my application it sounds like the immigratioin offices are going through an upheaval or sorts.

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In many cases the exact details of requirements are subject to procedures used rather than how we may interpret the English language written requirements. Believe this is one of those. It has always been my understanding that the letter must exactly match the passbook and indeed that is the bank view. Many people have been subject to a bank hold on there accounts because of this. My bank dates the letter the day before I apply to make sure the day end balance agrees with the passbook (any withdrawal today would not invalidate the letter). That is the whole reason for the letter (to confirm the passbook is correct). The fact they did not probably was reason to check your account further. The amount in the account has always been required to be above the 400k mark until final approval is received (although believe they will take into account normal type activity). That was probably the deciding factor.

For a case where you know there will be an expensive it needs to be put into the paperwork and then an exception may be made if it is considered reasonable.

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The point is you must maintain at least 400,000 throughout. But you mentioned that you have only 300,000 somewhere before the approval and this could be the 'fatal' factor.

Since they have rejected your approval, how many days is left for you to remain in the Kingdom ?

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I'm new to all this. But it occurs to me the solution would be to have 2 accounts. One in which to keep the 400,000, and another to draw from for everyday expenses. That way the balances would always match. The idiocy of all this is that bureaucracy achieves little. Anyone can pay in the required amount to get a visa extension, then draw it out again afterwards. It proves very little. But all governments in all countries produce hurdles for the sake pf producing hurdles. From what i'm reading on these boards it seems the Thai authorities care little about the institution of marriage, at least when a farang is involved.


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Since they have rejected your approval, how many days is left for you to remain in the Kingdom ?

My last day was today - so I had to visit immigration whatever happens!

To be honest the guys in udon Immigration seem as suprised at this outcome as I was and we have today tried to mutually work something out. I genuinely believe it is out of their hands.

I have replenished my bank account to the 400,000 mark and obtained a further bank letter plus updated my bank book so that all amounts match completely (I will not touch this bank account now until I have the stamp)

Hopefully by submitting these documents today - it will satisfy whoever thought there was a problem previously (someone in Korat apparently). Of course I have been given another months stay until the result comes back.

I suggested to them that they make it clear to all that it is a requirement to match the book and letter exactly and to not touch the funds until you have received your reply. As the first year took 5 months to get my approval it somewhat makes a mockery of showing you have enough money to support yourself and your family - but are not allowed to touch it.

Out of interest - I asked today what would happen if this petty matter was not resolved today. It was confirmed that as my permit to stay expired today I would indeed be required to leave the country and obtain a further visa if I wanted to stay here.

Despite my fulfilling all written requirements in respect of obtaining a one year extension - I was in effect being forced to leave Thailand (and my family etc) because my bank letter and bank book differed by 6000 baht - albeit well above the required minimum.

Makes you wonder sometimes doesn't it ?

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my situation demostre that is so different per region,or town

i apply for the same visa extension in november showing 610000bath,and i get 1 month waiting the extension 1 year,in this period i building my shop and reamining in december only 170000bath in my account,waiting 3 more months for get full extension 1 year,bud no have a problem,is important that when you ask extension show more of 400k,get 1 month ,if later you spend your money until extension1year not comming yet,never hear somebody have a problem

but,we know,in thailand all region think and apply law in different mode

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Despite my fulfilling all written requirements in respect of obtaining a one year extension - I was in effect being forced to leave Thailand (and my family etc) because my bank letter and bank book differed by 6000 baht - albeit well above the required minimum.

Makes you wonder sometimes doesn't it ?

I did my first marriage extension back in February at Maesai. Had all docs with me, but was one week early, i.e. 5 weeks before the 90 day expiration date. I was told that I should come back one week later because the limit for applying was one month prior to the date on the stamp and that the fact we have been married 15 years was irrelevant. Upon insisting, they asked us how old I was and how much money was in the bank. Since I am under 50, the retirement option they could have done right then and there was not possible, but upon hearing that we had almost left 800,000 in the bank (from an initial wire transfer of 1.2M B 3 months earlier) they said they could indeed process my application anyway because it was well above the minimum, and was told to return 40 days later to pick up the extension. During the 40 days we withdrew over 100,000 Bht from the account. After 40 days I went back expecting to have to return again, since this was my first time which is supposed to take longer, but to my amazement, the extension had arrived, and I was out in a few minutes after purchasing a multiple re-entry permit.

So, in my experience, it is all a question of how financially solid they think you are, or how much money you are spending in Thailand.

Best of luck to you!


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