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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. ...

    Rubbish. rolleyes.gif

    I've drunk with binmen and princes, and with the increasing environmental consciousness around the world, the gap is getting smaller. You shouldn't denigrate rubbish. or bullshit.

    To be honest, I'm speculating about the gap, because the prince turned up about three hours late, by which time I was steamboats, and I don't remember a word he said.

    Punctuality is the politeness of kings (Louis XVIII) (for all I know)


    I like the old adage , There's money in muck .

  2. They're worse than scousers!


    Edit: Is this "tribalism" or "why did I leave Teesside?"

    Of course they are...they hung a monkey....even a scouser aint that stupid

    If the monkey guilty, if it was a French spy then it deserved to suffer the full force of the law.

    I can't believe you're still raking over that old case. Was the monkey a close relative?


    somepersons ung ae minky ?

  3. Try Hong Kong . After seven years you can apply for permanent residence , there are government schools and a health service , you can buy land and property and there are plenty of distractions .

    Have you seen what crappy apartments cost in HK? I can't even imagine what actual dirt would go for.

    Yes i have and it is very expensive .Try looking around the quiter islands or the new territories for better deal .

    edit - I meant to say quieter islands , no slur on outlying island residents intended .

  4. ^ So basically , Neanderthal and Thai Chinese are the two main socioecoethno groups found in Thailand , with minority groups such as Wannabe HiSo Partners , Bonafide HiSo Partners and Farmers Daughters Partners and other smaller tribes making up the rest .

    And, like Scotland, a large number of Scots who swear its a great place, but don't actually live there...


    But I was born in Glesgae near lock locklowmaund .

    Lock locklowmaund same same nit noi mei?

    http://www.thaivisa....tion=boardrules ; Line 5

    I better watch ma bahookai

  5. ^ So basically , Neanderthal and Thai Chinese are the two main socioecoethno groups found in Thailand , with minority groups such as Wannabe HiSo Partners , Bonafide HiSo Partners and Farmers Daughters Partners and other smaller tribes making up the rest .

    And, like Scotland, a large number of Scots who swear its a great place, but don't actually live there...


    But I was born in Glesgae near lock locklowmaund .

  6. I say rebuild the wall and let them run around in dresses and paint themselves blue to their hearts content

    I say re-build the wall. tile it on the north side, let the constant rain fill the waste lands north of the boarder with water which can then be pumped south and put the tp the useful end of keeping English lawns green.

    I can see it now , polish brickies and tilers defecting to the Free North in the name of progress .

  7. An Oatmeal Savage lecturing us on Tribalism - well yes I get that.

    Give 'em independence and they can get back to the serious business of hating each other.

    If we had sent some bricklayers to Newcastle and fixed/mantained the wall after the Roman's left wouldnt have this problem now with the porridge munchers.

    I say rebuild the wall and let them run around in dresses and paint themselves blue to their hearts content

    Yes, you might find some Polish brickies to do the job .

  8. An Oatmeal Savage lecturing us on Tribalism - well yes I get that.

    Give 'em independence and they can get back to the serious business of hating each other.

    If we vote for independance , not you , ye had better pray fair England does not fall to into regional divisional claims to that same right .

  9. Do supermaket suppliers still "radiate " food ? I remember it was about preserving the food so it looked edible even though the nutritional value had rotted away , rotters . I like those freegan fellas that eat expired stuff supermarkets throw away , for free . The closest I ever got to that was eating old buggers out of the Mui Wo MacD's midden .

  10. I was sitting in a coffee shop one morning having breakfast with some girl id met the night b4 in a party ,

    A farang sits down beside us and orders a beer for himself (10 am ),and then breaks into conversation about how

    hes just popped a "disco biscuit" and can feel it starting to "come up "

    next thing he asks me if im interested in some work ,because he needs help in an illegal business hes involved in

    more money than we can spend etc etc thumbsup.gif

    Amazing thailand eh ! smile.png

    Flashbacks ?

  11. I have spent a lot of time in Thailand and the three years I spent with the go go dancers were without a doubt the most interesting and enjoyable.

    I won't go into it because I will be accused of bragging about conquests with hookers. Which of course is impossible.

    I think the Thai Chinese thing (one of the dancers was Thai Chinese) is like a urban legend. Except for the money part. Chinese families lend money to each other because there is no or low risk.

    I really doubt if a Farang is going to be allowed to enter a family that has any substantial funds. I would imagine there are not too many of those families in Thailand. Maybe 100.

    Thailand has convinced itself that there is such a thing as Thai Chinese and they are better looking and more intelligent and more successful and more hard working and more moral than regular Thai people. Everything good about people is embodied in the Thai Chinese.

    Thais and naive ex pats have convinced themselves Thai Chinese are identifiable by their actions and appearance. Thai academics have even wrote books backing up this proposition. But it is obvious to anyone with even half a brain outside of Thailand and China that it is an urban legend.

    To give yourself an idea of the scientific rational of this idea lets say it is Scottish Americans instead. They are more inventive, wealthier, better looking, whiter, more moral, more hard working, better business men than the average American. Are there Scottish Americans, I guess a couple of million Americans identify themselves as Scottish Americans. Anyway you get my point Thai Chinese are about as real and visible and identifiable as Scottish Americans. Which is to say it is in the minds of Scots who live in America.

    It is fairly easy to spot Scottish Americans because they are always on about " my paw came from Lock Lowmaund near Glesgee " .

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