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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. @ transom ,

    Yup she will run off and find a dude like you ,and go for drives in your pretend V8 ,or stay and go for a drive I'm my real one

    As one poster stated riding high on the hog ,well if I am there must be some body clinging on to the butthole ,is it you sir ?

    Not nice is it when I assume your dreamer living off buttons ......Is it ?

    Thanks for assuming she is a money grabbing skank

    Don't have 600 UK a week to spend on a lady, don't have a V8 anymore, BUT, l don't have a wife that requires annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyy where neeeeeeeeeeeear your outlay.

    Good luck to you. rolleyes.gif

    PS. Some of us older tongue.png guys have been there and done it, seems you haven't yet, again good luck.smile.png

    Haha ...bitter now are we

    Read the posts raising a family ,not keeping a girl ,please quote correctly

    I have a v 8 it's cool ,did somebody take yours away ?

    I tend not to get in to silly arguments with posters here ,but you like poking ,from your first comment to your last

    Now that you don't get your own way

    Read back ,and since you know so much know this ,I stated I was paying for a very nice car prior to any thing else ,it was included in my initial ,monthly breakdown .It was purchased on finance ,now you been around so long should know I couldn't get finance ,not been a local and all

    Finance in Thailand to a women in her twenties ,to the amount of a new car ,with a v8 donk in it ,do the sums

    She wasn't exactly poor when I met her

    We are having a family ,baby is six months old ,she hasn't returned to work yet ,but when she does my outlay as you put it will be considerably reduced

    Oh back to the v8 ,and I'm sure as a man with a interest in cars you will there are not to many new V8 getting built and sold in Thailand ,luckily she knew the guy who owned the dealership ,friend of her daddy ,he bought his car there too !

    Nice dude gave us a good price on her old car as a depoist ,same brand you see !I'm sure you can figure it out the brand and model ,

    Don't assume you know me or her for that matter ,look around you open your eyes there are wealthy people all over Thailand

    I don't take advice from older guys who don't have a button to their name and their one saving grace is that the women in their life loves them for the poor miserable sod they are ,

    Oh I have a 67 mustang too ,only a Windsor block a baby donk you might call it ,,it's in oz ,her family connections are gonna see if they can help me bring it to Thailand ,but that ain't easy ,then I'll have 2 V8s compared to your none

    Next time try to be a bit more polite



    Dear Steve

    When will you be revealing the answer to the puzzle you set out above with regards to which model of car you own?

    I am not really into cars but the way you set it up with all those clues, I feel like I am watching CSI and I really want to know who did it. I am no expert on the Thai automobile industry so it would take me a very long time to figure it out for myself (even though you provided some great clues). Please could you tell us?

    Regards, Brit

    Is the baby going to be called V9 ?

    • Like 1
  2. All the floors upstairs except the wet-rooms are parquet.



    Discussions and measuring for the wooden treads, risers and banisters.


    Chippie has all the gear and knows how to use it.


    Sparky Mk2 arrives and sets to sorting the disaster that Sparky Mk1 left.


    Kitchen units make a convenient ladder.


    Standard, flood-proof, concrete kitchen units.


    A rather pensive looking Sparks finds that a whole section of downstairs lighting has no feed.


    Resulting in major discussions of my lighting layout drawings.


    Loads of natural light . I really like that .

  3. battered black puddings?...whoooah nellie!...that requires some serious consideration....never even seen those in Glasgow which is big black pudding country...

    The Philidelphia chipy ,an Italian family business , had the black pudding supper ( battered and deep fried) . It still serves and can be found on the western end of Kelvinbridge just above the elephant's graveyard a stone's throw from the Zambezi Rapids . If in Glasgow . They still call me son , " where ye been son , no seen ye in a while ? "

    Well there are the directions anyway .

  4. Ever heard of a stoner kebab ? A west coast of Scotland favourite , it is a foot long sausage made from lamb kebab meat , wrapped in a deep fried pizza .

    Back home my Friday evening tea of choice was a nice fillet of cod, rock or plaice and a battered pizza with chips drowning in salt and sarsons. Plus 3 bread rolls.and a saveloy if i was really peckish.

    yes...saveloys; a large battered, deep fried sausage available in most chip shops in England...being a yank, I never understood how they could eat those things without mustard...

    I never could understand how I could eat them as unencumbered by batter they resembled an erect dog's penis......

    What you've got to remember regarding the mustard Tutsi mate is if the salt and vinegar ratio is at an optimum level any other form of condiment becomes superfluous.

    If you are talking good old fashioned hotdogs , I prefer them unencucumbered .

  5. I try to stay of carbs .I eat salad , greens and look for food with roughage . Papaya salad does me the world of good , just leave out the sprinkle of sugar . I eat more fish and chicken . With the help of metfornin I have brought my BG level from 16+ down to the 4~6 level in the past few months . I had a bit of a bumpy ride but it was worth it as I feel quite good now . I can skip ( forget) the medicine on occasion and if I stay on my diet my BG level falls back down after eating as the day progresses .

    I have found flat breads such as japatis and wraps are a good substitute for white . I try and save all my carb intake for my beer after work . I am looking to be off the meds by mid June , at the doctors initiative , and I will keep to my rough diet , although I will have the meds on hand and will take them if my BG starts to rise again .

    It is worth saying that I do now take a burger or sandwich every couple of weeks but I cut fast and processed foods(ham , microwavable, snacks etc) altogether when I was trying to lower the BG in the first month and a half .

    All the best in finding what works for you .

  6. Try rolling a sausage in rough oats and pan frying it .

    This works well with new potatoes . Boil the potatoes , coat with butter in a pan, roll them in oats and leave them to cool down . Then pan fry .

    Chorizo al cidre .

    Chop up a chorizo sausage and take off the skin .

    Leave the sausage in a bowl of cider , wine is good too , overnight .

    Fry the sausage in plenty of olive oil and add the left over cider and simmer down .

    Eat that with bread and a pint of wine for breakfast .

  7. Nomadic by nature, ive lived in different places/countries/continents. Ive tasted the good life, and also eaten dirt. Experienced some real pleasures, and some truly horrific times.

    I often think of life as a giant sponge that i want to squeeze every last drop out of to know that when i die, ive truly lived.

    Aiming to live 9 lives in one (seeing as im a cat), so far ive lived a few and had three serious narrow misses. So feel lucky to be alive.

    However, simply put, ultimately my goal in life is happiness.

    Cat=me, because 9lives to live and independent, Pink for a girl. Eek= exclamation! (whats coming next?!) (and usually my pink cat is grinning, but for now feelin sulky cuz a tad lonely)

    The little cat always looks like it's trying to cover it's boobs with one peeking out.... wink.pngsmile.pngwhistling.gif

    lol..mens minds laugh.png

  8. Any relationship that starts as a commercial agreement usually sets the tone for the future.

    Yes and as long as you keep it on that basis, pay a reasonable salary/allowance and be a firm but fair boss things can keep going well for quite a while.

    It's these guys that pay out ten years' wages in the first six months that I don't understand. . .

    Lines get blurred. A lot of guys seem to forget that the honeymoon period generally ends before a year.

    Better to invest more heavily after that time, if you make it.

    I've heard more than one bloke say 'But I loved her. I gave her everything she wanted.'.

    I like the old adage " you don't pick a bar girl , she picks you " , excuse my being off topic .

  9. If you can only be in Glasgow for a few hours , store your luggage and walk aong from Central station to Drury Lane and sup a pint in the Horseshoe Bar . Bon voyage .

    edit - or go to Great Western Auctions on Dumbarton Road and buy a souvineer .

    ps Stef the chef does a not bad somtam .

  10. Good going you have done well

    Life becomes interesting when one can take a prolonged step away from alcohol and make rational judgements

    I have always been of the opinion that the majority are capable of identifying the positive and negative effects of drinking but only after experiencing a period of abstinence

    Can come as quite a surprise to find you are capable of negotiating and enjoying gatherings without alcohol

    For me the answer was to do as you are doing, slight change of lifestyle, drink as infrequently as possible, which in my case has eventually led to a virtually alcohol free life, with the very occasional beer here and there, as little as two or three a year these days....

    I genuinely cannot remember the last time I had a beer, over a year ago....this from a person who used to carry the same affliction as you..... but has learnt the same steely self control you require to complete your journey......now on the few occasions when you do drink, create circumstance where you will stop at one or max two...the alternative is to admit defeat and stop drinking altogether...........I find I rebel against the cannot approach.......by example I have not had a cigarette for 15 years but I don't pronounce I have 'stopped' smoking.......now it is easy, nobody thinks I do smoke, and it is rapidly becoming that way with the drink, I still enjoy socialising but now when I appear on the doorstep the first reaction is not to bring out the usual welcoming beer......

    Will I ever wake up with a hangover again......I may, a possibility I must always take into account....but I would prefer to work hard on my resolve to make sure this is not the case....you appear to be on the right track, keep it up

    Nice touch , I hope to learn from that . Today I am drinking again .

  11. Does anyone know if they still do the Filipino buffet night one night a week at Bourbon Street restaurant? Speaking of Pinoy food, I actually like some of it. If not at Bourbon Street are there any other restaurants in town with Filipino offerings?

    I like Adobo quite a bit, but the list pretty much ends there as far as excellent Filipino dishes. That being said, the New Orleans restaurant in Pattaya has better Filipino food than anything I had in the Philippines.

    There are a number of palatable dishes but you have to work a lot harder to find them than in Thailand. Some of the fish dishes, vegetable stews, etc. Given the generally poor reputation of their food, I think its fair to say it is underrated. No, its not among the world's most wonderful, but its not as bad as its rep.

    Ever tried mongos or balut ? Balut now there is a smell and taste to remember .

  12. Does anyone know if they still do the Filipino buffet night one night a week at Bourbon Street restaurant? Speaking of Pinoy food, I actually like some of it. If not at Bourbon Street are there any other restaurants in town with Filipino offerings?

    I like Adobo quite a bit, but the list pretty much ends there as far as excellent Filipino dishes. That being said, the New Orleans restaurant in Pattaya has better Filipino food than anything I had in the Philippines.

    I like the kinelau dish I had down in Siargao Island , pls excuse the spelling . It is raw fresh fish, onion, chili, ginger , fresh lime and tuba vinegar . It went well with San Miguel .

  13. I had a Mexican meal in Edinburgh back in 99 , it was up near the sound box or whatever that place was called . So the waiter says they have a real Mexican chef . Well me and my scneck order a paella of sorts and loads of marguerittas . It got late and we were the only customers in the place ,and so the chef came out for a drink and it turned out he was a Philippino and had never been to Mexico and he got the job because sounded like kermit the frog when he spoke and was swarthy . The food was unremarkable though .

    The fact that they served paella should have been a clue.w00t.gif

    Clueless me . It was Edinburgh Scotland and I've never even been to Mexico .

    I did visit Thailand with a Philippina partner about 12 years ago . The trip took in Ko Chang and Pattaya . She would often be mistaken for an Issan woman and in some places the serving staff , who would talk over my head to her , became pissed off that she would not answer back in Thai .

    She really liked to farty .

  14. I had a Mexican meal in Edinburgh back in 99 , it was up near the sound box or whatever that place was called . So the waiter says they have a real Mexican chef . Well me and my scneck order a paella of sorts and loads of marguerittas . It got late and we were the only customers in the place ,and so the chef came out for a drink and it turned out he was a Philippino and had never been to Mexico and he got the job because sounded like kermit the frog when he spoke and was swarthy . The food was unremarkable though .

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