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They are overgrown boy scouts, or wannabe cops who failed the exam and now want an excuse to look big........... :o


I know a young (31) English guy in Bangkok who works for the Royal Thai Police Force, he is not a volunteer and is office based, he does not have a uniform and wears jeans, sports shoes and polo shirt to the office, he is licenced to carry a gun but seldom does.


I just see the frangs lads on the bottom of Walkin Street in Pattaya on a Saurday night, and wonder whats in it for them, standing by or sitting at that table all night.

That big english lad you see on Pattaya TV, always doing TV reviews on restaurants and getting fed for free, is always down there too with them.

Also know a young thai lad, who was a DJ in a pub there, and he is now a volunteer too! It amazes me, as he would not have a penny, yet he is using his nights to be a play cop, insteand of working a job?? :o


Like anywhere else in the world there are some who actually feel the need to do something positive for the community they live in and they deserve credit. There are some however who have occasionally reared their heads here, who are just wannabes who get off on a false sense of power.


Why a volunteer police officer and not a volunteer tourist information officer.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Are they there to prevent crime? If so, maybe they'd like to arrest the people selling illegal contraband on Walking Street.


Very good question.

It's bad enough trying to figure out why anyone would want to be a paid cop - but this volunteer crap! It's mind boggling what motivates them.

I was in Walking Street the other night witb a couple of elderly guests from England, and lined up, next to the police car, was a whole "squad?" of volunteer cops - they must have been volunteers, coz not one of them was Thai - and what a motley collection they were: pot bellied, rancid, degenerate faces, stupid un-uniform uniforms, all ostensibly doing doing their "bit" for the good people of Pattaya.

Or did they just want to be the first at a crime scene, (Ladyboy violates elderly farang/ German throttles two timing Go go dancer/ bankrupt and heartbroken Swede jumps from Daynight hotel/. Frenchie caught in the action with under age girl, all complete with lurid technicolour pics folks - including under age girls), so that they may report their scoop in their local tv/rag?

When we were kids, we used to play cops and robbers. But must of us grew out of it.

In Pattaya, there is an excess of those who never grew up.


and what a motley collection they were: pot bellied, rancid, degenerate faces, stupid un-uniform uniforms

I love it. You are a poet.


I thought this was one of those banned subjects since one of them contacted the site and told them to close/remove these topics in the Pattaya section?

Anyways, just an aside, apart from being pot bellied wannabe rambos, what about the positive side of them, haven't I read they helped bust a few go go bars with underage girls and done a few other things for the good of Pattaya since they began? :D

I think a lot of the ill feeling seems to come from people that are upset that there are some farangs just like them who have stepped up society's ladder, not high society I grant you, more the barstool variety. :D

I bet there's more than a few farang in Pattaya who sit there wanting to be as 'in' with the police as the volunteers are, moaning about the 'wannabee rambos' from behind their beer glass. :o

I bet there's more than a few farang in Pattaya who sit there wanting to be as 'in' with the police as the volunteers are, moaning about the 'wannabee rambos' from behind their beer glass. :o

If you are correct - and I don't doubt fopr one moment that you are - then they are even sadder than the motley crew I saw that night having their picture taken. :D

Also know a young thai lad, who was a DJ in a pub there, and he is now a volunteer too! It amazes me, as he would not have a penny, yet he is using his nights to be a play cop, insteand of working a job?? :o

The Thai police has a huge volonteer force.

You have all sorts there, ranging from people who genuinly want to do good, overeager citicens, and people who need to get closer to the police in order to further their illegal businesses. It also gives ample opportunity to make a few bucks at the side during roadblocks.

Most are not trained very well at all.

A year ago a young volonteer made headlines in Bangkok, i think he was 15 years old, a friend of friends of mine. He was shot dead by a couple motorcycle gang kids from his neighborhood who he helped stop at a police block the day before.


One thing i forgot - many young kids who want to become Police officers become police volonteers as well. It gives them the first connections within the police, without which things are very difficult.

I thought this was one of those banned subjects since one of them contacted the site and told them to close/remove these topics in the Pattaya section?

Anyways, just an aside, apart from being pot bellied wannabe rambos, what about the positive side of them, haven't I read they helped bust a few go go bars with underage girls and done a few other things for the good of Pattaya since they began? :D

I think a lot of the ill feeling seems to come from people that are upset that there are some farangs just like them who have stepped up society's ladder, not high society I grant you, more the barstool variety. :D

I bet there's more than a few farang in Pattaya who sit there wanting to be as 'in' with the police as the volunteers are, moaning about the 'wannabee rambos' from behind their beer glass. :o

So the career/society progression path is bar stool commentator to to volunteer police in Pattaya - I missed that one in business school - joking, really.

We have a series of them here in Chiang Mai and it sounds like them come from the same farm as the Pattaya bunch. Not wishing to negate the good things they have done and I take your word for that, my experience of them is less generous. They wander around in safe groups of five or six in the Sunday night market, oggling at and flirting with passing girls, including my wife and generally being unpoliceman like in any sense of the word. Now I think about it perhaps my opening remarks were not entirely a joke!

I thought this was one of those banned subjects since one of them contacted the site and told them to close/remove these topics in the Pattaya section?

You are right on point 1 mate, this topic is not one we discuss here. But point 2 is incorrect, we close these topics because they always degenerate head off into a place that tv does not want to go, for example

Or did they just want to be the first at a crime scene, (Ladyboy violates elderly farang/ German throttles two timing Go go dancer/ bankrupt and heartbroken Swede jumps from Daynight hotel/. Frenchie caught in the action with under age girl, all complete with lurid technicolour pics folks - including under age girls), so that they may report their scoop in their local tv/rag?

These threads lead nowhere other than trouble.

So, in the spirit of the past (read: what has made us what we are today - Thaivisa Forum 4 Year Anniversary, 20 NOV 2006)

I will close this thread too.

Cheers :o

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