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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. well , the vernacular dictated that football was and is






    f e

    and even


    just like the way the french say "p" when they don't know what I am talking about

    pronounciation varies from place to place .

  2. Hello chaps , I don't know much about cricket and my first experience of the game was on black and white tv during the summer holydays when I was a boy , and it was a quiet game I thought . However , I have read that back in the day it was a rowdy old competition , what with wagering and cheating and drunken brawls amongst the fiff raff spectators . I personally would like to see the one man team game reintroduced . Cheating ,bluffing and double cheating and bluffing and umpirical mistakes fair game on the wager .

  3. I take you will be sending over , on the first pallet , a bunch of violent bampots to stand outside the chippy, staring in the window , just after the pubs come out ? To add the patter experience and real feel .

    Q " yoo lookin at ma chips ? "

    A " naw , yoo callin ma bird a battered fish ? "

    and so it goes

    It would be quite expensive to fly in said individuals, however I could recruit a couple of neds ( chavs ) from Pattaya and train up some of the local lads......all part of the Great British Chippie experience biggrin.png

    The correct uniform / overall scheme could make or break the franchise You could do Burberry, or if you wanted a more retro look it could be burgandy Y cardigans and grey staypress .

    I have to ask , are you looking for an international jackie that speaks in tongues when blootered for to mentor the staff ?

    I have you in mind for that role biggrin.png

    When the soiled trench coat fits , wear it .

    • Like 1
  4. I take you will be sending over , on the first pallet , a bunch of violent bampots to stand outside the chippy, staring in the window , just after the pubs come out ? To add the patter experience and real feel .

    Q " yoo lookin at ma chips ? "

    A " naw , yoo callin ma bird a battered fish ? "

    and so it goes

    It would be quite expensive to fly in said individuals, however I could recruit a couple of neds ( chavs ) from Pattaya and train up some of the local lads......all part of the Great British Chippie experience biggrin.png

    The correct uniform / overall scheme could make or break the franchise You could do Burberry, or if you wanted a more retro look it could be burgandy Y cardigans and grey staypress .

    I have to ask , are you looking for an international jackie that speaks in tongues when blootered for to mentor the staff ?

  5. The next thrilling instalment:-

    The bannister has been installed, just requires finishing


    Khun Wood is now installing the outdoor railings so I won't fall over the edge after a few too many Changs.


    Sparky (this is number 3) arrived with a large crew to install the light fittings. Access to the high ceilings was interesting


    But the outside lights were easier to get at.


    This is what the patio door looks like when open, note how it folds against the wall leaving a totally unobstructed opening. The price you pay for this is the 20 bolts you have to unlock in order to open it smile.png


    This is how you get at 5m+ ceilings



    When the 5m+ ceiling is above the stair-well extra ingenuity is required.




    It's a good job the HSE (Heath and Safety Executive http://www.hse.gov.uk/ ) don't operate in Thailand, at least we know the banister is adequately strong.


    The concept of track lighting, and particularly how to install the fittings was new, the boys had not seen it before.

    All the fittings are now wearing condoms, in preparation for the final coat of ceiling paint.


    Wifey is becoming increasingly happy as she sees a move-in date becoming clearer smile.png


    Well imaginative working platforms going on in your hall . Those boys deserve a pint if ever there was a cause for the lowly scaff .

    Fab place you've built there .

  6. I take you will be sending over , on the first pallet , a bunch of violent bampots to stand outside the chippy, staring in the window , just after the pubs come out ? To add the patter experience and real feel .

    Q " yoo lookin at ma chips ? "

    A " naw , yoo callin ma bird a battered fish ? "

    and so it goes

  7. What about a fist fight in the queue?

    Very kind of you to offer

    I'll be with you in a minute...


    EDIT: Back on topic: A decent chippie in Thailand - The one in Taipei sank without a trace; another Scottish fella, by the way, with fryers from Falkirk, if I'm not wrong

    Brett's Seafood in HK - Wanchai Lockhart Road, in fact, closed many years ago as well

    I rember it well , or cannae remember it well . They did not serve blackout pudding supers either if I can't recall but it was a good spot on the corner .

  8. I have a five brm house in Northern Thailand in a walled compound that is paid for at a price about 1/10 of what a similar house would cost in most usa states.. I eat out at least ten times a week. I have a car and two motorbikes. I have cable tv, iinternet, a/c, etc. I have a maid and a gardnerer once a month. A nice lady picks up my laundry and returns it nice and clean and folded once a week. I have a decent health insurance policy for about 2000 baht a month. I can afford to go see most any doctor i want without having to take a second mortgage. If my car has a problem i can have it fixed for a fraction of what i would pay in USA. My car insurance is a fraction of what it is in the USA.Overall i spend less than half of what i spend in the usa.

    There are SOME things that are more expensive in Thailand. If you insist of eating imported food, buying imported items, and trying to recreate your life in USA by shopping in places like villa markets or the emporium style malls you will spend a bundle. If you decide instead to enjoy Thai food and buy stuff made in Thailand in more local markets iit will cost a fraction of what you would pay in the usa.

    There are many things that cost more in Thailand but if you steer clear from those things as much as possilbe (no choice on some like paying way more for a new car) you should be able to live a very pleasant lifesyle for way less than a similar lifestyle would cost in most USA states.

    Are there some things cheaper in USA? Absolutely. BUT when you compare items like health care, eating out in local restaruants, shopping for fresh vegetables, hiring a maid or a gardener or a massage or a hair cut or almost ANY service that is primarily labor Thailand is WAY CHEAPER.

    But of course there are many who want to live in a high rise penthouse in an upscale bkk building and furnish it with imported furniture, shop at villa market and eat lots of imported foods, enjoy buffets at the Oriental hotel, drink imported wines, and have some pretty young lady half your age attend to your every need it will not come cheaply. UP TO YOU.

    All l want is a BigMac or three, twice a week. thumbsup.gif

    All I want is a couple of quid and a bit of skirt in a taxi .....

  9. cant forget that people who spew low prices on house rentals usualy have ugly unlivable houses for anyone that is used to middle class living

    like myself if i had a house that looked like this a0191_0031.jpg


    I would not live there. i just took the first average cheap house picture i could find. Cheap furniture,. Looks like a larger jail cell with a sub-par thai kitchen in pastel colors.

    ohh it has 3 bedrooms! yeah, i dont give a shit its still comparable to a box on the street in the west.

    I could find thousands of picture just a bit above this, with tesco/index's discount furniture but its still cheap, still no colors on the wall, still full of insects because thais can't build a house correctly without leaving space for insects in the walls, the kitchens are always terribly ghetto while in the west kitchen is the most important part of the home, still has tv's from the 80's, always has a toilet where you take a shower on the pooper, beds that even egyptian slaves would spit on. etc etc

    And those are the house that people talk about. Yeah you have space but as i said its still just a large cheap jail cell with no personality or real comfort, not comparable to what you get in the west.

    In the whole country i am a 100% sure that there isnt more than 5 or 10 people with nice 2br+ houses for 20k baht or less.(unless they've bought it)

    There's always a few lucky bastards and i was one of them before i bought my house but it was still not comparable to a decent house back home.

    You forgot to mention the brain frying fluorescent lighting.

    Or the drunks next door singing karaoke all night. The family on the other side with 10 roosters going off at 3am.

    And the recycling business / house across the street

    That looks like a 250 bhat a night motel room , like the one round the back of the Wrong Way bar in Ubon .

  10. And still no photo .

    Did you check out that YouTube video? You should.

    There's a few little girls dancing. They're very pretty.

    Most luk-kreung children look great. But I think luk-krueng children whose fathers are of Italian or Iberian descent are absolutely lovely.

    A photo of your now legendary low profile girlfriend is required for to allow TV members to gasp and swoon .

  11. Anyway....how has TV helped me...again....I've met some lovely people...most are very different from their online personality....and in a positive sense.

    I've often noticed that bitter rivals on the forum turn into fast friends when sitting at a table with a few cold beers. drunk.gif

    Myself and Smokie are flying in at the end of July, we'll be in Chiang Mai, Samui and Bangkok........and we're looking forward to having a cold beer with anyone friend or foe!!! That's because we're Scottish and we just love drinking burp.gif

    id join u in one or 3 of those places for a drink... wont be back until August myself. Enjoy!

    If in Ubon . I am always up for beer and idle banter .

    • Like 2
  12. I have rarely received any real information of use here, with the exception of some very specific sub fora, there is very little to be found here that cannot be found using google or making a simple phone call either to a professional or friend.

    It is not a popularity contest for me or a place to meet others, i manage that quite well away from the keyboard.

    For sure I think this is the good forum but I see also how some of the men are trying to be popular and saying things which are always the good things. This is the garbage.

    For me it is true that I live here in Thailand, but if other people are always so happy with Thailand then why are they always the same people writing on this forum.

    Life is not about the forums because life is the real life which is not sitting with the computer. For sure I can see that many of the men for this forum are the lonely men and I can see also that these men are not the men living in Thailand.

    My friends and my wife do not need the forums or the interent to be happy. Some of the men on this forum must try to be more happy in the real life and then they will not think all the time about this forum.

    Ha ha ha. For sure some of the lonely men will reply to me but I will not be here to read any more because I will going out now for a walk with my wife and my German friend.

    See you when you get back then .

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