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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. Amazing how a spoon can be used to cut steak when held down firmly with a fork ...

    Which restaurant had to suffer this experiment JT?

    I like my rice an peas....mash and baked beans please....

    When it comes to beer I prefer a laddle .

    A laddie or a ladle?

    I hope its the latter but every traveller needs his Passepartout I suppose. Spoon fed some of you are. A few even silver spooners....

    an he played upon a ladle ladle ladle and he played upon a ladle and his name was Aitken Drum , not aiking bum , ah spoonerism ye ken ?

  2. The economic crash will be the end of the world as we know it.

    The world is a powder keg.

    Powder puff.

    The world is a powder puff. Or an apple. I was told it was my oyster, once.

    Most economic crashes are the end of the world as we know it, and I am sure this one will be no different.

    We're all domed, domed I tell you!

    As my dear old grandmother said, about twenty times each "I'll not see another one" - whether it be birthday, Christmas, New Year or Number 42 bus.

    And, I should point out, it's a lovely, sunny day, I'm back in the office and the kids are enjoying the end of their Christmas holidays, with visas renewed for another year.


    Do you mean "DOOMED" or is your head just a funny shape?

    Pinned , we are all pinned I tell tou !

  3. I was out wth my family yesterday and we ended up on Peking Road , Kowloon , HK . There were numerous shops selling handbags with price tags at 160000 HK$(x 4 for bhat equivalent) and so on . I was quite surprised as some of the shops had a certain bargain basement look to them . I am not sure who their customer base is but I also noticed the big shops such as LV had a door policy allowing only a few in at a time . The place was heaving with jollie shoppers .

  4. I thought they had bells in Bangkok ... every night!

    smokie is being as we say in Scotland, wide. He knows fine well that The Bells refers to Midnight 31 December, I am fully aware that there are bells in BKK every night, in fact there are bells in many places, many countries every day would you believe, but there is only one The Bells at this time of year!!

    One Bells is too many, but a bottle is never enough


    That is true , just ask Quasimodo . " The bells , the bells , she gave me water , the bells "


  5. I remember having guitars in a far off time and place . The guitar repair shop was on the other side of the river . All of the repairs you need can easily be fixed with a toilet paper roll , your moms emery stick , a screw driver and a pot of boiling water .The spittle and stale beer that will collect behind the pic ups can be kept and used as fret board polish and will allow your guitar to age beautifully . All the best and happy picking .

    Edit; you are right though , better get a pro to set it up and watch him do it .

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