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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. On the bus:

    I sit next to a young woman.

    She quite small but put her legs quite apart to invade on my side.

    It's hot and I do not want to feel her leg against mine, so I move away

    She move further

    I move again

    And so forth until I get off my seat and she jumped into mine with a big smile (she's Thai).

    All the other seats are taken so I have no other choice than to seat on her previous seat, a seat on the sun.

    So I get the hot sun on my face and she seems quite pleased with herself and SMILES

    I am quite pissed off (I'm French I don't smile back) and try to forget about the all thing and close my eyes;

    this is not my country, I should give out seat to anyone and get the crappy place even though she's half my age

    I figured she must be satisfied now.

    I could not be more wrong.

    Not a minute after she got my seat, does she start again the slow invasion.

    This time I am against the window; I try to press my body as much as possible against the window and now sit very awkwardly side ways.

    She happily sit comfortably legs apart, she's half my size and smiles at my infuriated eyeing

    So yes she is Thai she smiled the all way

    But sorry that does not make her polite

    Great story Anelaine .

    Should've lit a fart

    I deleted the bit about picturing her face squashed up against the window of the bus as her smiley assasin got comfy .

  2. On the bus:

    I sit next to a young woman.

    She quite small but put her legs quite apart to invade on my side.

    It's hot and I do not want to feel her leg against mine, so I move away

    She move further

    I move again

    And so forth until I get off my seat and she jumped into mine with a big smile (she's Thai).

    All the other seats are taken so I have no other choice than to seat on her previous seat, a seat on the sun.

    So I get the hot sun on my face and she seems quite pleased with herself and SMILES

    I am quite pissed off (I'm French I don't smile back) and try to forget about the all thing and close my eyes;

    this is not my country, I should give out seat to anyone and get the crappy place even though she's half my age

    I figured she must be satisfied now.

    I could not be more wrong.

    Not a minute after she got my seat, does she start again the slow invasion.

    This time I am against the window; I try to press my body as much as possible against the window and now sit very awkwardly side ways.

    She happily sit comfortably legs apart, she's half my size and smiles at my infuriated eyeing

    So yes she is Thai she smiled the all way

    But sorry that does not make her polite

    Great story Anelaine .

  3. Will I get a warning for being off topic and a vindictive horrible wee bastard ?

    Where can I get some some essence of hiso ?

    There's a certain cricket fan on the General Forum who is quite an expert on it.

    Just saying.

    By the way no one has noticed that I have been promoted to Pedigree Blether...........coffee1.gif

    Pedigree Blether , where can I get some of that ?

  4. I don't give a dam_n about living standards, which country has got the hotter chicks.

    Aesthetically, I'd give the edge to the Thai women, in general of course.

    I am sure many here have had relationships long and short, & dated both.

    serious question.

    Well half serious.

    Anecdotal evidence demanded.


    I might add to your aesthetic edge comment by saying , in my experience, Phillipinas are more likely to have moustaches than Thai females .

  5. I am living in Hong Kong with my wife and we are classed as permanent residents there , although we have lived in Macau and Issan as well over the past four years . We have built our very own farang follie in a small village in Issan . There have been times when my wife has been up country and I have had work in the Pearl River Delta , these were difficult times and although I put a brave face on I was inwardly whinging and was missing her . Now I have made a job choice that keeps us together and Thailand is a only a few hours away .

  6. What a pair of old fogeys. I've got a 27 year old cousin who moaned like you pair and he got the same treatment.



    This is probably true.

    I concur, but I still hate timeline, so nah nah nah nah nah.

    While he is here , now , you could ask Kilgore Trout about the timeline .

  7. Philippines have absolutely rocketed up, from winning division IV of the Asian Five Nations to qualifying for the Top V next year. Thailand, on the other hand, was promoted to Division 1 for 2009, but immediately returned to Division 2 where they have remained. I believe that the Philippines team is entirely made up of "Heritage" players from overseas, while the Thai team is entirely local.


    gagoo , see how you are

  8. I don't go for that snotty rich kid crap;

    I prefer the workingman's race; Nascar

    Ah you innocent colonials, the working man's race is greyhounds and whippets

    Having at one time worked with working men, I can tell you that the working man's race is the sport of kings.


    Funnily enough , there is an engineer at the work with a link to that great tradition , the football club , the tickets ....oh the tickets .

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