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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. Posting from Hong Kong . English ( heavily accented and vovabulated with ra vernacular) ,Pasa Isan , Thai and Cantonese are all used around my family . My son mastered the art of listening and imitation very early on , we relocated 3 times in as many years , and he got by on improving these skills . Now at age 6 he is learning the importance of the written word . The school he now attends has an English and Chinese language system , but I will get him back on track with the Thai language by the end of this year . He loves the Chinese characters although he still struggles with the English written word . Crickey it's not easy being a youngster these days .

    Get him to stick with a language that will be useful. Unless he will live in Thailand Thai is useless!

    And I believe he will . Well he can . Thai as a fluent and written language will provide him with many opportunities in his life . I hope he will be sticking with at least three languages . I think he's going to need them .

  2. Posting from Hong Kong . English ( heavily accented and vovabulated with ra vernacular) ,Pasa Isan , Thai and Cantonese are all used around my family . My son mastered the art of listening and imitation very early on , we relocated 3 times in as many years , and he got by on improving these skills . Now at age 6 he is learning the importance of the written word . The school he now attends has an English and Chinese language system , but I will get him back on track with the Thai language by the end of this year . He loves the Chinese characters although he still struggles with the English written word . Crickey it's not easy being a youngster these days .

  3. I think it would be a useful feature, but what about if you want to unblock yourself from PMing someone ?

    If there is a tool to put the block on outgoing, there would be a tool to unblock as well. Just the same as for blocking incoming.

    How would a tool to block you PM a particular user (presumably to stop PM's sent in anger/when drunk) be of any help, if you can just unblock the user again? Would you want a 24 hour cooling off period, before the unblock became active?

    I must admit I also don't see the need for such a feature.


    Well , how about test that evaluates your mental and emotional state and gives credit points for humour but at the same time deducts them for badness . Or even better , a poll , that lets who ever is interested decide wether you should be allowed to unblock your blocked PM's .

  4. Actually what I asked about was not whats possible or the cost of a big mack verses wages which was a valid point, but if people chose to spend more or less or about the same based on their personal preferences, where they came from and went to, ect. thats why I asked if it was cheeper for "you" ..... not is thailand cheep in general

    Hostile17 ...... I am a little suprised more people do not mention the factors you did about housing and general living conditions of a pretty caotic country. I defentily take that into account and it's not a plus by any means. What I don't like is constantly having to drive by or through the dirty messy streets , I went yachting once and a half a mile off the coast we went swimming .... with the flotaing garbage ..... yachting and garbage don't go together ! So if your point is is not a cheeper version of the South of France I would most defenitly agree. I tried to steer clear of that because I didn't want to look hostile ! lol

    And it doesn't matter where you go from one end to the other from side to side the dirty run down scenery is everywhere and just outside the resort or nice gated place you might live. The smoldering fires in the dry season, burning rice fields , neighbors blasting music way to loud at the yearly parties .... yup it all adds up a little at a time

    In canada, a ghetto will almost look as good as a millionaire's estate from outside.

    In thailand, a millionaire's estate will look like the city dump from outside.

    In my own opinion, the cheap concrete streets and borders themselves are uglier than a fat man wearing a singha beater with half his belly showing. Add to that the uneveness, the trash, the extra trash, the trash's trash clothes with more trash and soi dog poop. Basically a millionaire's estate needs to have a bunch of burmese wiping down the street 12hrs a day and its still dirty very often while in canada its clean and fresh smelling at any hour of the day. Ive sincerly only seen 20~ plastic bags in my life there, and usualy in the winter stuck on a tree.

    Thailand is what it is.

    Its a haven for fat men with no personality or a cheap way to experience a tropical lifestyle. But its not a cheaper way to live a normal life. And its obviously an amazing place to go on short vacations where you only see the tourist stuff. Which is why so many rich people only hang around 6-8months, longer and you'll start living a normal at home life and notice all the horrible things.

    have you heard of a decent looking, healthy fit, decently wealthy man with a good personality living full time in thailand for more than 10 years? Yes but not as many as social misfits and people on the lower end of the genetic luck spectrum.

    So after 6-8 months you'd blown a bit and realised you were in a horrible situation and had to start living "normaly" , but that was ok because even though it was horrible it was also a haven for bores and dullards , decent , fit, healthy ones mind , and thus you stuck it out .

  5. Canada has huge diversity as well , I ended up in chinatown once and the gas pumps were in Chineese ! City, country, French, speaking english ect ..... It's a pretty cool country overall

    dont forget, the hookers are the same price for all the upstanding men who seem to be posting in this thread.

    Well thanks for the information , bit of a hobby of yours is it ?

    • Like 1
  6. At least he's trying to earn a crust, instead of loafing around all day.

    You should not criticise a man till you've walked a mile in his shoes - loafers, in this case.

    If you persecute him, maybe he'll go underground with his subs...


    Chorizo boccadillio to that .

  7. ...

    ...Streetcowboy filling that position. Note...there is nothing he does not know about knees.


    I am indeed, Mr Know Knees, so we are always on the lookout for people who can bring up the average - we are after all the Team with Two Knees...


    TV Cricket - Know Knees; Known Sense

    Caught out for toffee teeth ?

  8. Hello chaps , I don't know much about cricket and my first experience of the game was on black and white tv during the summer holydays when I was a boy , and it was a quiet game I thought . However , I have read that back in the day it was a rowdy old competition , what with wagering and cheating and drunken brawls amongst the fiff raff spectators . I personally would like to see the one man team game reintroduced . Cheating ,bluffing and double cheating and bluffing and umpirical mistakes fair game on the wager .

    Welcome to the team onionluke.

    You will find, as you follow our noble game, that much help is given by our expert panel.

    Just ask and someone will have an answer.

    Now, I do notice that you say that your first contact with this noble game was back in the days of

    black and white TV. How that brings back memories for me. (Do you remember doing your homework by kero lamp)

    Well, you seam to be in the age span of most of the members of the team and you will fit in without any problems

    As for being a rowdy game, that is why the older players are important. We keep a lid on that.

    The Boss (brit1984) is number one. He a very able manager and has arranged with his wife to supply a new batsman soon.

    Our Promotions Manager (David48) is also number one. He is a very visual guy, explaining all his idears with very vivid graphics.

    We have a very efficient driver with Streetcowboy filling that position. Note...there is nothing he does not know about knees.

    Bookman is our money manager, also very efficient, but if you need to know something, then ask, as it is all in his head.

    Harry looks after all matters to do with health. Very efficient but can't comment on his qualifications.

    Now, we do have other members, some just joined, other been in for a while, but all contributing to our team.

    There is a slite problem with Jingthing, but the guys are working hard to change his views.

    And me, well I'm the cheer squad coach, assisted by Plopmeister. he is very very efficient.

    After saying all that I hope that I have not missed anyone..Sorry Missfarmgirl

    So, after that little bit of a run down re our team, I'm sure you will play a very important part in promoting why

    "Thailand Needs Cricket"

    Thanks for the kind welcome . I might not have much to offer , bar a memory of a parafin heater in an old tenement , but jings that was a cold summer to forget .

    Take it from me...You will have a great deal to offer.

    Before I joined this team, I knew less than nothing, so you have a heads start on me...thumbsup.gif

    Well am I in or out ? Oh sorry that's tennis . Four! Six! 180 !!

    I'll soon pick it up .

  9. Hello chaps , I don't know much about cricket and my first experience of the game was on black and white tv during the summer holydays when I was a boy , and it was a quiet game I thought . However , I have read that back in the day it was a rowdy old competition , what with wagering and cheating and drunken brawls amongst the fiff raff spectators . I personally would like to see the one man team game reintroduced . Cheating ,bluffing and double cheating and bluffing and umpirical mistakes fair game on the wager .

    Welcome to the team onionluke.

    You will find, as you follow our noble game, that much help is given by our expert panel.

    Just ask and someone will have an answer.

    Now, I do notice that you say that your first contact with this noble game was back in the days of

    black and white TV. How that brings back memories for me. (Do you remember doing your homework by kero lamp)

    Well, you seam to be in the age span of most of the members of the team and you will fit in without any problems

    As for being a rowdy game, that is why the older players are important. We keep a lid on that.

    The Boss (brit1984) is number one. He a very able manager and has arranged with his wife to supply a new batsman soon.

    Our Promotions Manager (David48) is also number one. He is a very visual guy, explaining all his idears with very vivid graphics.

    We have a very efficient driver with Streetcowboy filling that position. Note...there is nothing he does not know about knees.

    Bookman is our money manager, also very efficient, but if you need to know something, then ask, as it is all in his head.

    Harry looks after all matters to do with health. Very efficient but can't comment on his qualifications.

    Now, we do have other members, some just joined, other been in for a while, but all contributing to our team.

    There is a slite problem with Jingthing, but the guys are working hard to change his views.

    And me, well I'm the cheer squad coach, assisted by Plopmeister. he is very very efficient.

    After saying all that I hope that I have not missed anyone..Sorry Missfarmgirl

    So, after that little bit of a run down re our team, I'm sure you will play a very important part in promoting why

    "Thailand Needs Cricket"

    Thanks for the kind welcome . I might not have much to offer , bar a memory of a parafin heater in an old tenement , but jings that was a cold summer to forget .

    edit ; Is there such a position as , left field outward bounder ?

  10. Hello chaps , I don't know much about cricket and my first experience of the game was on black and white tv during the summer holydays when I was a boy , and it was a quiet game I thought . However , I have read that back in the day it was a rowdy old competition , what with wagering and cheating and drunken brawls amongst the fiff raff spectators . I personally would like to see the one man team game reintroduced . Cheating ,bluffing and double cheating and bluffing and umpirical mistakes fair game on the wager .

    Welcome to the team onionluke.

    You will find, as you follow our noble game, that much help is given by our expert panel.

    Just ask and someone will have an answer.

    Now, I do notice that you say that your first contact with this noble game was back in the days of

    black and white TV. How that brings back memories for me. (Do you remember doing your homework by kero lamp)

    Well, you seam to be in the age span of most of the members of the team and you will fit in without any problems

    As for being a rowdy game, that is why the older players are important. We keep a lid on that.

    The Boss (brit1984) is number one. He a very able manager and has arranged with his wife to supply a new batsman soon.

    Our Promotions Manager (David48) is also number one. He is a very visual guy, explaining all his idears with very vivid graphics.

    We have a very efficient driver with Streetcowboy filling that position. Note...there is nothing he does not know about knees.

    Bookman is our money manager, also very efficient, but if you need to know something, then ask, as it is all in his head.

    Harry looks after all matters to do with health. Very efficient but can't comment on his qualifications.

    Now, we do have other members, some just joined, other been in for a while, but all contributing to our team.

    There is a slite problem with Jingthing, but the guys are working hard to change his views.

    And me, well I'm the cheer squad coach, assisted by Plopmeister. he is very very efficient.

    After saying all that I hope that I have not missed anyone..Sorry Missfarmgirl

    So, after that little bit of a run down re our team, I'm sure you will play a very important part in promoting why

    "Thailand Needs Cricket"

    Thanks for the kind welcome . I might not have much to offer , bar a memory of a parafin heater in an old tenement , but jings that was a cold summer to forget .

  11. Further to my comment on the only slightly understood cricket "Offside Rule", it might be beneficial to introduce newcomers to a few of the technical, sporting terms applied to cricket. For instance, how many of us clearly understand the deeper meaning of "bowling a maiden over". And what's more, who could clearly explain the oft used phrase "batting for the other side".

    These terms, whilst being common parlance amongst the cricketing fraternity, could well lead to confusion. I think we need some guidance here.

    Over to you, Trevor.

    Yes terms shared in common with the heavy metal fraternity .

  12. ...just a naive person, sir, why did you choose the name Hostile? Aren't those the ones that the cowboys used to shoot on sight? You may have a good standard of living here, I wonder if it's the same as you would have back home. Take a deep breath now, when you answer, remember that you are talking to a fellow human being and not necessarily a f***** idiot. And try not to snarl or use words like blab, ignorant or stupid in your answers, that is very rude indeed, goodness me. I can be rude on occasion if needs be but I try to keep the unpleasant side of my character under control, I'm sure you can manage that too.

    It's probably just a teenage thing . Pouty 16 ? Rebel 15 ? Know it all 18 ? Gad help us .

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